CFI Lesson Plans are the backbone of Flight Training. AOPA Members DO more LEARN more SAVE more - Get MORE out of being a pilot -, 2023 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, The CFI checkride isnt about being perfect or having everything memorized before you become a CFI. The FOIs comprise the primary closed book portion of the practical test. It is suggested that you arrive at the testing sight in plenty of time to adequately prepare yourself for the test. He spent a lot of time in this section giving examples of how he handled his past students and helped them overcome challenges they had. Regarding torque, he asked me why doesnt the plane simply continue rolling to the left or require constant right aileron input to prevent. When Should You Take the FAA Private Pilot Written Exam? stream While the pass rates are marginally different, the sample size is pretty small. I am interested to see how others have approached this. Obviously, as a CFI, you should know the entire PTS, but these are the key areas for the checkride. He stressed the importance of checking logbooks for student-owned aircraft and making sure that their (or the flight schools) insurance covers you for the instruction. Next, I taught him power on and off stalls and secondary stalls. He also gave me an emergency, and I showed him how to respond. Perfection is not the standard. This is a rough guide for an IPC. %PDF-1.7 capable of using the appropriate reference to provide the This was the case for my checkride. He thought this was a great answer. I said I was fine. No comments. You also should bring an example of a pre-solo written exam and have a VFR flight plan filled out. He explained that simply cancelling a lesson for weather can leave a student frustrated and wastes an opportunity to keep them engaged in their training. The final normal landing was uneventful, and we taxied onto the ramp and shut down the aircraft. Bill Trussell on Mar 12, 2012. We talked about chandelles to the right being more dangerous than those to the left due to the amount of right rudder required and the potential of a cross controlled stall occurring during roll out of the maneuver. Congratulations. I had done it. It is what an experienced CFI would do with students, so they should do it on the checkride. If you have never been asked questions that way by your CFI, ask him to give you a few. Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES), Task C: Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting (ASEL and ASES), VII. He answered that weight did not affect maneuvering speed so I explained the VG diagram and effects of weight along with the effects of bank and load factor on stall speed. I also taught him turns under the hood. There are 3 outcomes to this test. And once you are ready for a CFI checkride, you are definitely ready for the commercial pilot checkride as well. that's fine if youre yeager, but you are a candidate for a checkride. the checkride The Checkride Introduction: Your checkride is arguably one of the most stressful experiences throughout flight training The Airman Certification Standards provide you with the FAA's expectations Flight Instructor Responsibilities: At some point before your checkride you must take a "knowledge test" (the "written exam") - you must pass that exam in order to qualify to take the checkride (the "practical test"). 1 0 obj Speak with confidence and know your material. Effective June 11, 2018. I stated that I would want to approve all solos in the beginning and Tom agreed with that practice. So, focus your studies on the FAA's handbooks and supplement them with additional guides as needed. For the flying portion of the checkride, he told me to use the CFI PTS to put together my own plan of action for the checkride making sure that the maneuvers selected covered all of the requirements outlined. The CFI checkride also isnt supposed to be a test of everything that goes on for days, but rather a sample of the required material a CFI might teach. He offered some advice when giving endorsements for cross country planning to other instructors students: to check the limitations on the original solo endorsement to make sure you are not overriding them. The stall horn came on around the 90-degree point of the turn and I recovered with full power and lowering the nose. 5.0 out of 5 stars If you plan on earning your Certified Flight Instructor certificate, this is the book to get. Task A: Postflight Procedures (ASEL and ASES). Squawk 7700. (ones I knew would work), and my handy lesson plan notebook, complete with added diagrams and figures. He didnt give any weird questions or scenarios. We went back to the airport, and I messed up in the pattern slightly. However, mentioning these changes to your examiner will establish that you are up-to-date with agency changes. As a point of reference, I had about a 5 hour oral and a 1.3 hour flight for my initial CFI checkride. He asked me a few questions about regulations, and he made me find it without using my nicely-marked-up FAR/AIM. Practical Guide to the CFI Checkride (Practical Exam Guide Series) [Brightwell, Gregg] on Comments Off on Flight Instructor Plan Of Action - Share this on Facebook or Twitter. Changes published Jan. 15 (detailed on page 9 of this online copy of the PTS ) clarify that a complex aircraft is not required when adding an . The best thing you can do help dispel those myths so that your customer is prepared for success. Depending on the examiner, the FOI portion could last 30 minutes or several hours. I had been nervous about this checkride since I first flew an aircraft as a student pilot, but I had gotten it done and at just 19 years old. I have heard of CFI practical test ground portions taking longer, but typically for an unprepared and struggling applicant. By the end of the training you will be ready to hit the bed to get a good . 3 0 obj The same PTS is used for Part 61 vs 141 and there is no requirement for a "Plan of Action" except for the examiner. Next, DPEs must createand are required to usea written plan of action for each checkride. I performed the after landing checklist and Tom informed me he was going to fly the takeoff and landing and I was to instruct and critique him. Right rudder, right aileron. CFI Checkride Prep When it comes to Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) rating, it is one of the biggest accomplishments in flight training. They were vectoring an airplane ahead of me, and he wasnt really paying attention. For every CFI checkride, he includes the following areas in the oral: FOI (1 Hour) The Learning Process Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism Technical Subject Areas (1.5 hour) Runway Incursions Principles of Flight (his favorite) Endorsements and Regulations Teaching Lesson (.5 hour) Crosswind Landings One of the questions asked regarding the laws of learning was how to use the principle of primacy to prevent fuel-related accidents from occurring in general aviation. (714) 381-4286 General Checkride Information Please scroll down and read this main page before navigating elsewhere on the website. Companion Guide to the Aviation Mechanic General, Airframe, and Powerplant Airman Certification Standards (FAA-G-ACS-1) (PDF) January 2023. n/a. Not naming names to protect the redeemed. I had two other friends who had taken the checkride within the past six months, and they were both incredibly helpful and showed me how to teach lessons and what specific things to include. As much as possible, your preparation should be based on the FAA publications.Remember, the CFI PTS outlines what an examiner will ask on the practical test and lists references such as the Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. Lucas on Jul 18, 2013. Task A: Aeromedical Factors, Task C: Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance, Task L: Navigation Systems and Radar Services, Task M: Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements Go over Eligibility Exercises in employee area under Flight Training, III. A CFI candidate needs to have everything memorized. Brain is a fantastic DPE and really tries to make you feel comfortable. At a minimum, you should have the following books (current or most recent versions) with you for your CFI practical test: All FAA handbooks are available for free, and electronic versions of each publication are an option. This often means that the checkride is conducted with an examiner not familiar to the applicant. <> As with any exam question, you should use real-life examples to demonstrate, Much has changed with general aviation in the last decade, including how student pilot certificates are issued, aircraft ADS-B equipment requirements, and. JavaScript is disabled. On the way back to the airport, I instructed Tom on straight and level flight which focused on establishing a proper sight picture and trying to associate the seat-of-your-pants sensations with what the aircraft is doing. Another common failure point pointed out was the required logbook endorsements on retests. Fundamentals of Flight (The examiner must select at least one Task) Offer an opportunity for trial and practice, then review and evaluate what you taught. He is quite structured in all of his checkrides and sticks firmly to the PTS. Instructor responsibility and professionalism was another topic we covered in depth on the FOI portion of the checkride. He was very pleased and had no comments. Many of these result in disapprovals. The Fundamentals of Instruction is one area of the practical test for which you may want to commit some items to memory. I felt very relieved because the oral was the hardest part and the part I was most nervous about. With regards to a plan of action, I used one on my CFI checkride and the examiner said it was fine. I'm now having to deal with a student who "heard somewhere" that you can't have oversquare power settings, and the belief has crippled his ability to absorb the extensive documentation I've shown him that proves otherwise. x]SGN~Re*;!UVYH97Yi.U_tjys0^gW?%?\=v}p6/gjyr z=tpx'eiU&Y?K{G{SPO.n|.KHDf,)8;w{4xHTT|G%HrN>}6QM)gp$1G No comment on the stalls. In 2020, the FAA updated the Aviation Instructors Handbook, replacing the word student with learner, and the word cockpit with flight deck. It is not likely that your examiner will fault you for using well-established terms that the FAA has used since its creation in 1958. Preflight Preparation (The examiner must select at least one Task) He wanted me to find it in an unmarked one to show that I actually knew where to find the regulations. Although the regulations do not require him to have a commercial certificate in this scenario, the insurance company was requiring him to have one. That's pretty much the checkride in a nutshell - for all the details on what's expected you should refer to the FAA Practical Test Standards for the rating you're pursuing.. Before your checkride. Next, I demonstrated the emergency approach to landing by pulling the power to idle and executing the ABCD checklist (airspeed, best field, checklist, and declare). Objective: Discussion of the elements related to Basic fundamentals of Fundamentals of Instruction, Technical Subject Areas, Preflight Planning. Plan of Action," tailored to the individual examinee, as their guide for the evaluation. The phrase "lesson plan" is used in the FAA CFI Practical Test Standards (PTS) only once, in the section that describes the satisfactory performance required to pass the checkride. Task A: Steep Turns (ASEL and ASES), X. Streamline Glass Cockpit Transitions in a Flight Sim, [Webinar] Getting Started with Redbird Pro, [Webinar] Maximizing the Functionality of the Redbird Cloud, [Webinar] Blended Learning Methods for Your STEM Classes, [Webinar] Tips and Tricks to Manage Your Virtual Classroom. If we look at the pass rates on initial CFI practical tests, we see that the pass rates with DPEs are actually slightly lower than those with FAA staff. Discover and American Express cards not accepted). I then taught my crosswing landing lesson in about 8 minutes, and he said it was perfect. However, unless your examiner says otherwise, you should open the books and use your FAA publications to teach during the CFI practical test. The CFI rating is not a bottomless pit of knowledge you must know. This information is pertinent to ALL checkrides. X'D?dzlr|O)}y|SB|2o#|o{^Q)xQ|$ JHH[];a8bW8#:b%/dnnm'S_>h@yWUZaH& z}ZWwU{ZwVm| a`0_f$yR$W,VPw\HCR!>s+zUBklx<2V^#U7#XZ?BF:uF1ib2_%/$3x4Vl37$4ZSSIgGh3` The first part of your CFI practical test will be Area of Operation I: Fundamentals of Instruction. The rule reverses an earlier decision and has the potential to save flight instructors time and money meeting currency requirements. CFII Checkride. is a great tool to reference while preparing for the checkride. A CFI applicant who already holds an advanced ground instructor (AGI) or instrument ground instructor (IGI) certificate is not exempt from questioning on the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) content of a practical test. The examiner/inspector arrives at the checkride with the assumption is that you have all the skills required the pass the test. Process the various options available while considering their associated risk levels. Brian knows pretty quickly if you are going to pass or not, and he wants to see you succeed. I complimented him on his performance, and he really liked that. On Toms turn from upwind to crosswind, he continued to apply back pressure while turning creating an accelerated stall situation. We started by going through IACRA and making sure I had all the proper endorsements in my logbook. Tom is a very relaxed individual and I very much enjoyed the experience. Tom immediately debriefed the lesson to which he deemed my explanation fine but that I had made a very common mistake he sees often: I didnt do a good job of explaining why we practice chandelles. See paragraph 1.8.4 for additional flight instructor actions. The examiner will act as the student. You can find most things here, but he does not want to see you repeat acronyms or definitions. n/a. Relying on proven resources not only makes sure they dont miss anything, but also may even allay some training liability. In order the save time, Tom had me demonstrate the preflight inspection, engine starting, and runup procedures to him rather than teaching them as if he was a brand-new student. Spend a few minutes on the internet, and you can easily find dozens of forum posts about initial CFI practical test experiences, good and bad. CFI-I Helicopter Lesson Plans is the total . 2006-2023 Redbird Flight Simulations, Inc. All rights reserved. He has a library of navigation logs with errors such as missing fuel calculations, times incorrect by hours, and misspellings in fixes and airport identifiers. If you are preparing for the CFI checkride, study with others as much as you can. He, again, has examples of students getting lost during the diversion portion of the checkride or flying right over the airport and not recognizing it. 4. On the downwind leg, I had Tom self-evaluate his performance to which he did a good job of. My first landing at was a short-field approach to touch down on the numbers. We also discussed how professionalism is judged differently by students, other instructors, and bosses. Editorial, Get Redbird Landing updates delivered to your inbox. Upon Toms arrival, we discussed my plan of action for the checkride and verified that it included all of the items required in the CFI PTS. This is a small margin, and with that in mind, I recommend anyone looking to do an initial CFI practical test focus more on preparing and finding the first available time in an examiners schedule to get it done rather than playing games to get it done with any one particular person. While it is A LOT of information, you are not expected to memorize every single aviation fact out there, and there is not an endless amount of questions the examiner can ask you. Effective September 21, 2022. If the examiner wants to change anything, they will. After I recovered, I discussed the error with Tom and asked to perform it again. The rubric evaluated the quality of the maneuver. I try my best to keep these updated according to the newest regulations, however, there . After the steep turn, I demonstrated chandelles with a focus on keeping coordinated throughout the maneuver (I certainly learned my lesson from the oral portion of the test). In fact, the pass rates (including those conducted by DPEs and FAA inspectors) have averaged somewhere near 70 percent over the past decade and arent changing significantly. application or correlative level of knowledge of a subject matter The normal takeoff Tom performed went about as well as I was expecting. Again, references are key to success. Generally, while the transition to flying from the right seat is simple, many CFI applicants who are very good, safe pilots struggle initially to practice teaching and explaining concepts and maneuvers. Your studies on the numbers, you are a candidate for a CFI checkride with regards a... Was most nervous about Subject matter the normal takeoff Tom performed went about as well and once you ready. Is judged differently by students, so they should do it on the FOI of. Brian knows pretty quickly if you have never been asked questions that way by your CFI you. Right aileron input to prevent plane simply continue rolling to the airport, bosses... 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