Raise both arms overhead with a slight bend in the elbow. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions, then (while holding your shoulder blades retracted), tuck your elbows back towards your torso until your arms make a W shape). Press into the block. Perform a single arm lat pull down, aiming to pull your elbow in towards your hip while holding the rest of your body as steady as possible. Round up or down as needed based on the prescribed percentage work, but aim to hit at least the total cumulative rep goal for the session. These can also be performed as Bodyweight only, or loaded with a DB on your hips rather than a Barbell. If substituting for another delt variation, aim to complete in sets of 15+ reps, and pushing to technical failure. By starting with a more conservative Training Max, you will better set yourself up for long term progress as intensities climb, and ensure that you can still complete the planned work on even the worst of days while pushing for new PRs when things feel great. Create tension in the band by taking a slightly wider than hip width stance, and bend the knees to get in an athletic stance. Hinge at the hip with minimal bend at the knee to get in a pulling position. Attach a band to a low anchor point, 6-12 off the ground. If you find this exercise too easy (or you are struggling to find this exercise effective), you can scale to an advanced variation by holding light plates or DBs (1-5lbs can be plenty of resistance), or perform them from a Deficit as demonstrated above. Pause to remove any momentum (or for prescribed duration, if specified), then return to the start position with control, focusing on hingeing at the hips. Start with something in front of your torso (e.g. Split Squat Variations; Lunge Variations; Box Step-Up Variations; any other unilateral lower body exercises. Repeat with the other hand, bringing the implement back to its starting point. Create tension in the band by taking a slightly wider than hip width stance, and bend the knees to get in an athletic stance. Can be performed alternating (as demonstrated in the demo above), or all prescribed reps per side in a row. With the bench upright angle set at ~45 degrees, begin by performing Seated Incline DB Curls for the prescribed reps (Position 1). Drive the knee up high above the hip and bring it down fast, aiming to make contact with the ground using your full foot (not just your heels or toes). Extend one arm out in front of you and the opposite leg out behind you while maintaining a neutral spine. This will give us a starting point. safety squat bars), Banded Good Morning; Banded Sumo Good Morning; Supermans or Back extensions; Reverse hyperextensions; Stiff-Leg or Romanian Deadlifts. Lift your bottom leg up until it touches the bottom of the bench. In pushup position with forearms on the ground, maintain neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing the glutes and abdominals. Press yourself the the end of the range of motion, pause for one second and return to the start position. Once your forearm has reached a vertical position, pause, and reverse the movement, controlling the resistance on the way back to the start position. Actively engage your abdominal muscles by keeping your ribs pulled down and your pelvis tucked under your hips. Keep your body in a straight line, making sure not to raise or sink the hips. Were going to dive into some programming ideology below to provide you with more context. Descend back to the start position and repeat. If an exercise is prescribed as 36 @ 4 reps left in the tank, that means we want to perform 3 sets of 6 repetitions using a weight that we could do for ~10 total reps if pushing to true failure (6 completed reps + 4 RIR). Lie on floor with feet flat on the ground and a band just above the knees. If your prescribed variation is unassisted pull-ups or weighted pull-ups, perform some sets with reduced reps or weight. Can also be performed with a KB or DB (goblet style in front of the chest), two DBs (hands on the shoulders, front rack position), holding a loaded backpack, medball or sandbag in front, or for more advanced variations, with a Barbell or Safety Squat bar. Set up on a hamstring curl machine (seated or lying). We strongly recommend decreasing your max and adjusting back up week-to-week rather than modifying the prescribed percentages, as this approach will give you a more dynamic and personalized re-adaptation rate as you build back up to your previous Training Maxes. While keeping your knees fairly straight, raise one leg towards the ceiling with control, and bring back down. Take a half kneeling position (with your foot closest to the anchor flat on the floor, and your far side knee down). Set up in a modified pushup position with hands and knees on the ground. Then reverse the movement and return the weight to the start position. neutral grip), use an attachment of your choosing (straight bar, individual handles, parallel v-bar, etc.). We recommend keeping a roughly 45-degree angle between your arms and your torso, striking a balance between too flared out and too tucked in to your torso. Ab Fallout; Plank; Hanging Knee Tuck; Hollow Body Hold; Any other abdominal flexion exercise. Grip a pull-up bar at shoulder width apart, palms facing towards you (pronated grip). Perform squats to depth while keeping an upright torso. Can be further scaled easier by raising from your forearm up to your hand (with a straight arm and locked elbow). Return the the starting position and repeat. Pause at the top (for time, if prescribed), and continue squeezing your quads and resisting the bands. Maintain tension in your core and brace your abs. Lower the weight with control again behind your head to return the weight to the start position. Press into the band by pushing the knees out in the squat. Lie on floor with feet flat on the ground and a long resistance band hooked around your feet and drawn out across your hips. You can use a tripod if you have one, otherwise just prop your phone up on a chair, bench, table, or stool. Laying on your back, raise arms overhead and extend hands and feet, creating a starfish position. Return the weight to an extended overhead position. Set up a band or cable pulley with a single handle attachment in a low position. Then with control, return them to their starting position. Can also be performed while inching forward. Now that you are in position, transition from forearm to hand on one side, followed by the other youre now in High Plank. Split Stance/Single Leg RDL, Single Leg Press, Split squat variations, Lunge variations, Single Leg Hamstring Curls, other unilateral lower body work. Hold each position for 2-8 seconds before lowering back towards the ground with control. Starting in an upright position with your feet together and hands by your side, jump up while spreading your legs (landing in a wide stance) and raise your arms so that they reach together overhead. Setup a long resistance band to a low anchor, and loop the free end of the band around both ankles. Press yourself to the end of the range of motion, pause for one second and return to the start position. Extend the knee and then open the hips in rapid concession. Neither are inherently right or wrong, and we recommend training a combination or alternating (for balance), or whichever is more comfortable for you. For full squat tutorial, see our How to Squatvideo, our Extended Video Library or written guides on this movement. Return the the starting position and repeat. This variation can be scaled harder by extending your legs further, or easier by modifying and reaching your arms out towards your ankles, with bent knees. Bench Press the dumbbells from chest level to lockout. Keep ribs down and glutes tucked, being sure not to get into a hyperextended spine position. Attach a band to the bar and fixed behind you to scale this movement easier, and a band to the bar fixed in front of you to scale this movement harder. Side Plank, Paloff Press, DB/KB Windmill, Turkish Getup, Half Turkish Getup. Take a moderately (1-4 per hand) narrower grip than your competition or regular bench press grip. Maintain your bridge position during your entire set, and keep tension on the band during and between each rep where possible. If you do not feel comfortable sharing, please know that you areinno way compelled to uploadphotos, and you can always tell your coach this with 100% understanding on their end. Start standing upright with your feet hip-width apart. Sit on the ground with legs extended, feet on sliders, and hands flat on the floor by your hips. Concentration Curl; Single Arm Preacher Curl; Cable Curl; Alternating DB Curl; Hammer Curl; DB Iso-Hold Curl; Single Arm Banded Curl. Maintain your arm and torso position (actively contracting your abdominals), and begin lower one leg down towards the floor. Return to the starting position. For alternating lunges, return the front foot to meet the back. Complete for the prescribed reps, then repeat on the other side before taking any rest. Try to maintain constant tension throughout the set, not resting the DBs until all reps are completed. For full squat tutorial, see our Extended Video Library or written guides on this movement. Using bodyweight or a PVC Pipe, slowly start to lower the upper body by tucking the chin and rolling down, one vertebrae at a time. These can also be performed with a Glute Emphasis. If youre moving to the right, then take your right hand and your left leg, and shift them both to the right while your other hand/leg remain planted. Start by facing forward, and maintain a relaxed pose for a few seconds. When you press into the floor to drive your body back up to the top, press as explosively as possible, lifting off the ground where possible. Using a leg press machine, load weight appropriately (taking warm up jumps to your working weight as needed). Grip a pull-up bar slightly wider than hip width apart, palms facing away from your face (supinated grip). Your torso should remain in the same position throughout the repetition. The back foot should support like a kickstand (we recommend only using the ball of your foot for balance), with most of the weight should be on your front leg. If your primary (main) squat is already High-Bar and the program prescribes High-Bar Squats at another time in the week, you may perform them again, but we would recommend considering an alternative variation. Loaded with full size plates if possible, approach or step into the barbell so that your midfoot (aim for you mid-shoelaces) lines up with the center of the weights. Banded lateral walk, Monster walk, Clamshells, Fire Hydrants. In these variations, you still press as explosively as possible and even aim for your hands to come off the ground, but you do not move them away from their position under your shoulders between reps. Set up a barbell in a squat rack at the same height as you would for a traditional back squat. Hold that position for prescribed amount of time. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions, focusing on squeezing and contracting with your biceps to drive all movement movement of the upper arm should be limited, and elbows should remain in generally the same position throughout your range of motion. Stand and hold a barbell with an underhand grip, palms facing away from your body. For standing DB OHP, set up in a stance shoulder-width apart, clean the DBs up to your shoulders, and press overhead. That is one repetition repeat for the prescribed reps. You can also perform this with your feet on a foam roller. Finally, return to an pronated (overhand) grip at a normal position shoulder-width apart, completing the final amount of prescribed repetitions. Perform your lunges by taking a step forward with one leg, dropping into a 90-90 lunge position while maintaining your upright torso. Engage your tricep and push the weight back to straighten the arm. While holding this engaged trunk/core position, extend your legs out in front of you, then returning your knees to your chest. I love the messages of people inspiring and encouraging each other. Once youve completed all 3 positions for the prescribed repetitions, youve completed 1 set. If youre not too sure, we recommend not trying to overthink things. ); Push Up Variations; DB Bench Press Variations; Machine Pressing variations or any other upper body pressing movements. Set up the same as a traditional Banded Front Raise, but hold the weight or resistance isometrically at shoulder height (arms extended) for the prescribed time. Control the weight on the way back to the bottom. This movement can be performed in a number of different planes, whether parallel (as demonstrated here), low-to-high (low anchor with hands finishing together in a high position), or high-to-low (high anchor with hands finishing together in a low position). Your goal throughout the entire range of motion is to keep your hips and shoulders facing square in front of you and resist the rotation. Set up in a standing position, with a long resistance band looped under your feet and over your shoulders. Pressing your low back into the ground, contract your abdominal and oblique muscles and crunch while bringing opposite hand and foot together (i.e. With a band on your legs above your knees, perform squats while maintaining tension in the band. Lower back to the ground with control, and repeat on the other side, continuing until youve completed the prescribed repetitions. This movement can also be performed on a cable machine using a rope attachment. Can be performed bodyweight or weighted (typically with DBs or KBs). Tricep push-downs; Skullcrushers; OH Tricep Extension; Dips; Any other tricep exercises. Once you reach a full contraction, pause momentarily to avoid any rebound off the bands elasticity, and return to the start position with control. Then, flip your hands so you are using a supinated (underhand) grip, and repeat your rows for the prescribed repetitions. Shoulder Passs Through, Reverse grip shoulder pass through, Down Dog Position. Place your closest foot on the box, and your other foot on the floor. Can also be performed with a cable & rope attachment (or a band) rather than a DB. Aim to minimize arm movement above the elbow and focus on contracting your biceps to perform your curls, rather than swinging and using momentum. Perform curls for the prescribed reps, including any noted tempo (pausing at the top of the curl, if prescribed). Bring one foot at a time in, bending the knee and hip. With a bit of space in front of you, perform high knees by driving one knee up to wards your torso, then alternate and perform the same movement with your other leg before the first foot touches the floor. You should have a straight line from knees to hips to shoulders. Hold this position, and rotate left and right for the prescribed repetitions. In pushup position with forearms on the ground, maintain neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing the glutes and abdominals. My upper body has always been weak but with this programming, my bench press and overhead press have greatly improved. We recommend a Glute Ham Raise as another great substitute, or any other hamstring curl with a slow eccentric (negative), such as slider hamstring curls. Set up a band wrapped to a high anchor (bannister, door hinge, pull up bar, etc.). I love how empowered I have felt through getting stronger.. Hollow Body variations; Planks; Birddogs; Dead Bugs. To find the starting position, grab both handles and bring them into an overhead press start position (arms bent, out to the side, but elbows slightly forward). Extend arms and get into an elevated push up position. Aim to maintain band tension throughout your step. Complete either a strict pull-up, or jump up to hang with biceps flexed, and chin over the bar. Banded Hamstring Curls; Hamstring Curl 21s; Glute Ham Raise; Romanian Deadlift; Stiff-Leg Deadlift. Modified (Hands Elevated) Push-Up; Single Arm Banded Chest Press; Modified Handstand Push-Ups; Bench Dips; DB Bench Press, Machine Chest Press, Barbell Bench Press variations; Subs for Close Grip or Diamond Push Ups include more tricep dominant exercises (Skullcrushers, Rope Pushdown, Dip variations, etc). Starting with feet together, take a step forward and perform a lunge. Repeat. Moving your feet closer to the bench and bending your knees (as demonstrated) will scale this easier. Place your forearm on the ground with your elbow directly under your shoulder, thenraise your hips off the ground. Quad-dominant barbell squat variations (front squat, safety bar squat, etc. Then, stand up with the weight, ensuring to maintain a strong, square torso. Banded Isometric Curl;Banded Hammer Curl; Banded Reverse Grip Curl; Banded Bicep 1.5-Rep Curl; Banded Bicep Curl 21s; DB Curl; Barbell Curl; Single Arm Cable Curl; Concentration Curls; EZ Bar Curls; Hammer Curls. Think about pushing the feet through the floor while squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips forward, hingeing at the hips. Aim to keep your shins near vertical throughout the repetition to better target your glutes. Focus on squeezing and flexing your biceps as you resist the band tension, holding for the prescribed time. Also known as Spider Curls. Aim for 4-5 seconds from overhead to behind your back, and another 4-5 seconds to return your hands over your head while maintaining scapular retraction during the entire range of motion. Think about pushing the feet through the floor while keeping the barbell as close to your body as possible. 38 would be 38/arm). With a dumbbell in each hand and a slight bend in the elbow, lift weights out to the side and slightly in front (elbows coming 10-30 degrees in front of your torso) until your arms are parallel with the floor. Reps, then returning your knees to hips to shoulders a strict,! Forearm up to hang with biceps flexed, and keep tension on the ground going to into! Lunges by taking a step forward and perform a lunge to depth keeping! The weight, ensuring to maintain constant tension throughout the repetition to better target your glutes and.... Pushing the feet through the floor and return to the start position the prescribed,... 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