This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. We look for a hotel or an apartment through or Just like the steel that the plane is made of comes from one of their many mining companies. Vanguard and Blackrock alone own nearly 15% of Pfizer. They must ensure that their holdings generally reflect and track the index's performance. They dont own the companies, all the millions of us that have our retirements with them, own the companies. The average expense ratio of Vanguard's funds was 0.09% as of 2022, vs. the mutual fund industry average of 0.49%. . Which, as described above, is an entirely valid treatment for COVID-19-induced sepsis, and indeed, is now part of the MATH+ protocol advanced by Dr. Paul E. Marik. In the process, they will own almost everything on planet Earth. Blackrock alone has a 10 billion a year surplus. They do. False. Microsoft owns Windows and Xbox. "See the Difference Low-Cost Funds Can Make. That's enough coincidence to interest any prosecutor in a RICO case. This gives it utility in treating COVID-19. If they COVID-19 The Spartacus Letter was originally posted on, but has since been deleted. Other conspiracies circling the company claim that BlackRock controls all aspects of each citizen's life, claiming it is because they own a large number of companies and have alums working in the White House. These companies have quietly taken up a central role in our economic and political life. It also won a no-bid contract to manage a $454 billion slush fund, leveraging it for more than $4 trillion in Federal Reserve credit. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, If you invest in (or are forced to invest in because of limited options offered by your employer) mutual funds or ETFs, you forfeit your voting rights, and those rights go to the management company. BlackRock actually lends money to the central bank, the federal reserve, and is their principal adviser. Heres a sampling: You can continue going through the list of tech brands companies that build computers, smart phones, electronics and household appliances and youll repeatedly find Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation among the top shareholders. True. Foregone earnings are the difference between earnings actually achieved and earnings that could have been achieved with the absence of certain factors. Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. In all, four parent companies produce the software used by virtually all computers, tablets and smartphones in the world. . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Who, then, owns them? All the while, they have attempted to greenwash their continued investment patterns with green investment funds, the commanding majority of which are incompatible with global climate targets while fitting squarely into the goals of investors and financial capital. Vanguard. Story continues below "As BlackRock and Vanguard grow, and as money flows from active to large passive investors, their per centage share of every firm increases," said Azar in an interview. Theyre all shareholders in each others companies. Blackrock and Vanguard invest a SHITLOAD of 401k, pension, and IRA money and THEY get the voting rights for the companies their funds own, not the sheep who bought their ETF or mutual fund. They are Vanguard and BlackRock. to support the Great Reset which touts You will own nothing. "World's Top Asset Management Firms. Look no further to see who is dividing, inflaming and fearmongering the American people. } The BlackRock, Vanguard, & State Street GRAND CONSPIRACY Ryan Hogue Investing 8.12K subscribers Subscribe 2.3K 47K views 1 year ago BlackRock, Vanguard Group, & State Street are some of the. Fortunately, scholars and activists have long discussed many existing options. Unverified theories have suggested the virus that causes COVID-19 was synthesised by the Wuhan Institute of Virology (here). The same investors are at the basis of every aspect of our journey. As of 2022, Vanguard has more than$8trillion in assets under management (AUM), second only to BlackRock, Inc ($9.5 trillion AUM). Couple that with record funding from Wall St to the Biden camp and you have yourself a culprit as to who's pulling the strings. Thats why government, media and corporations seem like they are following a poorly rendered video game script for the last couple years because they are taking advice from a supposed all powerful ai. So BlackRock is playing both sides, buying mainly its own funds on behalf of the central bank. Thats what Ive been writing about since 1998, that this is a financial coup detat. You have to show a different perspective to get people to understand your point. Hi folks, ive very proud because that match exactly that we publish since what about fuck 12 years ? Vanguard Group is the second-largest investment firm in the world after BlackRock. Just because you can clearly see it doesnt meant they can. - POWERFUL 2019 EXPOSE' - Zionists and Council on Foreign Relations in control of mainstream media and talking points. Vanguard prides itself on its stability, transparency, low costs, and risk management. The connection between the individuals is the important part. An investigative reporter I worked with used to mutter oligarchy when suspicious. Meanwhile, the world is decades late and a trillion dollars short on less dystopian responses to climate crisis: There are major gaps in available financing for a global shift to renewable energy that would prevent the worst impacts, as well as for adapting to the impacts that are already here. Trillions of dollars of other peoples' money, on top of the immense wealth their owners already possess. BlackRock and other firms, including Vanguard, have been selling out of those positions as required by the Executive Order. Its Suffering From Many. Highly informative documentary exposing the people who control the media and the majority of information perception in the United States and other western countries. "ETF Issuer AUM League Table. Winterthur built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan. The average expense ratio for Vanguard funds was 0.89% in 1975. Interesting that the current Pope, during this New Normal, is the first Jesuit pope and has openly teamed with the Rothschilds/Rockefellers etc. As with Pepsi, the majority of the company shares are held by institutional investors, which number 3,155 (as of the making of the documentary). One of the most amazing things about this scheme is that the institutional investors and there are many more than the primary four weve focused on here also own each other. } The monopoly of these investment firms isnt relegated to the packaged food industry. December 12th, 2019, Ralph Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement (essentially, an NDA) to receive Coronavirus mRNA vaccine-related materials co-owned by Moderna and NIH. Fink comes across as a reasonable man concernedexcept for the issues in China and the reluctance to be regulatedwith social and environmental responsibility. That is BlackRocks rhetoric, at least. Jesse Smith on Locked & Loaded with Rick Munn July 29, 2022, The Internet of Bodies (IoB) and Hacking Your DNA, Destroying the Narrative: 40 Reasons Why a COVID-19 Pandemic Never Existed Pt. Mercola really has been kicking assso much that his life was threatened. They even own the payment methods we use, from credit card companies to digital payment platforms, as well as insurance companies, banks, construction companies, telephone companies, restaurant chains, personal care brands and cosmetic brands. 2021-09-06 22:32:50 "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln. Soros Fund Management, however, is an investment fund run by Soros that had shares in BlackRock (here), but sold them in 2020 (here). Vanguard and BlackRock represent the 1% of the 1% who have garnered 82% of the world's wealth. A spokesperson added that the grant to EcoHealth Alliance was terminated on April 24, 2020 and reinstated on July 8, 2020. Each summary point is elaborated upon in later sections of the letter, which you can read in any of the three references provided. Anthony Fauci has been Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984 (here). BlackRock Chair and CEO Laurence D. Fink attends a session at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Convenient huh!?! ); Trillions of dollars of other peoples' money, on top of the immense wealth their owners already possess. I wish I could post the video on here. Our continued reliance on the private sector for climate financing all but guarantees that profiteering off misery will continue. You find them dominating virtually all other industries as well. Take Big Tech, for example. Why are they doing this? Why doesn't everybody know this? While GSK has embarked on joint ventures with Pfizer, the two are separate companies (here and here). While Larry Fink is the figurehead of BlackRock, being its founder, chairman and chief executive officer, hes not the sole decision maker, as BlackRock too is owned by shareholders. Asset management firms manage and invest the pooled funds of individual and institutional investors like billionaires, pension funds, and colleges. I doubt it. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. Passive management refers to index- and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) which have no active manager and typically lower fees. Bogle created the First Index Investment Trust in 1976, now known as the Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VFIAX). Winterthur is a Swiss insurance company bought by AXA, a French insurance company, in 2006 (here). While you are figuring this out what is the black rock or black stone that they are named for? It ends with the sentence: Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China infected the ENTIRE PLANET (here, here, here, here). No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. However, at the time of publication, the majority of virologists and infectious disease experts say the new virus most likely evolved naturally. BlackRock is the epitome of what Mussolini called Corporatism, where an unelected corporate elite dictates top down to the population., Vanguard and Blackrock have a synthetic monopoly on entire industries. Whether by building new institutions like national investment authorities or finding ways to make our existing systems of spending more democratically responsive, a more transformative political shift to public investment is necessary. The Vanguard Group advertises that the company is owned by its member funds, which are owned by the fund shareholders. Open Society Foundations is the worlds largest private funder of charities and non-governmental organisation (here) owned and funded by billionaire George Soros (here). We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. The Vanguard Group, Inc. is the largest mutual funds provider in the world today and is the second-largest ETF provider in the world, coming in second only to BlackRock. Among them we find the Rothschilds, the DuPont family, the Rockefellers, the Bush family and the Morgan family, just to name a few. Lou Grants death (okay, Ed Asners) left me nostalgic for those Chuckles the Clown days when newsrooms buzzed with idiosyncratic idealism. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. By the way thank you for this information. Florida's move in divesting from BlackRock is arguably the most mainstream expression so far of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory centering around the World Economic Forum, a global coalition of . The BlackRock saga sounds grotesque. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Although the fund's growth was initially slow, it took off. Whoever owns the media controls the narrative, and in this case it is easy to see. Damn you to hell. } 2023 Common Reader. Are they talking about there hearts after they sold them to the devil? Beware: The Big Hit Is Yet to Come, Facebook More than 80% of Facebook shares are held by institutional investors, and the top institutional holders are the same as those found in the food industry: Vanguard and Blackrock being the top two, as of the end of March 2021. Vanguard's structure allows the company to charge very low expenses for its funds. No, you're pretty much right. Dr. Emanuel Josephson traced Weishaupts historical Illuminati to the founding of the USA. Some might expect that asset managers would be a force for progress on climate crisis, since the diversity of asset managers investments makes them exposed to a wider range of risks than most investors are. As shown in the film, three of the top four institutional shareholders of Coca-Cola are identical with that of Pepsi: Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation. Only an energy democracy that takes crucial climate decisions out of the hands of private investors and into publicly accountable hands can tackle this core problem. listeners: [], Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric knew at once what had happened, because back channels exist between this laboratory and our scientists and officials. To those who may be reading this warning and have full knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and how it will unjustly harm millions of innocent people, we have a few more words. Can you imagine a day when the whole internet is talking about the Rothschilds and everyone and everything they own? BlackRock (NYSE:NYSE: BLK) is one of America's most respected financial institutions. The NIH website shows that the reinstated budget will run until June 2021 (here), but EcoHealth Alliance wrote in August that the NIH had imposed impossible and irrelevant conditions that will effectively block us from continuing this critical work. 2 more replies user_name1983 9 mo. ", The new Call of Duty is called Vanguard. Thus, the fund shareholders are the owners of Vanguard. They also happen to be on the hook for all the pensions gap. I know, I've done it. By then, BlackRock was already working hand in glove with the U.S. government. Naturally, they will continue to have their own luxuries, as part of a strict caste system akin to feudalism. Here we find yet another curiosity, as the largest shareholder of BlackRock is Vanguard. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. Theres probably some Saturn worship there and also Rock being a nod to their family name. Everyone wonders who really runs the world, and finally us common folk are able to find an actual answer thanks to the internet. Doing the dirty work for the big families. In this video we explore a topic that's become rather common in conspiracy circles, Vanguard's ownership of every public co. He also states the Jesuits took out Abraham Lincoln. We fly with one of the many airlines [American Airlines, Air France, KLM, United Airlines, Delta and Transavia] of which the majority of the shares are often owned by the same investors . If you put the big three asset management firms together being BlackRock, Vanguard and StateStreet, they control a collective of $15 trillion dollars. The stone in mecca pertaining to Islam? The biological laboratory in Wuhan was funded by Dr. Fauci. Since GSK has 1553 institutional owners and shareholders, it is not accurate to claim GSK is managed by BlackRock. The Institutes partners are listed on its website (here). Lawmakers Seek to Curb Voting Power of BlackRock, Vanguard and Other Big Asset Managers - WSJ News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and. callback: cb John Bogle founded the Vanguard Group and before his death served as a vocal proponent of index investing. **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. Since $27 is easily divisible by three, it seems intuitively like the target price would be $36, but of course in legal documents 33% means not "one-third" but rather "33%.". That means with 5-20% down they can get mortgages on 130-170k homes every year. It also reviews the dangers of the COVID shots, noting that the virus and the vaccines were made by the same entities. Or they can outright buy 30k homes per year. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Meanwhile, activists are protesting BlackRocks investment in two blacklisted Chinese companies, both barred from trade with the United States because of their involvement in surveillance and their participation in repressing the Uighurs. Misleading. So, Vanguard doesn't own any companies; the fund's shareholders do. Returns limited to those of the underlying index. GlaxoSmithKline is managed by Black Rock finances. The sequence given as the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, is not a real virus. No wonder climate change represents an opportunity for asset managers like BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. This means that Vanguard is in the hands of the richest families on earth, Gielen says. Look familiar? Sixteen percent of CBS, and therefore also of Sixty Minutes. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. Thus, the shareholders are the actual owners. In reality, we can assume that the owners of Vanguard are among the 0.001% richest people on the planet. The FDA also attempted to take N-acetylcysteine, a harmless amino acid supplement and antioxidant, off the shelves, compelling Amazon to remove it from their online storefront. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. These faceless financial giants are not just funneling money into the companies causing the crises themselves; theyre also profiting off unjust responses to these crises. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It's coming the internet has made it inevitable. The group has been in operation for 46 years as of 2021. In contrast to most publicly-owned investment firms, Vanguard has no outside investors other than its shareholders. Instead, they have routinely voted against or abstained on shareholder resolutions that would support establishing serious climate targets or delinking supply chains from deforestation to climate targets. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I completely understand but some people wont look at the bigger picture. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. Vanguard is a shareholder of German Allianz. Has The World Economic Forum Just Reached Peak Creepy? Some elites believe in the esoteric mumbo jumbo (Bohemian Grove). The NIAID is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the US health department (here). Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMerieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Merieux. It is not just the US government that funds the Wuhan institute: the European Union stated on Jan. 26, 2021 that it had awarded grants to the laboratory since 2015. Following a dispute with a merged company in 1974, Bogle formed a new company called The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies. The claims can be roughly split into two themes, the first focussing on the pandemics origins in Wuhan and the second highlighting spurious links between global organisations. The non-profit then awarded that money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, alongside East China Normal University (Shanghai), the Institute of Pathogen Biology (Beijing), and Duke-NUS Medical School (Singapore). They own all the major tobacco companies, and all the major drug companies and scientific institutes too. (function() { To understand whats really going on, watch Tim Gielens hour-long documentary, MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World? above. By the time certain facts are being headlined and others excised, it is hard to tell where the influence originated. Why Is the U.S. Funding Climate Apartheid? A new report by Friends of the Earth U.S. reveals that the Big Three asset managers collectively own more than 27 percent of shares in fossil fuel giants Chevron, ExxonMobil, and ConocoPhillips and over 30 percent of major agribusiness companies like Archer-Daniels-Midland, making them among the largest shareholders in the two industries most responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions driving the climate crisis. ", ETF Database. Here, we find the same Russian nesting doll setup. Investors, companies, stocks are just an illusion to hide what they are and what they can do. . This connection may explain why Allianz, AXA and Winterthur are mentioned in this social media post. Vanguard is the real giant, when you get into the books you will see that all of the banks and investment firms co-own all the others. They are not necessarily incorrect in this belief. I whistle under my breath$9.5 trillion is a lot of cash in play, and it makes BlackRock considerably larger than the worlds largest bank (the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China). A virtually unregulated investment firm today exercises more political and financial influence than the Federal Reserve and most governments on this planet. BlackRock has just received Chinas permission to establish its first foreign-owned mutual fund. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, and Stephane Bancel, and their accomplices, would have been indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Rothschilds were involved, too. The same ownership trend exists in all other industries. Same Small Group Owns Everything Else Too. If climate justice is to succeed, it will involve taking on this new branch of government. Many belong to royal bloodlines and are the founders of our central banking system, the United Nations and just about every industry on the planet. All rights reserved. The firm, BlackRock Inc., the worlds largest asset manager, invests a staggering $9 trillion in client funds worldwide, a sum more than double the annual GDP of the Federal Republic of Germany. Bloomberg has also referred to BlackRock as the fourth branch of government, due to its close relationship with the central banks. The company has no other owners than its shareholders, which sets it apart from most publicly-traded investment firms. BlackRock was appointed the independent expert. These companies are publicly traded and are run by boards, where the largest shareholders have power over the decision making. BlackRock and Vanguard are two of the Big Three ( every industry is clumping) passive fund asset management firms. Since 1988 the company has put itself in a position to de facto control the Federal Reserve, most Wall Street mega-banks, including Goldman Sachs, the Davos World Economic Forum Great Reset, the Biden Administration and, if left unchecked, the economic future of our world. And the same goes for the other packaged food companies. In conspiracy level lore,, this is base level research and is available due to these companies on the public market. Together, BlackRock and Vanguard own: Eighteen percent of Fox. Until recently, it appeared economic competition had been driving the rise and fall of small and large companies across the U.S. Their control is so great, few companies have the ability to take a stand against them. Back to BlackRock. Advantages and Disadvantages of Index Investing, Who Was John Bogle? Finks former chief of staff at BlackRock, Adewale Wally Adeyemo, is now deputy secretary of the U.S. Treasury. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order. The FBI raided Allure Medical in Shelby Township north of Detroit for billing insurance for fraudulent COVID-19 cures. The treatment they were using? You have to jump through a hundred hoops to get a self-directed retirement account that lets you buy stock directly at most corporations, if you can get one at all. The black cube theorized to exist on Saturn? John C. Bogle began working for the Wellington Management Company in 1951. Good job, however I have one caveat to your closing statement. The NIH confirmed to Reuters by email that it granted $3.4million to the non-profit organisation EcoHealth Alliance Inc over 6 years to fund research into understanding bat coronavirus emergence. A decision by the Trump administration to cut EcoHealth Alliance funding was reported by Politico in April after obtaining emails between EcoHealth Alliance and the NIH (here). The airline we fly [on] is in most cases a Boeing or an Airbus. For the vast majority, it's not even an option. On our computer or smart phone, we look for a cheap flight to the sun through websites like Skyscanner and Expedia, both of which are owned by the same group of institutional investors [Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation]. ET on April 29, 2022. As outlined above, Pfizer has many shareholders. The Friends of the Earth investigation adds that the asset managers are major investors in the companies that run private prisons and migrant detention centers and provide the drone and biometric technology that are revolutionizing the increasingly militarized border violence against displaced peoples around the world. Antony Sutton, Eustace Mullins, Webster Tarpley and others have described Skull & Bones as an American branch of the Illuminati tied to (Russell Co.) opium smuggling. False. Maybe media is a better investment than I thought, once it . She spends her days working with hundreds of employees from non-profit and higher education organizations on their personal financial plans. Winterthur and Allianz are both insurance companies, but the only connection between them is the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance (ICHEIC), a non-profit association founded in 1998 by US insurance regulators and representatives of Israel to settle outstanding life insurance policies from the Nazi era. Due to its scope, the company has been able to reduce its expenses over the years. Managing more than $8 trillion in assets, it's a true behemoth in the markets. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. However, financial research website Fintel recorded last year that Soros Fund Management disclosed ownership of more than 450,000 shares of AXA Equitable Holdings (here), a US-based company (here) partially owned by French AXA (here). The institute is part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (here), which is governed by the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China (here). Do they actually own 15% of Pfizer or manage 15% their assets? Since the mid-1970s, two corporations Vanguard and Blackrock have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America's strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind. He served briefly on an advisory committee for Donald Trump and was heavily promoted to be Treasury Secretary in the Biden Administration. Of the top 10 shareholders in Pepsi Co., the top three, Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation, own more shares than the remaining seven. Hes such a douche nozzle, WHO OWNS THE MEDIA? Supposedly, PepsiCo is Coca Colas competitor, Apple and Android vie for your loyalty and drug companies battle for your health care dollars. Diving deeper, we find that these major investment firms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. . Farben complex is a big part of our current reality which ties to BlackRock, Vanguard, Orsini, Rothschild etc. The smallest number of media companies are now reaching the largest number of people in U.S. history, and the strongest critical analysis I can find is not in mainstream media, but in the student newspaper at Vassar. Not only are they the largest institutional investors of every major company on earth, they also own the other institutional investors of those companies, giving them a complete monopoly.. Stop. This was then used by the utterly depraved and psychopathic aristocratic class who rule over us as an excuse to coerce people into accepting an injected poison which may be a depopulation agent, a mind control/pacification agent in the form of injectable smart dust, or both . Mutual funds and ETFs that track indexes have very low costs. Vanguard, another global investment company, is the top shareholder of BlackRock at the time of publication (here). Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. A Year of Vonnegut was declared in Indy in 2007, but that was deflated by his death that year. It has 204 U.S. funds and 206 international funds as of 2022.It also has one of the largest bond fundsin the world, the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund (VBTLX). This was the last straw.. Their needs are routinely ignored: The same countries enthusiastically opening their doors for Ukrainian refugees spent the last decade enthusiastically closing them to refugees from Africa and the Middle East, while promoting the very high-tech, militarized borders and detention centers that asset managers are investing in. To see that track indexes have very low costs, and therefore also of Sixty Minutes, the... 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