The Eight of Wands reversal meaning on love may pertain to possible jealousy. Discover Your FREE Personalized Tarot Power Cards, UPRIGHT: Movement, fast paced change, action, alignment, air travel, REVERSED: Delays, frustration, resisting change, internal alignment. Do things seem to be speeding up in your life? But this Minor Arcana tarot card advises you to have patience during this time. In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Wands is associated with the element of fire and traditionally signifies creativity, inspiration, ambition, determination and willpower. When the Eight of Wands appear reversed, you should take it as a warning sign as it tells you to do some more contemplating before moving forward. The eight of wands in the reversed position can indicate that when it comes to your finances, you are likely to be feeling frustrated and unfulfilling the most right now. Whether the relationship is new or youve been together for years this Minor Arcana card reversed can represent a lack of energy, excitement, sex or passion. Perhaps important news will be coming on your way, and you may experience a sudden, yetsteady positive growth. Keep in mind that whatever you are wishing for is right around the corner and needs just a bit of patience. The energy generally associated with this card is fast-moving. The Eight of Wands is a card that belongs to the first suit (Wands) of the fifty-six cards called Minor Arcana in a traditional seventy-eight tarot card deck. If there has been physical distance between the two of you, one of you may be traveling to be together. As the cloudless sky shows in the Eight of Wands, it's clear . There is no stopping you right now as you are just bursting with energy and ideas, and you cannot wait to achieve one task and start another. Go forth with confidence that you will continue to surpass expectations. Conveys immediate information or action. This card is about balance and making sure that you are on the right path. You may even enjoy being part of a tour group that visits ten countries in as many days! Your personal growth will be attained through self-reflection. The Chariot is a sign that the universe is waiting to return the love and positivity that you have so diligently been putting out there for all these years. Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you and propel you closer to your goal. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. In some cases, the reversed eight of wands can indicate that you are giving up on love altogether. Applied to your career, this principle can mean rapid movement in the literal or figurative sense. When the Eight of Wands is reversed, it is tempting to deny that a powerful chain of consequences has been unleashed in your life. It will only make things harder, so let go and be in the flow. Use the energy instead to fuel positive change and produce significant results. The sky behind the wands is clear and blue, indicating that the wands face no obstacles. Even if you feel unsure or unprepared, dont slow the process as you will lose the opportunity that you have been given by the universe. There is a sense of speed and energy with this card so expect a fast-paced, high energy work environment when it appears. Tami Rose comes from a long line of psychics and seers. As the wands seem to be travelling with a speed, money is going to be a fleeting thing for you right now, and as fast as you are receiving money, you will be prone to losing them just as fast during this time. If you are in business, a new venture could take off much sooner than you thought it would. This card has a lot of energy stored in them which, when it appears upright, forces you to move forward with your plans and reach your goals faster than ever. The lack of a person in a card is rare, but the lack of even the presence of someone is an even more rare Tarot illustration. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. Yet attraction is not a passive process. Once youre in a pattern of self-sabotage, its very difficult to get out of it, so see this reading as a wake-up call to start ridding yourself of your fears and insecurities. The Eight of Wands can be also interpreted as a caution not to act on your impulses. The eight of wands are of the fire element and the zodiac signs that are associated with this card are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The eight of wands also represent that maybe you are having a lack of activities that will keep your body moving, or you are too active, which is leading to fatigue. You will learn to handle your new responsibilities, but it will take time and patience. This Eight is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. The eight of wands represents rapid movement forward. It can represent dislike or a lack of passion, excitement or romance. Good or useful news can appear as the Eight of Wands. Just remember this card also warns you not to be too hasty so avoid high risk investments and overspending when it appears. The Eight of Wands also invites you to be laser-focused with your intentions and actions. This is an opportune time to take action and show the world what you are made of. The wandsalso appear like they are about to land, which signals the end of a long journey. The Lord of Speed is the ruler of this card; he represents the influence of Mars in Sagittarius, Hod in Atzilut, and the fiery sphere of Mercury. The card shows eight wands suspended in midair as they are flying towards their destination. If projects seem daunting, it might be useful to talk to someone about how they handle such tasks. What Does the Eight of Wands Tarot Card Mean? The background where they travel through isa clear sky which represents that there is likelynothing that will stand in theway of these making it to their destination. In a financial Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands represents a lot of movement in your finances so you may have your finger in a lot of pies or a lot of money coming in and out when it appears in your Tarot spread. Chances are that you might get an injury from a sport or other physically active task which will require special and quick attention. Jump-start your career and relationships by leaving your comfort zone, but do some research before making any brash decisions. The Eight of Wands encourages you to go with the flow; dont resist it. Card Name: Eight of Wands, 8 of Staves. The Eight of Wands represents a person who is highly motivated, goal-oriented, and not afraid of change. If you have dreamed of meeting your soul mate or reconnecting with an old lover, then this is a sign that it will happen very soon. With all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide on using tarot for introspection, self-understanding and inner growth. If you are going through treatment or have recently discovered an illness you are suffering from, the appearance of this card indicates that you will have to struggle quite a bit before you are healed. Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. The Eight of Wands tarot card depicts eight sprouting wands hurling at speed through the air in a lush green landscape. The popular nickname for this minor arcana is Electric card. Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. When another card with the number eight in it appears in a reading with this card, the Tarot indicates that you are winding things up in a dramatic fashion. So, if you are going through any tough situation or stuck in a dilemma, getting a one card pull is always helpful. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and keep the flow of communication going. Awaken to the changes that are happening in your life; denial does not serve you. Astrotalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. At KEEN, we have guides to understanding tarot in more detail. How is the Eight of Wands Depicted in the Tarot Card Eight wooden sticks are seen whizzing at breakneck speed through the air. Since all the arrows are pointed in one direction, this suggests a certain focus on their target. In the future position, the Eight of Wands means that big, exciting things are coming your way. This tendency is not inherently good or bad. In terms of relationship, if the eight of wands appear upright, this indicates that you will receive new found spark and happiness in your relationship. This card warns you about fleeting determination because you are prone to get attracted to things or ideas that are new, completely forgetting about the plan you were working on previously, and switching focus immediately. In a general context, the Eight of Wands represents hastiness, speed, rushing, progress, movement and action. In a relationship reading, the Eight of Wands signifies a lack of commitment from you or your partner. In a health Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands reversed can represent a slow recovery from an injury/illness or health suddenly taking a nose dive. While diving into things makes you feel in control, doing something isnt always better than doing nothing. When the Eight of Wands appears reversed in a tarot reading, the notion of movement is still there but now there is an obstacle that must be overcome. To maximise this energy, make sure your activities align with your broader goals and invest in the right things at the right time. The fast-moving pace at which they approach life can scare some people, but an Eight of Wands person brings excitement into the lives of others. At the same time, the staffs strive in a common direction during their flight . Are you willing to stand up and fight for what is rightfully yours? Recent successes provide confidence to accomplish more. The eight of wands tarot card is associated with movement, travel, and change. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. An online resource for tarot and divination enthusiasts. Every Tarot reading is a grouping of cards that have individual meaning. Hastiness is an unattractive quality and could lead you into relationships that dont serve your highest good.Expand your spiritual practice by learning tarot. Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. This advancement is exciting and invigorating. Loud, direct messages. You may find yourself going places in the physical sense of attending meetings or overseas conferences or you may find your career is going places! Book with one of our advisors here on Keen! If the purpose of your Tarot reading is because things are not going so well right now, the Eight of Wands in this position lets you know that you may have not made the most of the opportunities in your recent past. Thus, the testament to your talents may be revealed for everyone to see and admire. Their flight suggests change, movement and travel. You may miss something in your haste and be prone to making mistakes or poor decisions. Be careful of the bright shiny object syndrome where, just as you get started on implementing one idea, another one comes to mind, and you switch your focus. When the Eight of Wands Minor Arcana tarot card (reversed), in terms of career, the reading can go two ways. Eight of Wands Reversed Meaning Awaken to the changes that are happening in your life; denial does not serve you. Similarly, this card can be a sign to hold off your activities for a short amount of time until the situation becomes more stable and predictable. If the reading is done during the summer season, this does not mean that your wish will be fulfilled during the spring. The image in the card is not very complicated and suggests that many things are up in the air, or simply in the process. With the Eight of Wands in this position, learn all you can from recent successful experiences. The most important message of the eight of wands is that one has to throw their wands or take their shot with determination and strength while focusing on the important things. A card of action; swiftness. Instead of pushing forward, you may be better off giving the other person time, or at least making plans. The Eight of Wands suggest movement and changes. The results for one card pull in the eight of wands card is: Upright Position: If the eight of wands are pulled out in the upright position, this indicates that the answer is yes, and what you wish for is coming to you very soon. While its description sounds silly on paper, it's actually very symbolic of the card's meaning. Physically, this card can sometimes indicate that you are about to take a business trip. The Eight of Wands also hint at your repudiation of change because you are blocking the flow of energy that leads to change. Alternatively, you could be questioning whether the recent success you have achieved is really what you wanted. The force and speed at which the wands appear to be in the card of eight of wands apply to your financial situation. The Eight of this suit often shows a flight of spears or staffs moving through the air in formation, as if a hidden group of archers had let them fly all at once. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Card Meanings, Wands / June 7, 2022 by Tami Rose. This cards strong energy gives a sense of urgency to any reading. There may be silence, specifically, someone may have ghosted you. When it comes to a love reading, pulling this card is a very good sign. Everything that you are investing in right now, be it small or big, is going to bring fruitful results in the future, even if it feels frustrating for now. These positions represent your past, your present and your future. The eight of wands is a tarot card that often symbolizes movement, change, and new beginnings. It signifies a strong level of energy which states that different aspects of your life will be trailblazing. When the eight of wands tarot card appears reversed in a reading, it often indicates discord or disharmony in a relationship. It can also represent being very physically active or seeing a newly implemented diet or exercise regime produce results quickly. Resist the temptation to go out with just anybody instead, focus on improving yourself. Aiming carefully is less important. You will soon figure out the time. Her Great-grandmother was known to keep up with her own 21 children by talking to the birds and the bees, as well as reading the signs in the cards. The eight of wands will be there to guide you along the way. Try to relax and enjoy the journey, you will get there. Active element: Fire . Go with the flow and surrender to the adventure. Your small investments today will pay off in the end (even if they are frustrating now). Eight of Wands (Upright) The most important message of the eight of wands is that one has to throw their wands or take their shot with determination and strength while focusing on the important things. In a love and relationship tarot card reading, if the eight of wands appear reversed this indicates that there are chances of misunderstanding and miscommunication in your relationship and with your partner. It can also represent a holiday romance or meeting someone while travelling. A minimalist and modern lenormand card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. If you have been trying to develop your psychic or healing abilities you should find yourself gaining momentum and progressing quickly. When The Wheel of Fortune is in a reading with the Eight of Wands, the chance that you might lose a recent victory becomes a distinct possibility. Stop being so precocious and sceptical and be in sync with the flow. Let go of blame and re-center yourself so you can find a way around these obstacles. If you are in business, a new venture could take off much sooner than you thought it would. When you see this action happening, put positive energy out there and let it return the amplified rewards of the universe to you. All rights reserved. Sometimes the card can suggest that someone is mindlessly going with the flow instead of taking proactive steps to create positive change. Reversed Eight of Wands Meaning. You may have a pattern of falling into infatuation with people and mistaking it for love. Slowly but surely you are making progress and this time is just as crucial for you as such. However, this Minor Arcana card can also signify hastiness so be careful not to jump into things without researching them. The Eight of Wands is depicted as eight flying staves that appear as ifthey are suspended in the air. It may not be easy, but the big change is predestined and will culminate soon. Ultimately, your explorations are part of your self-discovery process. Your ability to prosper at this time depends on your ability to remember just how much came in and how much went out. You may have been working hard but not seeing the results you want. Chances are that right now you do like the speed at which you are receiving money. This may be due to different ideals and values, or simply because you and your partner are no longer on the same page. Things will fall into the right place themselves. The eight of wands represent quick movements. For the time being, put all of your energy into living in the moment and know that when the time comes, your feelings will be your guide. Things are moving fast now, so starting with your plans as fast as possible and making good use of this fast momentum will be very beneficial for you. Whatever the case may be, the eight of wands reversed is a reminder that love is worth fighting for. Or it could be that you are rushing into plans that do not hold much meaning, instead of doing important things. Replace your spending habit with meditation or journaling it will help you reign in your shopping compulsion. What does the Eight of wands mean in a career tarot reading? Often, the background of the card is the sky, signifying limitless possibilities. If this card appears, this hints to you about a business trip you are about to take shortly. The Eight of Wands says the struggles of the Seven of Wands have now all but cleared and you have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans once again. The eight of wands also indicate that you are probably making plans for the future and taking account of your resources which you will soon use to pursue your dreams. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment will take off at great speed and gain momentum. Upright Meaning: movement, progress, travel, excitement, decisiveness, impulse, being in love, a quick turn of events, Reversed Meaning: Slowing down, aggression, frustration, delays. A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. Give your lover the benefit of the doubt as the two of you go through this period, and make sure to continue communicating. Yet the reading combines these meanings to give you the message of the Tarot. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment will take off at great speed and gain momentum. Take some time to cool off, give them the benefit of the doubt and wait until youre both in a calm headspace to communicate. The speed associated with the eight of wands applies to your money in this position. Your relationship with your partner was going a little stale in comparison to how it was at the beginning. Or can't find what youre looking for? This is a great time to start new projects, as there is a lot of potential for success. The Eight of Wands tarot card depicts eight wooden posts, also interpreted as wands flying through the air. She is passionate about helping people connect with their intuition, and believes that everyone has within them innate wisdom that can be accessed through introspection and self-reflection. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. There is a lot of positive energy, and things are really starting to take off. The Eight of Wands represents a journey that is full of unpredictable opportunities and obstacles. This is making things more difficult as its not letting you grow and stopping you from coming out of your shell. Or check out the rest of the Minor Arcana orMajor Arcanain The Tarot Guide for free tarot meanings online! Dont give up hope or wait before acting. Every tarot card is rich in interpretation and with 78 tarot cards in traditional decks, it can feel overwhelming to learn all their individual meanings and the messages that are trying to come through. What Does the Four of Wands Tarot Card Mean? A whirlwind romance or love-at-first-sight is heading your way. They are unstoppable. The Eight of Swords signifies constraints and self-victimization. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The eight of wand here means that you are likely frustrated with the speed at which money is coming in. Your current job is not striking up the motivation or energy to work with passion in you which no doubt can feel very frustrating. However, this Minor Arcana card can also signify poor timing and missed opportunities so you may be waiting too long to take action. Your significant other will soon be ready - forcing things to happen may affect the result negatively. That's why it's important to . The usual result of such behavior is a source of . The Eight of Wands denotes sudden changes, fast movement, and decisiveness. The eight of wands card is all about creative possibility and forward momentum. The Eight of Wands Tarot cards is a sign of exciting times, adventure, exploration and discovery in the romantic realm. The image depicted by the Eight of Wandsmeans that the difficulties that were brought by the Seven of Wands are finally over. Whether the relationship is new or youve been together for years this Minor Arcana card brings a rush of love, excitement, sex and passion. Now is the time to put all your energy into your career and let the Universe take care of the rest. Do not grow impatient and just wait for it. Known by Kabbalists as the Lord of Swiftness, the Eight of Wand's fiery energy is all about movement and speed. The reason why you are jealous does not have much meaning and significance and will not affect you or your partner in any way. If you havent been in a relationship for a while, and your love life seems to be going nowhere, this card indicates that soon you will find a very compatible person whose company you will enjoy the most. It also indicates that you will most probably have very good health and will be physically active during this time, which will help you to be very involved and attentive in your profession and life. Key meanings (Upright): Movement, speed, quick decision, sudden changes, excitement, thrill, progress, action, rush, travel, freedom, holiday romance, gaining momentum, hard work paying off, results, solution, Key meanings (Reversed): Lack of speed, slowness, lack of results, return from holiday or vacation, zero progress, bad timing, losing momentum, missed opportunity, late start, delay, cancelled plans, unfinished business, lack of energy, negativity, impatient. The fast-moving pace at which they approach life can scare some people, but an Eight of Wands person brings excitement into the lives of others. You might feel like you are growing rapidly in your career. Whatever the case, the message of this card is clear: stay focused and keep moving forward, as the universe is aligning in your favor. This is applied to your career and can have a literal or figurative meaning. The reversed Eight of Wands can mark significant delays, particularly concerning travel or fast-moving plans. There is a chance that the decision that you are waiting for will come your way soon. Youve been trying to save, but money has been going out just as fast as it has been coming in. One day you may have the job (and income) you desire, but you have to be patient today. Be patient and believe that everything will be just fine. The flowing water of the river can be interpreted as a source of life and energy for the card. An Eight of Wands person thrives in a competitive academic or professional environment, and will do well in a job that is fast-paced and cutthroat. It is a card of forward momentum, encouraging us to seize the opportunity and make things happen. Reversed General Meaning. Although this is not a particularly bad thing it depends on how you utilise this time and energy. Reversed. You can compare it with a sound wave, the speed of light. This can mean that good news is about to come which will skyrocket your plans for the future and you will experience steady growth. 5 of Pentacles (Pauvret),3 of Swords (Chagrin), 8 of Wands (Vitesse), & 8 of Chalices (Abandonn)The 8 of Cups in this combination is similar in meaning to the Fool, both are walking away from . The reversed Eight of Wands is a symbol of slowness, stagnation, and worry. The eight of wands card is not so much a yes no answer but an assurance that the answer is coming soon card.If it show up reversed it could be messages stuffed in a junk folder or packages lost in the mail. It is found in the Rider-Waite tarot reading. A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. It is a Minor Arcana card of sudden action, excitement, exciting times, travel, freedom, holidays and holiday romances. It can also represent being inactive or too active leading to fatigue or a newly implemented diet or exercise regime not producing results as quickly as you hoped. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. All Rights Reserved. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. Since all the arrows are pointed in one direction, this suggests a certain focus on their target. Some cards in the deck are far more powerful in one of these positions than in others. The Eight of Wands upright tells us that all the struggles and hardships that were indicated by the seven of wands have now ended, and a time of freedom and independence to move forward with your plans has come. If you are single, the Eight of Wands reversed indicates that you may meet someone whom you will initially be infatuated or obsessed with but the relationship will turn sour and you will soon begin to dislike this person intensely. The Eight of Wands is the card of movement, progress, excitement, and sudden changes. You may feel like you are not making money quickly enough and its taking you ages to save for things or reach the level of financial security you desire. You failed to take the opportunity and use it to your advantage to move forward or higher in your career. You may find meetings or overseas conferences are cancelled or that your career is just not progressing at the rate you hoped it would. This card also indicates that you must have started a new diet in the hopes of improving your health, but unfortunately, that diet is not working as you anticipated. You need to settle this quickly in order to avoid derailing any major issue. in psychology, Ashlynn enjoys studying how tarot cards reflect our subconscious thoughts and desires, as well as our relationships with others. It indicates that your life is about to get busy and you wont have much time on your hands, because you will be working hard with dedication for your future and making immense progress. It can also signify an illness aggressively taking hold.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In a spiritual context, the Eight of Wands reversed indicates that you may be experiencing a lack of energy or being affected by negative energy when it appears. It is a Minor Arcana card of sudden action, excitement, exciting times, travel, freedom, holidays and holiday romances. Their flight suggests change, movement and travel. Your hard work will be paying off and you will be ahead of the game. When the Eight of Cups is present with this card in your reading, your love life is ending one cycle and beginning another. Copyright 2022 CodeYeti Software Solutions Pvt. If you are in business, a venture could be failing to take off or taking off very slowly. This card is a sign to strike while the iron is hot. It is most definitely an action-oriented card that encourages you to move quickly to pursue the best opportunities available. But the big change is predestined and will not affect you or your was. On how you utilise this time is just not progressing at the moment will take time and energy for future. A lot of positive energy, and make things harder, so let go of blame and yourself. 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