In my mind, I draw an imaginary line, curving east from Glenfeshie, over the Moine Mhor to the Lairig Ghru, to the Lairig An Laoigh to Ben Avon, and back again that long, long way back again. . Dark Peak County Tops, Freeman Round The world is big up here wide and sprawling and daunting. The corries here are home to some of Scotlands most persistent snowfields, says James. Charnley Way, Cleveland Hills Challenge At the valley bottom we had to cross the wide (and now raging) River Dee. The circuit to the hills summit from Glenmore via An Lochan Uaine (about 4 hours) is one of arguably one of Scotlands prettiest hillwalks, with the gorgeous green lochan and stretches of Caledonian pine forest which push almost to the top of the hill giving a glimpse into what feels like a lost world. Ben Macdui (the UK's second highest mountain) can be connected to Cairn Gorm, Carn a'Mhaim, The Devil's Point, Cairn Toul, Sgor an Lochain Uaine, Braeriach, Monadh Mor, Beinn Bhrotain, Beinn Bhreac, Beinn a'Chaorainn, Derry Cairngorm, Beinn Mheadhoin and Bynack More. Cairn Gorm with a summit of 4,084ft is one of the most well known summits in Scotland and a must-do for so many walkers. A classic Munros pairing is to walk Cairn Gorm and Ben Macdui together. Cairn Gorm soars now, its black cliffs dropping sheer to Strath Nethy. Finishers are invited to add their name to the completions log - enquiries and reports to Ascend Brariach via the Chlamain Gap from the Sugar Bowl car park, head round to Cairn Toul and then Corrour Bothy. Thetotal hike is around 11 milesif you start and finish at Cairngorm Mountain Resort. A ptarmigan struts and whistles; I see two white chicks scurrying through the grass. You should always carry a backup means of navigation and not rely on a single phone, app or map. : We followed the stream to a path that runs along the valley beside the River Dee. Derry Cairngorm, Been Chillin In Rain Beinn aChaorainn. You can Munro bag at any time of year, as long as you have the right equipment and knowledge, but October is a particularly good time for this increasingly popular pursuit. We passed some path laying tools but nobody was working that day. Ben Macdui is the second tallest mountain in the UK after Ben Nevis and the tallest in Cairngorms National Park. Email: Please also refer to the guidelines and definitions in the FRA Handbook. I think of Jonathan Whilock who ran the round twice in 16 days because he thought it would be quicker reversing the direction. The Cairngorms is Britains wildest national park, and it contains some of Britains most testing and rewarding hiking and hillwalking. Six Munro peaks wasnt a bad count for the day (seven cumulatively over the two days). Something worse consumes my mind: I am not enjoying this; I do not want to be here. No hyperbole. FINLAY WILD - RIGBY ROUND (CAIRNGORM MUNROS) RECORD Finlay attempted the Rigby Round while he was recovering from breaking his arm and it helped him to check that his fitness and conditioning were on track as he prepared for his BG. It now offers a diverse range of long and "short", old and recent, formal and informal routes from around the UK to encourage runners of all ages and abilities to have a go, subject to proven mountain experience in all conditions. Sunburn bristles my forearms. If walking in the summer, your best path of descent will be to return by tracing your steps back to Bathach Beags cairn. It was a steep but rewarding climb over sandy terrain but the summit tors seemed to appear quickly. To start this walk, you can park just north of Glenshee Ski Centre on the A83. But, while October can be glorious, weather can also change quickly and snow is not uncommon so ensure you are well prepared. According to the bothy register, some wood was left by a chap called Oscar who had carried it in but then realised hed forgotten his food supplies, so left the wood for the next person to enjoy and returned to his car. Once we reached and crossed the River Nethy we had to climb nearly 300m again to get over the col to the north of the northern spur of Sron a Cha-no. This cone-shaped peak affords spectacular views over Glen Callater to the north and east but its most defining feature is the super steep and craggy north face. Your email address will not be published. Strangely, although it is not the highest of the Cairngorm mountains, it is the one that has given its name to the range. I had been right all along. Official Visitor Guide to the Cairngorms National Park. It feels like cold; it also feels like shock. Beinn a' Chaorainn is a Scottish mountain in the heart of the Cairngorms range. The bothy comprised of an entrance room and a main room with one bench and a stove. I feel nothing. South Wales Traverse, Tan Hill to Kirkstone Pass Inn Once the Meall Odhar side is reached, proceed in a zig-zag fashion down Glas Maols path of descent. Note that some two hours were spent sheltering in bothies and a faulty watch meant some of the later times were estimated. Bloody well done to you Sir! It is too soon to feel like this. We were delighted to hit the summit. We descended down a ridge over Bynack Beg in thick heather. This is not meant to be a moan. Lakes 2500s, Leventons Line Down I go, with hallucinations littering the path to Auchlean. To one who has roved on the mountains afar The quickest ascents are from the ski centre car park, either via Windy Ridge (described as the descent route above) or via the Fiacaill a' Choire Chais path branching off the track to the Ptarmigan restaurant. Nonetheless, to use hill running parlance, my legs have gone. These cookies do not store any personal information. A work trip to Norway interrupted our Munro bagging summer but we returned to the challenge in early September. The Rigby Round (18 Cairngorm Munros) Scotland To many the Cairngorms represent an area of unique and unsurpassed wilderness. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. These Cairngorms Munros werent going to make it easy for us to escape. At 4295ft, the summit offers wonderful vistas of the national park. The weather was still warm when we set off from the ski centre but it was getting late into the evening. The area is characterised by I have just read your story of your travels atop the Munros! I had rehearsed these hours in my head. Maps: Use Harvey's Glen Coe, Glen Etive & Black Mount Superwalker XT25 (1:25,000). Sign up to get notified of the latest deals, news and all the latest information direct to your inbox. One of the most popular Munros in the Blair Atholl area, Beinn Dearg is famous for its pink granite dome-like summit. We descended on a gravelly path, which seem common in this part of the Cairngorms and headed down the open hillside to a large loch called Loch Avon, where we stopped for lunch. Good effort that J. ), Cairn Gorm (return via Coire an t-Sneachda). I stop frequently, pulling into lay-bys, not sleeping, just tilting my head back, eyes wide open. Miles pass slowly. We took a slow, steady and steep line off the south side of the mountain. A post shared by Leigh (@its_a_wonderful_life_x). park in Scotland. A post shared by Garry Stevenson (@garry_scotland). I move on, shuffling, cursing. Lakes 24 On the map, the contours rise like a bar code; the ground is littered by what Ordnance Surveys mapmakers call natural features loose rock, boulders, outcrops, scree. Outdoor Writer, Speaker & Explorer of Wild Places. Nine days, Nine 4000'ers, Eh eight guys, a ton of porridge. A "Perfect Day", some reindeers, and Cairn Gorm, Fiaciall Ridge, Beinn Mheadhoin & Cairn Gorm = a big day out, Braeriach 4 + 3, + 10 kg firewood, Corrour overnighter, A Cairngorm epic - day 1 Cairngorm to Loch Etchachan, Aviemore to Linn of Dee via Cairngorm and Ben Macdui, 50+ at 30 Part 3: Bynack More between to slices of Cairngorm, corrour bothy to cairngorm via carn a mhaim and macdui, Creag Mhor & Cairn Gorm but foiled again by Beinn Mheadhoin, Ben Macdui, Beinn Mheadhoin and Cairn Gorm, Mayday in the Caingorms - Ben MacDui & Cairn Gorm, Cairngorm wanderings (inc Cairn Gorm & Loch Avon), Ben Macdui (North) Beinn Mheadhoin, Cairn Gorm, An amazing day in The Cairngorms - The Fiacaill Ridge, Cairn Lochan and Cairngorm (but no Fiachaill :( ), Overnighter in the Cairngorms and not quite as I'd planned, Braeriach - Macdui - Cairngorm - Bynack More Circuit, Ben Hope - Akin To Having Your Parents Turn Up Unannounced, Cairn Gorm, an ugly scar on a lovely hill. At 4am, I am home. Braeriach would be the last of the top 10 highest Munros on our list of 282, so this summit felt special. Lets keep them separate. On tiptoes and fingertips, I go straight up. Cairngorms: great day in gale via Loch Avon, really summer ? Enjoy the adventure of climbing these Cairngorms Munros. Appropriate insurance cover is recommended. The ease of access, though, hides the solace and remoteness you experience once you reach the top and look north across the Monadhliath. We hit the third summit on our peak bagging agenda just as the sun was beginning to kick out some heat. : Similarly, if you wish to submit any new (or old) routes for inclusion see the, The Cairngorms in one go: an alternative approach, Scottish Hill Runners Long Distance Records, Rigby Round (18 Cairngorm Munros) - 31 May 2008, A map (pdf format) illustrating Rob's suggested route, All the Cairngorm Munros (The Rigby Round). The glory is in the doing, not in the having done. Youll then blaze a trail across Glas Maols east side. She stood atop each of the 282 Munro summits with her peak bagging partner in adventure James Forrest. Cairn Toul is not an easy or short walk, but well worth the rewards. Loch Avon looked positively tropical! Then, follow A923 to A93 and drive for 71.5 km until you reach the layby on A93s east side just 1.9 km north of the Glenshee Ski Centre. All the Cairngorm Munros (The Rigby Round), Digby Harris (The Fellrunner, Autumn 2011) - Digby's account of his record run. I have no choice continuing is an imperative. When Graham Nash completed the round last month with John Ryan, he had one of those run forever moments as he descended Cairn Gorm as if you want movement to never cease. Rob Woodall's schedule - The report below includes a schedule for Rob Woodall's route of 18 Munros. It was Sir Hugh Munro who first came up with the concept of a list of these mountains in the late 19th century. We would head to a bothy for the third night but as always, there wasnt guaranteed to be space for us. From the parking layby, spot the wooden bridge and instead of heading towards this, join the rugged path that leads down to an older stone bridge. I picture it lying back there, a graveyard of asphalt on the A9. With physical fatigue comes mental weariness head fug. But there is no epiphany on the other side, no second wind. The Cairngorm 4000ers on a hot August holiday weekend. Charlie Ramsay Round The Inverness-based ultra-runner is aiming to break the record for a continuous self-propelled round of Scotland's 282 Munros using his own steam - be it running, cycling, kayaking, walking or. With the Autumn light, the magnificent changing colours and the sound of the red deer stags roaring, October can be a wonderful time for walking, says James Orpwood, of James Orpwood Mountaineering. I look at a road map of Scotland. Six County Tops - Peak I stop after 10 minutes, pulling into a lay-by in the forest. I was right but shorter (a mere 70.8 miles) does not mean easier. I live in the moment. Suddenly, this is very real. SeeWalk Highlands Bynack Morefor a suggested route. It can be walked or biked into through the beautiful Glen Tanar, but is more easily accessible from the Angus side, says Garry Cormack, lead guide at Hillgoers. The information provided on this site is given in good faith. There are caveats: solo, unsupported, on-site navigation. Walkhighlands strives to provide accurate information but cannot accept responsibility for changes, errors or omissions. You can claim to "bag" a Munro by reaching it's summit. The object of this website is to provide a single, ready source of information on the ultra-distance mountain challenges which have been developed over the past four or more decades. Nic, Your email address will not be published. Following the edge of vast plateau, high above the Cairngorms most imposing corries, the Cairn Toul-Braeriach traverse is a mammoth 36km route with almost 2,000 metres of ascent. In many instances, climbing the hulking, glacier-bitten granite mountains that make up the huge, roadless fastness of the central Cairngorms Britains largest continuous area of high ground, a sub-arctic plateau studded with high lochans, plunging corries and rocky peaks can often involve seriously long days or even overnights, and thats before you even factor in the often-ferocious climate. Harvey Howgill Tops, Knoydart 7 Pretty much on the quiet Jasmin Paris put up a round of 29 Munros in 24 hours on Saturday in the Cairngorms to set a new female record (the previous record was her Ramsay round). Miraculously, after the poor weather of the previous day, it was dry and visibility was good. and remoteness, especially if the walker keeps away from the high summits around There is a path here, winding down to Loch Etchachan. I call my wife as I descend. For a munro in the Cairngorms, the route to the Bynack More summit and back is surprisingly straightforward. I had endured. I walk back to my car, a halting, stiff-legged half-mile. Those wishing to attempt the Rigby Round should, therefore: Start and finish at the Norwegian Stone, Glenmore, Visit the 18 Munros of the Cairngorms, including Sgr an LochainUaine, in any direction, Aspire to do the round with minimum reconnaissance of the route, Aspire to do the round solo and unsupported. these routes are serious expeditions from either of these centres and a night or This site contains routes up all of the 58 Munros in the Cairngorms. Glen Lyon Corbett Round I descend, some 500 vertical metres, to Corrour bothy and the busy cradle of the Lairig Ghru, one of the two channels that carve great slits through the semi-tundra plateau of the Cairngorms. Sunstroke? Adventurer Nic is a Munroist and compleated the list over a six month period in 2019. It was still the path of least resistance to go up and over rather than around the obstacle. It seemed to good an opportunity to pass up on. We got the tent up on a small shelf on a downward slope and boiled up dinner. In winter, when there is a good covering of snow, the two mountains offer a superb ski touring route. Wrap up warm! A little further on, youll join another track found to the left of a small lochan. The Cairngorms national park was established in 2003 and was the second such park in Scotland. Three hours until Im done, I tell my wife. From the Sugar Bowl car park, day one is a 15km warm-up via Chalamain Gap and the Lairig Ghru, which means all the action comes on day two: four Munros The Devils Point, Cairn Toul, The Angels Peak (Sgor an Lochain Uaine) and Braeriach and some truly arduous yet spectacular hillwalking. However, the rewards for your efforts are fabulous views throughout the hike and a spirit-lifting atmosphere that comes with being on a high plateau. The northeast ridge is regarded as a fine scramble, though the lengthy approach deters many. While we were taking the photographs for this virtual route, we decided to take a more direct line from Ben Macdui into the Corrie trying to miss the bolder field on the normal . The highest point on the plateau is called Leabaidh an Dimh Bhuidhe which means the bed of the yellow stag and, unusually, is classified as both a Munro and a Marilyn (2,000 feet compared to a Munros 3,000 feet). Dartmoor Round. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. You undertake them entirely at your own risk. The sense of space is awe-inspiring; this is a land that truly boasts the freedom of the hills. Dry feet are overrated! It was hard to believe wed left our hotel on the western coast of Norway earlier that same morning! Once completed, you could always head for a night at Ruigh Aiteachain bothy, one of Scotlands finest and an ideal way to immerse yourself in Glen Feshie. Wainwright 7 Summits, Wicklow Round I do not think of Shepherd. Glenfinnan to Inverie to compleat the round. Photo: Shutterstock. I reach Ben Avon, the eastern reach of the round after 12 hours. From here you can access both Munros easily. After pausing for a very tired selfie at the summit, we descended back to our packs, beside the loch. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. A post shared by elaineb******14 (@elaineba123456). There are 18 mountains of Munro status in the Cairngorms. It's an 'out-and-back' trail which avoids the altogether wilder Cairngorm plateau, which makes this peak perfect for munro novices. - A schedule and details of each of the 18 Cairngorm Munros. It is a great place for a rest, and even a dip on the loch on a hot day, before the final and most exciting part of the ascent of the mountain; Angels Ridge, which will leave you with memories youll never forget! says Alasdair. The descent was far from straight forward, we were nearly 5.5km away from the car park (as the crow files and we all know you cant walk as the crow flies!) We peeled off the path and headed up the ridge of the final Munro. Nowhere in Great Britain can you stay so high for so long as their arctic-like plateaux roll on for miles before you. What a great read confirms my thinking. Use the Allt Clach nan Taillear route onto Ben Macdui, then continue to Cairngorm and back down to the ski centre. Great North Inns Run Amazing sunrise, blue skies and squeaky bum scrambling in CG. South Pennine 39 Trigs Clockwise or anti clockwise. Hear pronunciation Press to hear pronunciation. We were grateful for the ability to dry out some of our gear. The mountain stands on the border of the Moray and Aberdeenshire council areas. With little descent between summits, this walk presents the perfect opportunity to conquer 4 Scottish Munros in under 8 hours. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Memory Map Munros Cairngorms - CD Rom PC - 1:25k OS Maps Genuine Garmin at the best online prices at eBay! The classic round of Cairn Gorm (1245 metres / 4084 feet) and Cairn Lochan takes around 5 - 6 hours and is a high loop around the mighty granite crags of Coire an t-Scneachda and Coire an Lochan - some of the most impressive mountain architecture in Scotland. Dawn is heralded by an orange tint in the east. Cairn Gorm is one of the best known summits in Scotland, and despite not being the highest has lent its name to this whole mountain range. These mountains are high and wild; civilisation roads, cafes, idle chatter, comfort is remote. We thought it would take four full days to complete the full route and in actual fact we were looking like doing it in less than three and a half days. Tranters Round, Tyndrum Round George Fischer Tea Round The 14th of 14 Cairngorms Munros. Free shipping for many products! Snowdon to Pumlumon I try to cry, thinking it might have a cathartic effect, but tears do not come. 74 miles, 18,000 feet (Rigby Round) 90 miles, 28,000 feet (Cairngorm Tops) The cliffs of Braeriach before the weather turned. Of these, 16 have been within 24 hours, 12 have been solo, one has been in winter, the rest in spring and summer. Snowdon to Pumlumon What emerged in the following days was a profound satisfaction, not from what had been done, but how it had been done. I was convinced that starting and finishing at Auchlean would shorten the round. I lost my spork and threw a bit of a tantrum, but I found it soon after. It is the round that round veterans aspire to, David Lintern, author of the soon-to-be-published Cicerone guidebook The Big Rounds, told me after. Cairngorm 4000's. Location - Start Glenmore Lodge, Sgurr an Lochain Uaine, Cairn Toul, Lairig Ghru, Ben Macdui, Cairngorm, Glenmore Lodge. Photo: Shutterstock. We returned via the route of ascent to retrieve our packs before continuing on. Cairngorms Wild Camp, With Reindeer for Company. Appropriate insurance cover is recommended. We joined a path for a while and then we did a bit of tough off piste walking through lumpy bumpy heather before hitting a more established track in the direction of Linn of Dee. A Cairngorm Circular - to Braemar and back, My Sisters first and 2nd Munro Ben MacDhui and Cairngorm, From Golden Autumnal Afternoons to White Wintry Blasts, Camping High & Icy Winter Milestones - Andrew Squared. Please send details of any record-breaking runs and the like to Martin Stone who maintains records on behalf of the Fell Runners Association. The area so much admired for the scenery in mid summer when the sunset is on Enquiries and reports - email:, The Etive Munros Round, Digby Harris (The Fellrunner, Winter 2017) - Digby Harris's account and schedule. Pacing up and down whilst eating, we made a lame bid at creating some kind of breeze to keep the midges at bay. Cuillin Round Enjoy your adventures! I move with purpose, hopping sure-footedly between boulders, pushing strongly uphill. the middle of the day. This includes 4 out of 5 of the From here, youll follow an undefined path that wraps around the west side of Glas Maol. Eels v Storm. Nor is there an easy solution. Nowhere in Great Britain can you stay so high for so long as their arctic-like plateaux roll on for miles before you. With beautifully clear water and even a small stretch of beach. Snowdon to Pumlumon This feels like the crux of the round, or at the very least a seminal part of it: the 500-metre drag to Carn aMhaim, a 200-metre drop to a col, then another 500 metres of steep ascent across boulder fields to Ben Macdui, the eighth summit. The Ben Macdui and Cairn Gorm walk is one of the best hiking routes in Scotland. Remotely positioned in the heart of the Cairngorms, it is a hulk of a mountain unforgiving, hard-won and positively brutal in winter. 23-17. Sunday stroll on Moruisg. To get to the Glas Maol Munros Circular Walk from Dundee, take Meadowside to Victoria Rd and continue 0.3 km. There are few true wilderness areas in the UK and the Cairngorms is one of Munro bagging is an increasingly popular hobby and, with 282 Munro summits to tick off, its a pursuit that can take you on an amazing journey of discovery and geography and over many years. Snowdonia Skyline It is quite a remote hill, being located roughly 19 kilometres south east of Aviemore and 14 kilometres north west of Braemar. Big day circular from Cairngorm Mount and Cairn Gorm twice! I chose to run Rigby Round and I am trying to be truthful. I am sluggish, nauseous, despondent. But what if the doing is insufferable. With a hand on the boulder that marks the start of the Moine path in Glenfeshie, I push off, jogging into a starless night. At last, at last, at last. These were Munro numbers 206 to 219 for Nic. I can feel every individual stone in my shoes, sticking pins into my clammy skin. I scramble to the top of the tor, grunting with the effort. Find new inspiration in 2023 with The Great Outdoors. Filter; Copy to my Lists; Share; Explore Cairngorm Munros - view hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you. I glance at the glowering silhouette of Mullach Clach a Bhlair, number one of 18, and imagine being up there, among the dark tendrils of cloud. A post shared by (@e_i_l_e_e_n_1975), This is one of the best options for a short day. Utilising the higher ground of the pass near the Glenshee Ski Centre, the route starts high and keeps you up relatively high as you walk between the summits on a plateau. You have so many fantastic experiences ahead of you. The latter is more worrying. See our cookie policy for info. On this walk, youll climb Crn an Tuirc (1,019 m), Cairn of Claise (1,064 m), Glas Maol (1,068 m), and Creag Leacach (987 m). I do not linger. It looked such a mess and we got some very strange looks from people getting their coffee fix! This spectacular Munro is the second highest in the Park, the third highest mountain in the UK and is famous for its craggy corries and awesome views down to the Lairig Ghru. Begrudgingly, we got all our stuff packed up and put in our packs before taking tent down, and we were careful to pack the inner and outer components separately. That is Charlie Chaplin, I say definitively. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. We followed a path which became faint over the boulders every now and then. Find out why we nicknamed all 282 Munros here. Coire an t-Sneachda, one of the northern corries. I fear a momentary blackout will send me falling uncontrollably towards the loch. I pulled my buff right over my face to get some warmth to my cold nose and we tried to get some rest. We headed 5km to the final Munro of the day, across largely pathless, heathery and peaty terrain which kept rising and falling. A walker who has climbed all 282 Munros is entitled to be called a Munroist, or a Compleater. I have gone nowhere and everywhere. Escape the city and experience the beauty of the remote Cairngorms on the superb Glas Maol Munros Circular Walk. Dales Top Ten The Cairngorms National Park is a wild and dramatic place to explore. It covers the area between A9 is west, Grantown in north, Ballater in east and the Angus Glens in south. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Cairngorms Business Partnership: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. This Munro, known for its crags and long drops, is no easy option either, but Sgor Gaoith is one of the more accessible Munros in the Cairngorms. Starting at the Cairngorm Ski Centre, you'll bag two Munros (Ben Macdui and Cairn Gorm) and a Munro Top (Stob Coire an t-Sneachda) during this epic adventure. Each step is one of faith into the unknown. Fittingly, he called his account Losing Myself. Get a weekly dose of discounts and inspiration for adventure lovers. : Beginning in the car park, follow the path that starts at two boulders with a purple way marker. Yet it still gives the incredible feelings of space and wildness associated with the Cairngorms, says James. Getting to the Glas Maol Munros Circular Walk Trailhead. Bowland Dozen I assume she was not merely talking literally. Its the best for a feeling of remoteness and accomplishment, after the famous Cairngorms long walk in'. From the Linn of Dee, its about a 20 mile round trip, and nearly as far from Glen Feshie, across some of the hardest-to-navigate plateau in Britain. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. VIEW FULL MAP. I descend to a confusion of lochans, stumbling around them, every step bringing me closer to the rim of the corrie above Loch Einich. We turned off the path and hit a small faint path which led us through the heather. On the descent, we passed a runner who had also left his bag at the col. We picked up our bags once more and headed up rocky boulder slopes to Cairn Toul via Stob Coire an t-Saighdeir. The weather was superhot and Finlay aimed to avoid some hours of heat by setting off from the Norwegian . There was no other mountain above 1,200m left on our list. Official Visitor Guide to the Cairngorms National Park. Angels Ridge is an easy, but sometimes a little airy, scramble leading from the lochan straight up to the summit. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. You get excellent views to all of the surrounding hills, especially over to the hills west of the Lairig Ghru, says Garry at Hillgoers. Yet it still gives the incredible feelings of space and wildness associated with the Cairngorms, says James. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Conditions can change rapidly in this wild country. There are lots of little eroded little paths in this part of the Cairngorms and you never know if youre on a real path or not, so lots of directional checks are required. A Munro is defined as a Scottish mountain with a summit of at least 3,000ft (914.4m). The object of this website is to provide a single, ready source of information on the ultra-distance mountain challenges which have been developed over the past four or more decades. I can move uphill with relative comfort. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. And boy was it the coldest! The Munro located furthest east is Mount Keen (939 metres / 3,081ft) in the Cairngorms, and on the Isle of Skye is the most westerly, Sgurr na Banachdich (965 metres / 3,166ft), in the Cuillin mountains. Canary Islands 3 Peaks I run on, into the eerie starkness of the Moine Mhor, a vast expanse of bog described as the ultimate in desolate wilderness. We woke after a good sleep in the bothy and had breakfast before heading out. It didnt. Cannich to Kintail an Affric traverse. Leaving the Norwegian Stone at Loch Morlich on the stroke of midnight we first headed for Braeraich, reaching the . South Pennine 39 Trigs There are good paths on the ascent and descent but the wilderness plateau can be difficult to navigate in poor conditions. By this time, it was dry in the valley, with the cloud only hugging the tops. Those who "compleat" a round are called Munroists. As Wilderness Scotlands Alasdair explains, it can be approached from several routes but the most exciting is the mountaineers route which is accessed by heading up the Lairig Ghru, from the Northern Side (you could access it from Deeside, but this would make a long day even longer) past the pools of Dee. Morlich on the border of the northern corries shelf on a small shelf on a hot holiday... Norwegian Stone at Loch Morlich on the A83 please send details of each of northern! ; a Round are called Munroists it seemed to good an opportunity to pass on. 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Her Peak bagging agenda just as the sun was beginning to kick out some of Britains most testing and hiking... Of Glenshee ski centre but it was dry in the east is surprisingly straightforward Great in... Leaving the Norwegian Munros ) Scotland to many the Cairngorms is Britains wildest national park tent. Stone at Loch Morlich on the A83, Tyndrum Round George Fischer Tea Round the 14th of 14 Cairngorms.! Macdui together a mountain unforgiving, hard-won and positively brutal in winter to... Were grateful for the day, it was still warm when we set from. Uncontrollably towards the Loch day Circular from Cairngorm Mount and Cairn Gorm with a purple Way marker walkhighlands strives provide! A ridge over Bynack Beg in thick heather i lost my spork threw! The rewards into the evening walking in the heart of the Cairngorms national park sure-footedly boulders! Onto Ben Macdui and Cairn cairngorm munros round and Ben Macdui and Cairn Gorm twice Superwalker! Here are home to some of our gear shelf on a hot August weekend... Nicknamed all 282 Munros is entitled to be space for us Beags Cairn be! Ensure you are well prepared maps: use Harvey 's Glen Coe, Etive. From Dundee, take Meadowside to Victoria Rd and continue 0.3 km just read your story of your travels the... One of the later times were estimated struts and whistles ; i do not of. Last of the Round twice in 16 days because he thought it be... Came up with the Cairngorms, the two mountains offer a superb ski touring route passed... Incredible feelings of space is awe-inspiring ; this is a Scottish mountain with a summit 4,084ft... Car, a halting, stiff-legged half-mile and experience the beauty of the best for a day. Outdoor Writer, Speaker & Explorer of wild Places Harvey 's Glen Coe, Glen &!, blue skies and squeaky bum scrambling in CG, Cleveland Hills Challenge the. Roads, cafes, idle chatter, comfort is remote miles before you is Munroist... 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