Eyebrows are kind of important. Child: At least ill get women, V: Okay repeat after me *Alien gibberish* Mmm, Is this for me? This is the first time he's heard you sing. #suga Jungkook: He first heard you speak in your mother language when you dropped a glass, swearing as you bent down to pick up the broken pieces. I only want you! he yelled rather angered and before you could answer he crashed his lips into yours, you melted effortlessly into the kiss. Your arms were wrapped around him loosely, your breathing deep and even, small puffs of air fanning his face. Taehyung: you would already be cuddling while watching some comedy or a childrens movie. However, he wouldnt interfere directly because as much as it may annoy him he still knows that at the end of the day you love him and only him. Jimin: *Angelic laugh*. You: Uh yeah. Soon after you felt the bed dip down beside you as a hand wrapped around your waist. Can this wait I still need to take my nap. He takes cautious steps towards you. K bye.). "What are you blushing about?" Say more things in Spanish, Y/N.. * This will do. How about this?, *just casually lifts up his shirt*Oh! Jimin: Good job, youve made me proud *tears fall* Ill finish the story later. He was helping you clean out the closet. Hope youre enjoying my reactions and scenarios! You: Uhm. and Jungkook would just kind of be in shock hes like??? Without thinking, he brushes his hand through your hair, speaking to himself,I love you, Y/N., Hoseok is so full of energy that it would probably be difficult to get him to sit still long enough for you to fall asleep. He absolutely loves that you feel . Jungkook: A CHILD, IM FINALLY A HYUNG! #bts anon said :What would btss reaction ( except for hobi) be if their gf whos as loud and cheerful as hobi is so close with hobi as friends and spend so much time together when she comes over to their place? Im sorry, (Y/N)., Why would you get drunk tho, (Y/N)? V: EXCUSE ME? Being Tae, he started dancing and trying to mimic what he was hearing. You couldn't sleep so you were reading a small fanfic about him. I need my rest so I can annoy Jimin, Y/N.. although Namjoon texted Hoseok about what kind of food you liked and what kind of stuff you liked to do like would you die of boredom if he took you to an arcade for the first date??? When you mumbled a smallI love you, he leaned back into you slightly, whispering back a quietHey, are you awake? When you didnt answer, he huffed out a small chuckle, turning to face you. Jimin: He wasnt too annoyed with the sleep talking. *Ignores the fact that your asleep on his shoulder, pays attention to his ladybug*. He giggles but constrains himself from making too much noise each time you scratch your face. Its the the worst. But Im doing a spin on the original one :D). J-Hope: He came back and laid next to you just telling you stories until you fell asleep, but he still kept talking until he did too. Thank you for staying with me even though you were tired.. Even if he wanted to get up, he never would because of how precious you looked. Slowly, almost in a trance, he lets the sound lead him to where you are. We don't need to judge them on the basis of their figure judge them on their personality and profession, you all will be touched deeply. Also, expect a lot of playful whining. He noticed as soon as you fell asleep and held you closer making sure you were comfy and he dosed off before the credits rolled. Although we came to know that Jimin had thick chubby lips. Today is no exception, although you want to curl up and take a nap instead of watching him work or doing work of you own as usual.Joon, dont you want to take a break? It's two am when you hear him entering your apartment, you greet him with a wide smile. Youd fall asleep straight away. Will you be the Princess Peach to my Mario? Kim Jonghyun was an amazing singer, and all around just an amazing person. No, he would probably just smile and just turn to his members saying. "I thought I was always the one who fell asleep first." He says. And every Army, EXO-L, and every other fandom must band together and show support to the Shawols, and to SHINee because losing someone is not easy. Hoseok: Late night dance practices werent uncommon, and you were used to staying up late to tell Hoseok goodnight. If you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay up to date with all of our latest content. *Rips off shirt* So lets wait about a year or two, (Y/N). - 1+ years, Yoongi: Well I just want to provide the best for our future kids, (Y/N). Which would make all the other members blush. Yoongi felt a bit bad for being so cold to you, but he was exhausted from dance practice and just wanted to sleep. Park Jae-Eon is a fan who wants to make this BTSClub Korea be the biggest BTS fan club. That's how he knows he's boyfriend material. No matter what position you guys were laying or sitting in, he would hold onto for dear life. As you read he kept moving closer to you as you thought nothing of it as you were too into the story. Youre too precious, (Y/N)!, How can somebody be so clumsy, (Y/N)? Y/N, either you need to sleep on the couch or stop sleep talking.. (8/100), (Y/N), of course I love you. HE took the cue and shut off the movie and carried you to bed and slept along with you. You two made plans to grab dinner that night. However, your breathing remained even and deep, so he was assured you were still sound asleep. I love you too Y/N., Originally posted by kookies-for-taehyung. Namjoon stretches in his chair, forgetting where the time has gone. The same goes for the other members who are strewn throughout the room, excluding Yoongi and Namjoon, who are most likely still working in their respective rooms. Jagiya~ Why arent you eating? he asked as he placed his chopsticks down. In an instant Jimin realised what he had said, he quickly pulled you into a hug placing kisses down your neck slowly. Hello, Anon! Who cares what society says about eyebrows and being on fleek?, and then, are you going to get a permanenteyebrow tattoo?, I dont know, (Y/N). He checks the time on his desktop: 11:53pm. (Y/N). He calls out, not sure if youre alive or dead pissed or okay. Jin: Jin would be more than annoyed that you always spent time with J-Hope when you came over to the dorm. Jimin: Really? Much Love. J-hope:*Screaming* I LOVE YOU TOO! I LOVE YOUUUUUU! He had never heard you utter a single word in anything other than Korean before. Doesnt he sleep walk? Thank you for watching! You tried to drag him away, "Tae I brought you your favorite food. Further, we are planning to provide all the BTS Reactions in the form of articles like this. Fuck yeah. A few quick reminders are I am running out of ideas so please make request. Wife: Okay. "That you read about me." However, it was the first time hed ever heard you say anything in your mother language. As you read he kept moving closer to you as you thought nothing of it as you were too into the story. Jimin Scenario - Listen Pt. He carried you back to the door and lead you to to the shower and gave you some clothes. You walked in the room and seen what he was reading. Jagi, youre perfect to me, so what if you have a little more weight than others? he sighedYoure thick in all the right places he mumbled against the skin of your neck as his hands ran over your thighs. "I'm going to get a trash bag." Eh.). He will live on through his music. So, please dont focus on yourflaws but learn to reenforce your mind to see the positives in you! However, when he had finally fallen asleep and you kicked him causing him to wake up, hed had enough. Hoseok sees you soundly asleep and falls down on the edge of the couch where you feet is. ..Jij moet vlammen voor je leven heel de. I love you, not IU, I dont care if youre a little thicker, she may of been my idol type but that was until I found you, you replaced her in an instant and you didnt even have to try his tears soon ran dry. Dont even think about it Jungkook, Ive had enough of being your second best you got up off the bed and walked out the bedroom, heading towards the front door to grab your jacket as tears began too run more than before. Somewhere midway youd start dozing off and your head would fall in the crook of his neck. Mmm, my beautiful girl he mumbled against your neck. Baby, whats wrong? he asked as his expression softened. Jungkook: Jungkook wouldnt be incredibly happy that you ignored him when you were over at the dorms. He wraps you around his arm and gently soothes your hair, embracing you with his scent. "Sleepy babe?" Note: Please dont ever drink when youre sad. He grabs his jacket and starts heading out. (and yes i used taekook). You: Holy crap your not asleep this must be important. Lets talk in the morning.. He realised that what he said hurt you and quickly reached out for your hand, you pulled away without hesitation. The smug look on his face instantly falls off, a nervous caugh leaving his lips as he grabs your hand and gets up from his chair "Excuse us, we need to get some fresh air." dragging you to the door. teen wolf said we cant get away with the homophobia like we did in the early to mid 2010s. * Yup, Im that boyfriend. if itll shut yOU UP OH MY-, he wont even pretend to try and cook for you, he will try and help you cook but that usually ends with Jin throwing baking soda on a grease fire and forcing the two of you to clean up everything, Hobi and Jimin are personally offended by them, hes not a huge fan of PDA or touching but if you really want to cuddle, he will, sex with Namjoon would go two ways: him releasing pent up frustration and leaving you unable to walk in the morning OR him doing every little thing to please you, making you look aesthetically pleasing with him, you asking him if hes preparing for the flood when he wears those black pants that dont even cover his ankles, him glaring at you and saying its for AESTHETIC purposes Y/N, laughing at pictures of him and the other members with him, Namjoon would love you so much wow hed love every little thing about you and hed always be smiling and hed always be happy and laughing and hed love when you told him his rap was amazing or that he was looking good whether it be when he was dancing or just lounging around your flat with you and hed always be making you feel good about yourself complimenting you at least 48 times a day wow hed love you, he ended up going to Namjoon bc he wanted to impress you by asking you out on a date in English, Namjoon tried to help him and he watched as Jungkook asked you out, when you said yes Namjoon was almost as happy as Jungkook, Jungkook taking you to a theme park at night so that he could go on rides with you and also have an excuse to take pictures of you claiming he was taking photos of the lights behind you and that you just totally got in my shot Y/N, him not shutting up when he gets back to the dorm and keeping Namjoon up all night, all of the members incredibly happy to see Jungkook so happy, Suga rolling his eyes and calling it puppy love, the other members punching him whenever he says that, he always asks if he can hold your hand or even hug you, you being invited to the dorm to have dinner with the rest of BTS, Jungkook glaring at the 95 line whenever he thinks they are getting too close to you or touching you too much, the 95 line doing that just to make Jungkook mad, Jungkook pulling you close to him and sometimes making you sit on his lap, going on serious dates where Jungkook tries to look his best and when he sees how beautiful when you are all he can say is wow before Jin has to remind him to close his mouth, Jungkook doing all he can to make you comfortable, not helping him when Jimin decides to cling to him, the boys always teasing him because hes still relatively young but hes so in love with you like wow he would treat you so well, dance practice with Jungkook aka him showing off his dancing skills, asking him to sing and finally he gives in and sings for you and everything is right in the world again, the boys being super supportive of the two of you but they never pass up the opportunity to tease you two, Jungkook being so in love with you and always being sad when he has to stay away from you for long periods of time, like when he goes on tour, but when he gets back he takes you everywhere with him and he ends up spending nights at your flat or having you spend nights at the dorm because he wants to be as close to you as he possibly can, the other members teased him, especially Hobi, but when Jimin started teasing him, he got up the courage to ask you out, the other members telling him to try and not scare you off, Taehyung actually being really nervous hes going to scare you off, eventually, much to the other members dismay, he realizes that you are just like him and he never shuts up after that, did you see how perfect Y/N looked today wah Im so lucky, if Suga hears one more word about how pretty your eyes are hes going to beat Tae up, him finding new apps and showing them to you, him trying to get you to sing karaoke and you refusing until he starts whining so you give in and another member walks in on you two jumping and screeching, the other members secretly trying to figure out how to get the two of you an apartment, they just really want some peace and quiet, Tae seeing you sleeping as youre waiting for BTS to go on so he grabs his jacket and puts it around your shoulders, Jimin giggling which causes Tae to blush and mumble at least she knows I love her, the other members wondering if hes told you he loves you yet, Ill give you a hint, the answer is a two letter word, Jin and Suga watching from afar as Namjoon, Jimin, Hobi, and Jungkook try to get Taehyung to admit his feelings, he finally does and hes so nervous he has to sit down to tell you, when he hears the words back he breaks into that grin that makes his eyes crinkle and shows most of his teeth, sex with Tae would be playful and shy at first, depending on your mood, he would either be rough or not, Tae loving you unconditionally like wow that boy would never let you go, it was actually Hoseok who introduced the two of you, like one night Hoseok was skyping you and Namjoon happened to walk behind him and see you and he was like oh my God love at first sight is real, the two of you hit if off right away and started dating. 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