TransCanada has developed an Aboriginal Relations policy in order to confront some of these conflicts. As the original caretakers, we know what it will take to ensure these lands are available for generations to come. Fact: The Keystone Pipeline System was over half complete. The 1,200-mile pipeline would have traveled southeast through nine South Dakota counties. 2022 they are producing almost 12 million . [9], The price of crude oil rose 5% following the shutdown of the Keystone Pipeline, before receding. The Keystone XL proposal faced criticism from environmentalists and a minority of the members of the United States Congress. 15 Fun Facts About Stray Kids | Entertainment. The founder of Bold Nebraska has led the Cornhusker States years-long rallying cry against TransCanadas tar sands pipeline. In cooperation with Enterprise Products Partners LP it is reversing the Seaway pipeline so that an oversupply of oil at Cushing can reach the Gulf. [62] The Keystone XL Pipeline bill was not officially sent to President Obama, starting the official ten-day count towards the bill becoming law without presidential signature, until February 24, 2015. When you sign up you'll become a member of NRDC's Activist Network. [37] It took TransCanada more than two years to acquire all the necessary state and federal permits for the pipeline. When the Obama administration refused to grant the cross-border permit necessary to build TC Energys Keystone XL oil pipeline in November 2015, it struck a blow against polluting powers and acknowledged the consensus on this misguided project from a wide swath of communities, experts, and organizations. In turn, it will impact Americas energy security and its economy by lowering energy prices. | Indigenous Environmental Network", "Gulf Disaster Raises Alarms about Alberta to Texas Pipeline", "Nebraska governor signs bills to reroute Keystone pipeline", "GOP bill would force action on Canada oil pipeline", "Obama denies Keystone XL pipeline permit", Map of Pipelines and the Ogallala Aquifer, 2012, How Pipelines Make the Oil Market Work Their Networks, Operation and Regulation, Myth vs. We are a sovereign nation, and we are not being treated as such. On March 28, 2017, his State Department illegally approved a cross-border permit for the pipeline, reversing the Obama administrations prior determination that KXL would not serve the national interest. [119], In January 2012, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) requested a new report on the environmental review process. [212][notes 2] On March 21, Mother Jones revealed that key personnel employed by Environment Resources Management (ERM), the consulting firm responsible for generating most of the SEIS, had previously performed contract work for TransCanada corporation. [70] This Keystone XL project will bring oil from Canadas oil sands to Gulf Coast in Texas. We will The pipeline threat is gone, but the damage to their property and lives is already done. [citation needed], From January 2018 through December 31, 2019, Keystone XL development costs were $1.5 billion. [207], In January 2012, President Obama rejected the application amid protests about the pipeline's impact on Nebraska's environmentally sensitive Sandhills region. [113] On June 9, 2021, the project was abandoned by TC Energy. Indigenous communities are also concerned with health risks posed by the extension of the Keystone pipeline. The Cushing MarketLink pipeline phase started at Cushing, Oklahoma, where American-produced oil is added to the pipeline, then runs south 435 miles (700km) to a delivery point near terminals in Nederland, Texas, to serve refineries in the Port Arthur, Texas, area. The KXL Pipeline would have connected to the existing Keystone Pipeline to help transport Alberta tar sands oil in Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. [111], On January 24, 2017, President Donald Trump took action intended to permit the pipeline's completion, whereupon TC Energy suspended their NAFTA Chapter 11 action. Less than two years before the project was finally pulled, the Keystone tar sands pipeline was temporarily shut down after a spill in North Dakota of reportedly more than 378,000 gallons in late October 2019. Even worse, building Keystone XL would have meant enduring those risks just to send the fuel to our overseas rivalsand the profits to Big Oil. [125], On September 19, 2011, a number of Indigenous tribal leaders in the United States and Canada were arrested for protesting the Keystone XL outside the White House. Pipeline spills are not just an environmental concern. In 2010 Glen Perry, a petroleum engineer for Adira Energy, warned that including the Alberta Clipper pipeline owned by TransCanada's competitor Enbridge, there is an extensive overcapacity of oil pipelines from Canada. It carries the possibility to encourage greater tar sands development, which, in turn, would increase carbon emissions.[134]. [170][dead link] In January 2015, Senate Republicans blocked a vote on an amendment proposed by Senator Edward J. Markey, which would have banned exports from the Keystone XL pipeline and required that the pipeline be built with steel from the United States. The surge occurred during a selloff of the price of oil, following the 20212022 global energy crisis. Suncor Energy hoped to recoup significant construction-related tolls, though the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission did not rule in their favor. The Keystone XL pipeline, which would have expanded an existing system transporting oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast, has been a political and environmental battleground since its conception. [96] This prompted Solicitor General Noel J. Francisco to file an application for stay to the Supreme Court. Keystone XL would have crossed agriculturally important and environmentally sensitive areas, including hundreds of rivers, streams, aquifers, and water bodies. [259], TransCanada Corporation responded with a letter by President and CEO Russel K. Girling stating that TransCanada "rejects the EPA inference that at lower oil prices the [Keystone XL Pipeline] Project will increase the rate of oil sands production growth and accompanying greenhouse gas emissions". The notorious tar sands pipeline was a lightning rod in the fight against climate change and the seemingly unstoppable oil industry. This is why we fight | Dallas Goldtooth", "Eminent Domain Fight Has a Canadian Twist", "Daryl Hannah freed following arrest in pipeline protest", "Pipeline Review Is Faced With Question of Conflict", "Keystone XL: State Department cleared of conflict, not ineptness", "Keystone XL pipeline report slammed by activists and scientists", "EXCLUSIVE: State Dept. The study found that the pipeline would have limited adverse environmental impacts, but was authored by a firm that had "previously worked on projects with TransCanada and describes the pipeline company as a 'major client' in its marketing materials". ET Recently, a leak in the Keystone Pipeline caused thousands of barrels of oil to spill into a creek in Kansas, causing immense environmental damage. ", "Keystone XL Clears Hurdle In South Dakota", Pipe dreams? [41] and in March 2010, the National Energy Board approved the project. [62] The Senate was unable to override the veto by a two-thirds majority, with a 6237 vote. [148], Canadian Ambassador Doer observes that Obama's "choice is to have it come down by a pipeline that he approves, or without his approval, it comes down on trains". [31] : 147 Some three million miles of oil and gas pipelines already run through our country, but KXL wasnt your average pipeline, and tar sands oil isnt your average crude. [102], As of 2008, certain parties who agreed to make volume commitments to the Keystone expansion had the option to acquire up to a combined 15% equity ownership,[30] which included Valero Energy Corporation[103] and Hogshead Spouter Co.[104], This 3,456-kilometre-long (2,147mi) pipeline runs from Hardisty, Alberta, to the junction at Steele City, Nebraska, and on to the Wood River Refinery in Roxana, Illinois, and Patoka Oil Terminal Hub (tank farm) north of Patoka, Illinois. [218] On March 4, 2015, the Senate held a vote and failed to override President Obama's veto of the bill; the vote was 62 to 37, less than the two-thirds majority required to override a presidential veto. [210] The March 2013 U.S. Department of State Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) stated that the original proposals, would not cause "significant impacts to most resources along the proposed Project route". U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Second Class Lauren Jorgensen. [98] In response, TC Energy stated that the U.S. part of the project would be reassessed (but not abandoned); the Canadian part would proceed as before. [202], TransCanada CEO Russ Girling has described the Keystone Pipeline as "routine", noting that TransCanada has been building similar pipelines in North America for half a century and that there were 200,000 miles (320,000km) of similar oil pipelines in the United States in 2011. [66][67][68] Financial commitment towards completion of the pipeline was weakened by a number of technological factors as well. [194][195] The event featured Lennox Yearwood; Chief Jacqueline Thomas, immediate past chief of the Saik'uz First Nation; Van Jones; Crystal Lameman, of Beaver Lake Cree Nation; Michael Brune, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and others as invited speakers. Fact: While American Petroleum Institute has stated that this project will create jobs for over half a million American people, the truth is these are all false claims. [36] In June 2008, the Keystone XL extension was proposed. [39] The pipeline, from Hardisty, Alberta, Canada, to Patoka, Illinois, United States, became operational in June 2010. The oil flow was stopped on Wednesday, December 7 just seven minutes after a leak was discovered. The federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration said that the failure "may have been caused by mechanical damage to the pipeline and coating associated with a weight installed on the pipeline in 2008". [140] In August 2014, a study was published that concluded the pipeline could produce up to 4 times more global warming pollution than the State Department's study indicated. [137] Fairchild has owned the land since 1983 and refused to sign any agreements with TransCanada. On May 28, 2020, the United States Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit denied a motion to stay the District Judge's ruling. Despite a court order to reassess the Dakota Access Pipelines environmental impact, the agency wont share the results of its new study. EPA staff perform oil and sediment sampling near Battle Creek, Michigan, after the Kalamazoo spill. [232][233] The pipeline was immediately shut down,[234] and TransCanada began using the pipe again 12 days after the leak. [12] In response to a Freedom of Information Act request for route information, the Department of State revealed on June 24, 2013, that "Neither Cardno ENTRIX nor TransCanada ever submitted GIS information to the Department of State, nor was either corporation required to do so. In addition, When the State Department released the original proposal ERM had submitted to secure the SEIS contract, portions of the work histories of key personnel were redacted. For companies considering whether to invest in a long-lived tar sands project (which could last for 50 years), access to cheap pipeline capacity plays a major role in the decision to move forward or not. US President Joe Biden has cancelled permits for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. the oil industry was producing 18.4 million barrels of oil per day. [236][237], In April 2018, Reuters reviewed documents that showed that Keystone had "leaked substantially more oil, and more often, in the United States than the company indicated to regulators in risk assessments before operations began in 2010. This is why the government has failed to consider some important frontiers of public safety, climate change, and job security for Americans with this project. The truth behind this keystone pipeline facts and myths about supporting organized labor is that labor and workers have opposed this project from the start. [133] In this article Wood refers to the pipeline as a black snake that poses a major threat to the Sioux Nation. [26][27], Operating since 2010, the original Keystone Pipeline System is a 3,461-kilometre (2,151mi) pipeline delivering Canadian crude oil to U.S. Midwest markets and Cushing, Oklahoma. [58] One such protest, a historic act of civil disobedience outside the White House in August 2011, resulted in the arrest of more than 1,200 demonstrators. Hid Contractor's Ties to Keystone XL Pipeline Company", "Oil, money and politics; EPA snags Keystone XL pipeline", letter to U.S. Dept. Later, fossil fuel companies funnelled millions into Trumps 2017 inauguration ceremony, days after which he brought the Keystone XL project back from the dead, and ramped up federal lobbying efforts in the first months of his administration. Since it first went into operation in 2010, TC Energys original Keystone Pipeline System has leaked more than a dozen times; one incident in North Dakota sent a 60-foot, 21,000-gallon geyser of tar sands oil spewing into the air. Additionally, it will cause havoc on labor organizations and environmentalists looking to address global climate change. Its costly both to produce and to ship, particularly by rail, which would be an alternative to Keystone XL. [135] As of October 17, 2011, TransCanada had "34 eminent domain actions against landowners in Texas" and "22 in South Dakota". They accuse TransCanada of misleading them when they signed shipping contracts in the summer of 2007. [143] Project opponents panned the study on its release, calling it a "deeply flawed analysis". [4] The oil pipeline is owned by TC Energy and the Government of Alberta. However, current US president Joe Biden has now opposed the project by canceling permits of this project. If completed, the Keystone XL would have added 510,000 barrels (81,000m3) per day increasing the total capacity up to 1.1million barrels (170,000m3) per day. One was Nebraskas Ogallala Aquifer, which provides drinking water for millions as well as 30 percent of Americas irrigation water. [110][202], On November 10, 2011, the Department of State postponed a final decision while investigating "potential alternative routes around the Sandhills in Nebraska" in response to concerns that the project was not in the United States' national interest.[54]. Leading climate scientist and former NASA researcher James Hansen has warned that fully exploiting Canadas tar sands reserves by moving forward with these projects would mean game over for our climate. [272] TransCanada said that work on that section of the pipeline could start in June 2012[273] and be on-line by the middle to late 2013. United States Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors Office of Inspector General Office of Audits. Thats up nearly threefold from a decade ago, and an amount equal to 42 percent of our consumption. In turn, it will impact Americas energy security and its economy by lowering energy prices. [48] The pipeline restarted at a reduced operating pressure on April 10 after the U.S. regulator approved the companies corrective actions and plan. But Nebraskas got a slew of public hearings on the calendar, and legal challenges loom large. [227], The main issues are the risk of oil spills along the pipeline, which would traverse highly sensitive terrain, and 17% higher greenhouse gas emissions from the extraction of oil sands compared to extraction of conventional oil. [35] And as far as existing pipelines we have 185 operational oil lines. TC Energy is applying for permits to tap the Cheyenne River, White River (South Dakota), and Bad River (South Dakota) for use during construction primarily for drilling to install pipe, to build pump stations and to control dust. Natural Resources Defense Council 2023 Privacy Policy The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initially stated that, on a wells-to-wheels basis, tar sands oil emits 17 percent more carbon than other types of crude, but several years later, the State Department revised this number upward, stating that the emissions could be 5 percent to 20 percent higher than previously indicated. That means burdening the planet with an extra 178.3 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually, the same impact as 38.5 million passenger vehicles or 45.8 coal-fired power plants. [97], On January 20, 2021, United States President Joe Biden revoked the permit for the pipeline on his first day in office. Her land was seized by eminent domain. Last edited on 25 February 2023, at 19:48, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, Pipeline Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, necessary to take the tar and turn it into a usable fuel product, United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, List of articles about Canadian oil sands, List of pipeline accidents in the United States in the 21st century, "Keystone Pipeline Starts Deliveries to U.S. Midwest", "Keystone's Cushing Extension Begins Deliveries to Oklahoma", "TransCanada Receives Final Key Gulf Coast Project Permit Construction Set to Begin this Summer", "Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas", "Obama rejects TransCanada's Keystone XL Pipeline", "Premier Kenney announces Keystone XL pipeline investment", "TC Energy to Build Keystone XL Pipeline", Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Keystone XL Project Applicant for Presidential Permit: TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP (SEIS), "The link between Keystone XL and Canadian oilsands production", "C10418 CER Letter and Order OPMO-005-2020 TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd. Keystone XL Pipeline Project Partial Leave to Open at the Keystone Hardisty Complex", "US leg of controversial Canadian oil pipeline opens", "Short-Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook", "There's No Stopping the Oil Sands Train", "Canceled Keystone XL Pipeline project has final hearing in South Dakota", "Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science To Tackle the Climate Crisis", "Authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P., To Construct, Connect, Operate, and Maintain Pipeline Facilities at the International Boundary Between the United States and Canada", "Keystone XL Oil Project Abandoned by Developer", "Keystone XL pipeline nixed after Biden stands firm on permit", "TransCanada Proposes Second Oil Pipeline", "TransCanada, ConocoPhillips To Expand Keystone To Gulf Coast", "TransCanada Proposes Keystone Oil Pipeline Project", "TransCanada: Keystone Construction to Start Early Next Year", "Union calls on Ottawa to block Keystone", "ConocoPhillips Acquires 50% Stake in Keystone", "TransCanada's Keystone pipeline ready for flow, but is the market there? 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