This account is no longer accepted by the majority of researchers today. Peter - Movie "Risen" A great voice comes from heaven as well, announcing the arrival of the tabernacle of God among men. He was sitting at his tax collector's desk near the Sea of Galilee when Jesus told him to follow him (Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:14). No other disciples wives are mentioned in the Bible at any other time. Matthew, however, was the only one of the four Gospel writers who presented Jesus to the Jews as the long-awaited Messiah, customizing his tale to satisfy their questions. List price: $25.99. How the disciples could be living and writing about the events of Jesus life as late as 95-100 A.D. He was anti-religious in his views. Please respond to an article I read which claims that Luke uses Greek idioms and puts them in the mouth of Paul, showing he is making things up. When he entered the town, he was met by a small delegation of Jewish elders. Matthew 9:9-13 is a Bible verse that describes the life of Jesus. No, Matthew wasnt a shady writer in the traditional sense. 3 Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Jesus. Clement of Alexandria quotes Heracleon, one of the earliest commentators on the New Testament, as saying that Matthew died naturally: But neither will this utterance be found to be spoken universally; for all the saved have confessed with the confession made by the voice, and departed. Matthew makes it plain that Jesus is the King of the Jews. . Read An Excerpt . Little is known about this apostle. Others suggest this person was originally named Levi, but that Jesus called him Matthew (similar to Simon, who Jesus named Peter). There are a few counter arguments, but the main one is that the early church claimed John Mark wrote down Peters account of Jesus ministry . As we approach the first of three instances on which Jesus prophesied both His death and resurrection to His followers, Id like to take a minute to look forward to these three occurrences in particular. So, how old were they when they died? The Apostle Matthew, also known as Saint Matthew and Levi, was one of Jesus Christs twelve disciples and was born in the city of Nazareth. Later, in Matt. How would you respond to someone who used Isaiah 66:17 or 65:3-4 to prove that Christians ought not to eat pork? However, this does not rule out the possibility that Matthew wrote this gospel as well. "Synoptic" means to see (optic) the same (syn). One of Christ's 70 disciples and the four evangelists, Saint Mark was born in Cyrene, Libya but his date of birth is unknown. Aside from a handful of mentions in the gospels, he's a surprisingly obscure New Testament figure. Matthew was a man who could have moved comfortably in political circles, and his book mentions things that someone in his position would know. Required fields are marked *. New Testament citations: John 1:29, John 1:36, John 19:33, John 19:36, 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, 1 Peter 1:19. Follow me, Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him. Mark 2:14, After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. The other disciples were present (as evidenced by the preceding passages), but it does not appear that they paid the tax. There were no records of his early life, but he introduced himself as a tax collector (publican) in his own book during the time of Herod Antipas (Matthew 9:9; 10:3). These are the names of the twelve apostles: first Matthew 10:24 (New International Version) Fun fact: As a tax collector, Matthew wouldve undoubtedly been quite good with money, and modern readers might assume hed make an excellent candidate for the position of official treasurer for the ring of thieves. Your email address will not be published. How educated he was is really unknown. during the Roman-Judean War that one of the revolutionary factions came to identify itself formally as the Zealots. Third and last point: Jesus prophecies about His own death and resurrection add to the dramatic tension of this most ultimate of redemption stories. While in Jerusalem he chased the moneychangers from the temple and overturned their tables. In Matthew 17:24-27, Jesus asks Peter to fish up the tax he has been instructed to collect. According to what we can gather from the book of Acts, the early Jesus movement was referred to as The Way (Acts 9:2; Acts 24:14). He is traditionally regarded as the author of the Gospel of Matthew. Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism: Which is the true religion and why? Youd have to be completely convinced that Jesus is who He claims to be, that His is the only path to genuine life, and that its definitely worth it to push through the muck and gloom in order to see the beauty. The holy city, Jerusalem, comes down from out of heaven, looking as new and innocent as a bride ready for her husband. This is a term designated for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the four gospel authors who are considered to be the traditional authors of their respective books. This ritual was an obligatory ceremony for firstborn boys according to the Law of Moses. Join our email list, and well send you some of our best free resourcesplus well tell you whenever we make something new. But for centuries, the church has claimed it was the Apostle Matthew. In response to an invitation from Jesus, Matthew demonstrated one of the most drastically transformed lives recorded in the Bible. Additional evidence may be found in Matthew 17:24-27. Matthew, Mark, and Luke have parallel accounts of Jesus calling a tax collector to become a disciple. But just as every parent today would be proud to have a son or daughter do much more education to become a high-status medical doctor or professor, Jewish parents would desire their boys to be selected for Rabbinic training. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. JESUS CALLS MATTHEW, THE TAX COLLECTOR. Claims to fame: Matthew works as a tax collector before meeting Jesus. Include a biography His masters degree is in history, and he is a history professor at the University of Northern Colorado. Little is known about this apostle. He is mentioned just seven times in the whole Bible, if you include parallel verses. Our website has teaching material for children of all aged - starting with the church nursery (age 0-1 years old), toddlers (age 2-3 years old), preschool (age 4-5 years old), young elementary (age 6-8 years old), older elementary (age 9-10 years old), and preteen youth ministry groups (age 11-12 years old). Dislikes the New Guy: Initially does not get along with Matthew, who he remembers from the latter's previous line of work. For example, his account of the Resurrection tells that those assigned to guard the Savior's tomb saw two angels roll back the stone that covered the door of the tomb. We dont normally do much in the way of Lent observance around here, but just as Advent is tied to Christmas, Lent is tied to the Passion of Christ and the celebration of the Resurrection. As one of the twelve apostles, Matthew was there throughout almost all of Jesus ministry. Matthews relics were allegedly unearthed in the Italian city of Salerno in 1080. According to prevailing expectations, even the other writers of the New Testament, like Matthew, Peter, and Paul, appear to be too old to be writing when they do, in their mid-60s and beyond especially considering the life expectancies at the period. There are several conflicting accounts about his death. Furthermore, Jesus declared that He was the Son of God. Christopher Muscato is the instructor. Except for one, all of them were most likely bachelors. Matthew, Mark, and Luke all mention him, and he is included in the list of the disciples in the book of Acts. Matthew McConaughey cuts 10-year-old son Livingston's hair as brother Levi, . At the time of his call as an Apostle, Peter was living with his wife and his wife's mother. The fact that you are a young disciple does not affect the truth of the Gospel. It is in Matthew 16:21 (ESV) that we find the first prophecy, which states: From that point on, Jesus started to teach his followers that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elder and chief priest and scribes, and be crucified, and on the third day be risen. (Matthew 16:21, English Standard Version) Matthew distinguishes this section from the others by beginning it with the words From that time. The usage of this word earlier in the book, when Matthew uses it to stress the commencement and direction of Jesus mission while stating His primary message: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, may bring this phrase back to your memory (Matthew 4:17 ESV). Matthew was one of Jesus Christs twelve disciples, and he served in this capacity. Over 30,000 video lesson and teaching resources are available in one convenient location. Various accounts say he was beheaded, stoned, burned, or stabbedone even suggests he died of natural causes like John. . The men were Moses and Elijah. Beitzel, Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible. The first time Nicodemus is mentioned, he is identified as a Pharisee who comes to see Jesus at night. Remember also that Jesus nicknamed them Sons of Thunder because they were probably either loud or bold, characteristics of youth. While Jesus and his followers were eating supper at Matthews house, a large number of tax collectors and sinners joined them and ate with them. As recorded in Matthew 17:24, the temple tax was two drachmas, and the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, Doesnt your teacher pay the temple tax? After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, Doesnt your teacher pay the temple tax? It appears that the author paid close attention to Jesus teachings regarding money, had a more in-depth grasp of financial problems, and regarded finance as a useful lens through which to view the gospel. Ultimately, we wont be able to affirm or deny who wrote the Gospel of Matthew until we have a byline. Doesn't this contradict what God said in the OT? But this really doesn't settle his age at all. I promise you that this will never happen to you (Matthew 16:22 ESV). No other disciples wives are ever mentioned. 3 Then two men were there, talking with him. Of fact, this group of young Jewish men were not recognized as Christians when they arrived. Females are seen by Jesus as genuine persons, not simply as the objects of male desire. Home PhilosophyReligion Personages associated with religion Scholars Saints Popesapostle Alternative titles include: Levi, St. Matthew the Apostle, and St. Matthew the Evangelist are all names for the same person. It derives from the Greek word evangelion, which literally means good news. With their writings, these four authors spread the good news of Jesus Christ across the world. 9:12 (KJV) By addressing Matthew specifically, Jesus was announcing that no one would be barred from his movementnot even those who were deemed unredeemable by society. He was tireless, steadfast, unwavering, dedicated, firm and determined. Its message was ultimately intended to go to "all nations." True Missionary Teaching Trip to Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by Dr. John Oakes. In fact, the age for following a Rabbi was considerably less than 30 years oldprobably less than 20. Topic:When it comes to the disciples, the question of how they could have written their letters 30 or more years after the crucifixion of the Christ tends to come up frequently. Jasmine A.L. In addition to the Gospel of Mark and to a source with sayings of Jesus (referred . He understood King David's advice found in Psalm 37: "Delight yourself in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. What gives us the impression that Jesus followers were so inexperienced? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The early church fathers claim he was burned, stoned, stabbed, or beheaded for his faith. In 2013, a group portrait of American male teenagers was taken. So the Synoptic Gospels actually begin later in Jesus' ministry. At that time Matthew's name was Levi; he was the son of Alphaeus. Your response? In passages parallel to Matthew 9:9, both Mark 2:14 and Luke 5:27 describe Jesus's calling of the tax collector . Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. As with most of the apostles, its hard to say exactly how Matthew died. They would be instructed to collect a specific amount of money, but they would be able to convince individuals that they owed a different amount, and they would have no ability to contest the amount they said they owed. Or at least much younger than their Master. 4, p. 643). Become a member today. "The Central Synagogue of Nazareth Illit and its Architectural Dialogue with Nazareths Basilica of the Annunciation." Matthew invites over his "sinner" friends to meet Jesus. They traveled with Jesus for seven miles without knowing who he was, but came to realize who he was when they had dinner with him. Back Create an account to get started with this course right away. Neophilologus 87 (1) (01): 137-151. The date of his death is unknown. Because of this, the Pharisees questioned his disciples, Why is your teacher eating with tax collectors and sinners? They were perplexed. They were all alone there. Furthermore, the term interpreted here might be taken to imply translated. Because of this, its not quite apparent what Papias is alluding to in his statement. , . God has the ability to utilize anybody to assist him in his job. There is good news beyond Jesus death, although it appears to have escaped Peters awareness, and that good news is that Jesus will be risen from the grave on the third day. Matthew, who was also known as Levi, was a minor character in the Bible; he is only referenced by name in the lists of apostles and in the story of his calling. If Matthew was, in fact, the same person who was called Levi, then his. Matthew 8:14 mentions his infirm mother-in-law, who was a sick woman. What is the relationship between the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant? What bolsters this case is the educational pathway of that time. Jesus with Moses and Elijah. Some argue that the Gospel of Matthew includes internal evidence linking it to Matthews profession, which could indicate he was the biblical author. Last modified on Wed 20 Sep 2017 12.17 EDT. But Matthew mentions them 28 times. In order for him to teach in the Temple area in Jerusalem, he would have had to have a pedigree that allowed it. The Matthew recorded in the gospels as being a disciple of Jesus would of course have met him. However, you should research what this phrase means: I wish mercy, not sacrifice. Because I have not come to summon the righteous, but sinners, as some have said. (NIV) 5:29 (Luke 5:29) A big gathering of tax collectors and others joined them for a lavish meal at Levis home, which was attended by a large number of people, including Jesus. What we know is that his personal promise from God was fully kept. We think that Jesus began his public ministry around the age of thirty, which is consistent with the rabbinical traditions of the period. His message was not polished, but blunt and to the point. Log InBack to top. He said to him, 'Follow me.' And he got up and followed him." (Matthew 9:9) The Gospels are the four books that make up this collection. After that, if the youngster was clever and motivated in continuing his religious studies, he would seek out and follow a rabbi who would mentor him, and he would model his life after the rabbi until he was 30 years old. So that would make most of the apostles teenagers when Jesus called them to follow him. Many of these legendary accounts were pseudepigraphameaning they falsely claimed to be written by a well-known Christianand included miraculous events and Gnostic teachings. First and foremost, here are some short facts. Tc gi: Generally speaking, the Book of Matthew is thought to have been written by, yep, Matthew, who was a disciple, apostle, and evangelist in the early Christian community. T he horrific killing of Matthew Shepard in 1998 is widely seen as one of the worst anti-gay hate crimes in American history. We know that John lived until about AD 96 or 97, which is about 66 years after Jesus died. When Jesus entered Peter's house in Luke 4:38-43 it appears to not be the first time he met Peter. Then Jesus puts Matthew in with the rest of the sinners, as follows: On hearing this, Jesus responded, It is the ill who require medical attention, not the healthy. He left behind the source of his riches; he left his position of security and comfort for traveling, hardship, and eventual martyrdom; he left his old life for a new life with Jesus. Matthew was one of the tax collectors whom Jesus saved. Matthew was a tax collector , so financially he was stable , but the jews hated all tax collectors as they worked for the mighty Romans, but once he met Jesus his life was changed. Of whom are Matthew, Philip, Thomas, Levi, and many others. Stromata. Follow me, he said, as Matthew rose to his feet and followed him. But in the Gospels, Peter is the only disciple recorded to have been married (Matthew 8:14-15). With the exception of his fathers name being Alphaeus and the possibility that his original given name was Levi, we know nothing about Matthews life before he became a disciple (student) of Jesus Christ. Although the Bible declares that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23), the term sinner was reserved for the worst of the worst in ancient Judaism, such as tax collectors. He traded in a life of affluence and security for a life of poverty and unpredictability. St. Matthew's German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Saint Matthew the Apostle, patron saint archive, "Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, Washington, D.C", "Introduction to New Testament History and Literature", "Pleasurable Perplexity: Reflecting the Holy City", "Visions of kingdoms: From Pompey to the first Jewish revolt", "Introduction to the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles", "The Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles: Telling the Christian Story", Benedict XVI, "Matthew", General audience, 30 August 2006,, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 03:25. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 7 (1) (12). The Lexham Bible Dictionary (Lexham, England). Its as if my teacher waved a magic wand and took care of everything for me. Verse Concepts. When we get to this third section at Redemption Church, as we continue our journey through Matthew, we will be officially kicking off Lent as a community of believers. He is mentioned in traditions regarding his preaching, but there are no reliable records of his contributions to the early church. Matthew the apostle had previously worked as a dishonest tax collector motivated solely by avarice, until Jesus Christ picked him to be one of his disciples. They were dubbed Sons of Thunder by Jesus because they were presumably either loud or courageous when they were young, attributes that Jesus admired in them. "As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. Kilburn. Certain scholars believe that Matthews Gospel has internally referenced evidence that ties it to Matthews profession, which might suggest that he was the biblical author. 4:18, Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee and He sees Simon Peter and Andrew as they were fishing. (Of course, the ages are approximate.) Matthews gospel appears to rely heavily on Marks (which is why there are so many parallel passages), but the Gospel of Mark is believed to have been written by a man named John Mark, who was not an eyewitness. In the end, this is speculation, and we simply cannot know how old the apostles were. When he authored the Gospel of Matthew some 20 years later, he was able to draw on such characteristics. There would be no such thing as a half-hearted belief. It is reasonable to assume that John was at least 20 years old at the time of the crucifixion, given his ability to care for Jesus mother (John 19:2627). The Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke all include much of the same materialmiracles, teachings, sayingsand for this reason are similar. It was not until Antioch, some years after Jesus resurrection, that the term Christianity was coined. You will notice that there was no reply this time; there was simply distress, and because Matthews account moves on to a different scenario directly after this paragraph, we should feel the weight of this essential pause at the end of this verse in Matthew 17:22-23 (ESV): In Galilee, while they were assembling, Jesus appeared to them and told them, The Son of Man is going to be put into the hands of mankind, and they will murder him, and he will be risen on the third day. And they were in a great deal of anguish. Consider this: they were concerned about placing a tax collector in charge of their money, but Judas not only stole from the money bag (John 12:6), but he also betrayed Jesus at the end of the story. Do you know where should I look for information on how old were the apostles when they joined Jess? Like Mark 1:14, Matthew begins after John the Baptist is imprisoned; John 1-5 shows that Jesus' ministry actually began earlier, interspersing ministry in Judea and Galilee before moving to Capernaum. If your son didnt merit this honor, they would enter the workforce by their mid-teens, and in almost every case, apprentice under their fathers in the family trade. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is incomparably more valuable than money, celebrity, and power. Matthew was beaten by two . The only people who saw more of who Jesus was and what he was capable of were Peter, James, and John. "The Contrasted `Other' in the Old English Apocryphal Acts of Matthew, Simon and Jude." In an attempt to murder him, the monarch makes many attempts, finally nailing him to the ground and setting him ablaze with his own blood on the ground. In Mark, gold and silver are only referenced once, whereas in Luke, they are mentioned four times. The gospel of Matthew reveals that Jesus was about two years of age when the wise men or magi visited Him. Young men began their studies with a Rabbi when they were 12 to 30 years old, although they normally started when they were fewer than 20 years old, according to Jewish tradition. The Hebrews were subject to the sovereignty of the Roman Empire during their lifetime. But, as I said, we dont have to infer that he was THAT much older, since his brother Andrew is still unmarried and he works with close friends James and John, also unmarried. Those appointed to be tax collectors had a job for life. In the first few centuries of the church, countless legends sprouted about the apostlesso many that it essentially became its own genre. Andrew, Peter, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, worked as fishermen. He is also listed among the twelve, but without identification of his background, in Mark 3:18, Luke 6:15 and Acts 1:13. The Gospel of Matthews author is anonymous, but Matthew the Apostle is traditionally considered the author. St. Peter was a fisherman by trade. In most cases, a young mans discipleship instruction under the supervision of a rabbi begins between the ages of 13 and 15. So why would an eyewitness use an account written by someone who wasnt there? Copyright 2022 . Most scholars believe Jesus lived from sometime around 4 BC to around 30 or 33 AD. Who Was Herod? Dont we have more patience with their blunders and pride? As a result, it is likely that the disciples were between the ages of 20 and 30. Despite the fact that Matthew is revered as a martyr, no one knows for certain where or how he perished. Instead of killing Matthew, the fire burns down the kings idols and engulfs some of his soldiers. Matthew 18:11-13. Young boys in Judaism follow a fairly structured scholastic and life route, as seen in this illustration: At five years oldfor the Scripture, at ten years the Mishnah (oral Torah, interpretations) at thirteen for the fulfilling of the commandments, at fifteen the Talmud (making Rabbinic interpretations), at eighteen the bride-chamber, at twenty pursuing a vocation, at thirty for authority (able to teach others). So, in the time of Jesus, almost all Jewish young men were married, and usually by age 18. You see, Matthew was a member of the Republican Party. These accounts so closely parallel each other that its hard to imagine they arent speaking of the same person. Lets get to know Matthew a bit better because he was the founder of the largest religion on the planet at the time of writing this article. Therefore, it is anachronistic to view people acting with zeal before 68 C.E. We create research-based articles and handy infographics to help people understand the Bible. 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