Venus in Gemini wants a man who can read her mind. Although he is honest to a fault, an Aquarius man speaks his own language and often struggles to communicate effectively. That said, the people he does have relationships with, he loves endlessly. Let's seek sexual freedom! Scorpio likes knowing that not only will Pisces never judge her, but that he will also make her feel safe to be whoever she wants to be. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. When it comes to attraction, Mars is key in a womans chart. The Scorpio Zodiac. Mars in Aquarius men are sensitive, idealistic and devoted companions. These two can either complement one another perfectly or drive each other crazy. Mars in Capricorn prefers endurance in sex rather than the quick sprint to the finish line. This works for Aquarius, who is equally independent and will be interested in Sagittarius spirit. While its true that he loves to be on display and the center of attention, he also wants a relationship that is totally his and his alone. Joking around is a must, and a huge turn-on for these women! Venus in Virgo also wants to be taken care of. She is the kind of person who knows how important flexing that mind is, and she can be the one to stimulate his brain. Mars entering into Aquarius will always lead to some rather specific issues and developments in your life that you need to be able to take into account. The other way that you like to deal with conflict is to simply cut people off. Since you are likely to be in long-distance scenarios, this will come in handy, and you will get extra help from Men with Mars in Aquarius. Mars in Aquarius men are often adventurous and daring. They may also be open to group sex or polyamory. Like any typical Aries, you're spontaneous, impulsive, courageous, and outwardly flirty. MARS IN AQUARIUS STRENGTHS: Forward-thinking reformists; clever and inventive; good team players; work hard for humanitarian causes; respectful of others' rights and freedoms. Mars in Aquarius women are independent, service-minded, rational and have a positive outlook on life. You'll also be magnetic and charming, too, so you can use this in your. You find love and fulfillment by supporting minorities and other women. Lets login and you can leave your thoughts. As the first sign of the zodiac, an Aries woman tends to put herself first. His friends might say that he has a tendency to punch above his weight. When a Libra woman and an Aquarius man get together, they will find that they have so many shared interests and beliefs that they will want to get to know each other more. Yet she can also be aloof and opinionated, with little regard for the rules of the game. dont have the strongest romantic compatibility, Scorpio and Aquarius are sexually attracted to one another, this does not bode well for their romantic compatibility. You aren't afraid of rejection, and you even love a . The first is Libras ruling planet. She may not say it, but Virgo wants a hero who will be with her through all of lifes ups and downs. With the Taurus sign, he will be a practical sensualist who enjoys sexand likely be good at it too! You have the power of a volcano inside your body, along with the self control that chooses when to allow it to explode. You may have a difficult time with Mars in Pisces when it comes to actively pursuing that which you desire. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. She will have to be comfortable going out by herself sometimes and giving him time alone. Voted among the Best Matching Apps for Astrology the LGBTQ+ Community, and Women. Virgo tends to date with finding The One as her main goal. They dont like to feel owned or tied down to anything. Mars in Aquarius does things on his terms. They often have a disdain for authority, making them poor employees. These two zodiac signs are definitely a power couple status when theyre together. This may lead them towards dangerous activities on the road or in sports since it is extremely difficult to defeat them at anything. She may be most compatible with a man whose Mars is in Libra. When you are dating a Mars in Aquarius man, you are dating someone who is passionate, imaginative, and always on the move. This pairing can also be intensely obsessive but in the best way possible. Mars in Aquarius increases your enthusiasm in your relationships. Do not become too far detached from the needs of those around youeven while abstaining from gratifying your own needs. Celebrities born under Mars in Aquarius include Scarlett Johansson, Emma Watson, Justin Timberlake, and Harry Styles. Your Masculine Sign, the Water-Bearer, shows that you are outgoinga talkative people-person. Mars in Scorpio and Mars in Capricorn both make good matches. The Aries man likes to take the reins of the relationship, this has to be accepted by the Aquarius. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Our Mars sign is important when looking into compatibility because it tells us how the person acts in bed and what they want in bed. Mars in Scorpio is very much concerned with the deeper significance of sex and love. Cancer does not like to express directly and may take time to get to the point. This makes you highly compatible with intrepid Mars in Sagittarius, but also socially brave Mars in Libra. However, they can also be impulsive, impatient or intolerant of other peoples limited abilities. She tended to attract men who were either not very sexual themselves or who wanted her to mother them. Theres something innately intimate about being there for someone in more ways than just physical, which is highly important to Virgo. They have little patience with old outworn modes of doing things, structures, and like to replace these with new and better methods. When you are born under Mars in Aquarius, you appreciate someone who is adventurous yet independent. They may date someone completely unexpected. Sagittarius is known as the eternal bachelor of the zodiac because its so hard to get this free-spirited sign to settle down with just one romantic partner. What's tried and true works for you in matters of sex. You strive to be self-sufficient. Ruler of the zodiac sign Aries and traditional ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio. With Mars in Aquarius you have unusual ideas and attitudes when it comes to sex and your energy will be rather eccentric as you pursue your desires. They can also be very promiscuous. You are easygoing in the bedroom and you are happy to let your partner take the lead. Laurie was very detached from her sexual needs in relationships. Men with Mars in Aquarius are focused on friends and group activities. The only problem this couple may have is that an Aquarius man needs solitude sometimes and is less social than a Libra woman. There is a real feeling of you believing in equality, and you are of the opinion that this is at the absolute root of your being. She wants intellectual stimulation, a sense of humor, and someone who appreciates the world in all its beauty. Your energy is more the type to love someone that can become more perfect through your energy. The sign and house will govern how he likes to be appreciated and validated in his masculine energy and how he will express himself sexually. This means that a Libra woman is very loving and romantic, and can teach the somewhat cold and unemotional Aquarius to open up and let her into his heart. You see sex in a healthy, necessary way to release energy tension and even though you are attracted to someone who has a healthy respect for their body, you're not looking for the perfect person. Sexual fantasies are strong with Mars in Pisces and the ideal lover is a dream that you somehow always search for, yet never seem able to grasp. Laurie was new to astrology and came to me looking for information on the right sign for my sun. This is commonpeople think about matching up their sun signs. They are usually kind of offbeat and weird. Aquarius is an aloof and unemotional sign, so when you pair two Aquarians together, they may never be able to fully open up to one another. This placement often gives scientific ability, with a strong interest in the future, technology and the advancement of humanity. An Aquarius is not accustomed to bad or boring intercourse. Mars in Gemini meaning reveals that you possess great communication and leadership skills. Love Compatibility in the Astrological Chart: Mars, 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. He wants someone he can build a life with; someone he can trust with his most tender and private emotions. Mars in Gemini is someone who values intellect, self-expression, and communication above all else. He often feels suffocated in romantic relationships, but an Aries woman will never stifle him. He is a problem-solver and is especially adept and handy when Mars is in Leo. Mars in Aquarius men can be slow to commit, just because they are happy within themselves, and they don't need anyone to complete them. Capricorn wants someone who is very similar to him. Urge for action, personal energy and drive, assertiveness and aggression, sexuality and passions. But Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, so a Gemini woman is extremely talkative and needs to be in constant contact with her partner. Being very forward thinking, this woman will be the one to come up with the next big idea or invention that will change our society! In a committed relationship, an Aquarius can truly relax and be themselves. When you look deeper into how the planets affect our personalities, you will find that certain planets help explain why we are compatible with other zodiac signs and why we are not compatible with others. There may not always be a lot of conversation, but what does come out of this pairing is more intimate and deeper than anything else either sign may ever experience in their lives. Both also have Venus in a sign ruled by Mars. He does things on his own account in a restrained and step-by-step manner. She needs an emotional and spiritual connection with someone just as much as she needs a physical one, which is something that Sagittarius is well-versed in providing. Use our cosmic calculator to discover what zodiac sign and house Mars was in when you were born. An Aries woman is non-traditional and likes to play by her own rules. You will often be a rather good judge of personal space and understand that there are moments where people require this space rather than being crowded all of the time. Mars is known as the planet of war and its position in your natal chart is indicative of your more volatile characteristics. They are not for all tastes but with the right person they can be pretty fun. Although you possess a lusty sexuality with this Mars placement, you appear to be very subdued and controlled so one wouldn't know this unless they were intimate with you. You are very likely to be drawn to linguistic forms of art such as poetry. They are original, playful and active. Heavens help the poor soul who enters a debate with you, underprepared. Cancer is also known as a caretaker in astrology, but she also appreciates being swept off her feet and wooed by the right person. Aries and Aquarius Compatibility: Friendship Aries and Aquarius are more compatible as friends than as a romantic pairing. This means that you are often pushing boundaries, and you can find yourself very ahead of the times. These women dont like sitting at home doing nothing as they get bored easily. Mars can help us cut through layers of societal and family conditioning to get to the truth of ourselves. You will find love and fulfillment in your relationships when you know your intellect is valued and seen as seductive. With Mars in Aquarius you have unusual ideas and attitudes when it comes to sex and your energy will be rather eccentric as you pursue your desires. Flexibility is a key to her, as she will try anything new if she has the opportunity. Mars in Scorpio is also an ambitious self-improver, which Virgo connects with. Mars is the expression of masculinity in a mans chart. But while the process might take a while, it is well worth the wait for this loyal and loving partner. In order to win an argument with this placement, it's . You're a lover, not a fighter. Laidback and adventurous sexually, you are happy to go with the flow, trying new things or sticking with the tried and tested as the mood demands. More than almost any other signature in the chart, these planets (and their aspects and house placements), give clues as to how you like to "do love" (Venus) and "do sex" (Mars). While an Aquarius has its own sense of individuality, a Sagittarius will follow along with . 2022, part of the Hopnetic network. But you want to leave your mark on the world, and you are driven by the idea that you will leave the world a better place than you found it. They have a rebel without a cause vibe, but also obviously big hearts. Mars in Libra understands the hard work it takes to find that balance between romance and freedom. They will be attracted to one another at first but will come to find that their relationship just doesnt work. Both signs desire a partner who can elevate their status, support their goals, and push them to succeed in everything they do. This is an exciting time when we feel the urge to modernize or change the way we do things. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. And relationships will have bothso its important to know your partners Mars placement. If you have Mars in Aries you want what you want but don't seem to consider any consequences. You will be awed by the homemaking skills possessed by Cancer but will feel trapped in the home with a worrier. Mars in Gemini has a strong intellectual drive so mental pleasure can sometimes be more important than sex. This man is not one to be passive, or ignore problems within a relationship. She is a skilled linguist and probably has a special talent or a career as a writer or public speaker. The Sagittarius woman will like that the Aquarius man doesnt try to control or restrict her, and this pair can learn a lot and grow together as a couple. Although they respect each other and can get along as friends, they will never have enough in common to form a successful romantic relationship. This zodiac sign is someone who can give Leo the excitement and adventure he needs in life. He wants to know that whoever he is with is someone that he can take care of (and someone who will take care of him). More specifically: Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Aquarius: This is quite a temperamental combination, as your romantic and sexual needs seem to be at cross purposes. They are typically not that jealous or possessive. Other people have different motivations and rewards, and you will find that your chosen path delivers you love and fulfillment, and you can enjoy this victory fully with the help of Mars in Aquarius. Which signs are his best matches, and which signs wont get along with him? Mars in Aquarius will bring the heat! Pisces is also looking for The One and will kiss a lot of frogs before she finds her prince (Scorpio). These people prefer teamwork to working alone. They often have kind of a weird look. You thrive under the spotlight, and you never tire of playing host to the bright minds of your friend circleplay on your strengths and host a get-together when Mars is in Aquarius. You dont worry about what other people think, as you know that the majority of people arent capable of appreciating what you are trying to achieve.