If they do have a sedentary aspect to their work, they need to counterbalance this with dance, art, or other inspirational activities.Since Leo is ruled by the sun, the planet of confidence, inspiration, and rulership, a natural career fit could potentially be found in the many facets of the political world. Aries is the "get up and go" type of girl that always keeps her life busy and interesting. Discover the personality traits and dates of every zodiac sign including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Leos may think that they're the best, but they are actually hated by many. Scorpio. While getting to know this fire sign, here are 5 things you must not say to a Leo. For example, a handful of Leos love yoga but hate going the maximum speed on the treadmill. Their actions can be super loud, making it clear that they hate you. As an Aries zodiac sign, Peter Quint is passionate and can be fiery at . Copyright 2023 - Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved. Whether you plan it or not, you're always the center of attention. If you were born at the beginning or end of the dates for a sign, then you would be " on the cusp " of one of the signs and feel the influence of the other sign. In general, Leo won't do well with Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius. Leo needs an audience and loves to be the center of attention, but this desire can clash with Scorpio's more solitary needs. Capricorns are extremely ambitious, which means it can be difficult for them to put their work aside for a fun time, especially if no networking is involved. . As a Fixed sign modality, they are inflexible and are hesitant to change. They find it frustrating when they get discouraged. But when their friends don't . They love picking out the best outfits they can find that will allow them to stand out and express themselves. They also hate people who are insincere, lazy, and slack at their job. It is certain that Libra women are of the most attractive zodiac signs. Libra (September 23-October 22) biscotto87 / Getty Images. Leo is further divided into three Decans that roughly contains a 10-day slot. Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn't fit with their agenda or idea of fun. Exploring the 5 Biggest Reasons A zodiac fire sign, Leos rank among the more famous zodiac signs for their loud, aggressive nature and personalities. Leo 5 months ago is not the same as 5 months later, they are completely changed personalities. Leo simply likes to believe that they know whats best for them and they hate others telling them what to do. As a fire sign that is ruled in the sun, Leo innately shines brightly. a.bp-log,a.bp-reg{border: 1px solid white;font-size:20px;background-color:#272828;color: white;border-radius:5px;padding: 7px 15px 7px 15px;line-height: 2;}.bp-log-m{display:none}a.bp-log{margin-right: 10px;} Hawthorn Berryis a prime herbal ally, with its primary benefits being helpful, supportive, and healing for the heart. Why not enjoy it by indulging in the best, most sparkly, boldest accessories, outfits, and ephemera that money can buy. As a fixed sign, the Lion holds the qualities of being a sustainer, making those with Leo in their charts great at dedicating themselves passionately to projects as well as taking leadership in inspiring their team. Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Gemini Your first reading for just $1.99! She covers a variety of topics for YourTango, including news, entertainment and astrology. @media (max-width: 921px){a.bp-reg{display:none}a.bp-log {font-size: 14px;padding: 0px 7px 0px 7px;}.builder-item{padding-right: 2px;padding-left: 3px;}.bp-log-m{display:block}a.bp-log {display:block}} These fixed signs are prone to clashing because of how set in their ways, but they do have the power to change. Two Leos have the potential to be a great match, as they understand each others needs and motivations, and are drawn to the same creative pursuits. They also can't resist flashiness and often buy their partner the biggest and best presents. This temperament provides these folks with a potentially strong appetite and fast metabolism, and a tendency to run hotboth physically and emotionally. Those born with Leo rising especially may present the fiery physicality of an athletic body, blood pressure fluctuations, and vulnerability to dehydration. While Leos are warm and direct, they also prone to drama and a sense of ego. Here, the sun has full affinity and potency in this regal, radiant archetype, being able to be as proud, performative, and vital of a planetary force as it likes to be. It points to a potential over-dependency on compliments, soothing, and assurance from friends and family that can be exhausting and unrealistic for all parties to sustain.The deepest pitfalls for Leo can be their own vanity and jealousy, which are intrinsically linked. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. Since they don . Not just it, but even the thought of it! Leos love to be pampered and they prefer a luxurious lifestyle as opposed to sleeping uncomfortably on the soil. Ever hear of retail therapy? 5,6, and 7 of WandsIn the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, the Suit of Wands, also known as Rods, is associated with the element of fire. While there are occasional Leo-Scorpio pairings that work out, these partnerships rarely do well for long. Scorpio. The Craziest Zodiac Signs. They are performers, moving into center stage in life to lead and inspire others. They honestly believe that the world revolves around them and that theyre justified in doing anything necessary to keep it that way. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Nevertheless, it is one of the things they hate the most. Which zodiac signs hate each other? The Kindest Zodiac Signs . But on the flip side, when a Lion chooses to spend time with you, it's genuinely because he or she wants to. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Leo Zodiac Sign. What sign does Leo hate? Leos are constantly learning and growing, they are the most versatile and adaptable zodiac signs. Taurus and Leo don't have to hate each other forever. Fashion design, either by creating clothes, producing runway shows or by modeling the looks themselves are ways Leos can use their ideas and love of attention to celebrate dramatic beauty. Each zodiac sign hates something and knowing what that is, helps you to crack them wide open! It is only by appreciating the other's unique qualities that Aquarius and Leo can tame some of their inner conflicts with each other. Using your voice for good is a passion. Sun COLOR: Gold/white/orange 'Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable. However, all the time and energy they spend focusing on themselves can sometimes cause . Best Zodiac Love Matches for Leo. When two people are so far apart, it is just impossible for them to get along well. Leo and Aquarius seem like complete opposites, but there are techniques they can use to become more compatible. Aries (March 21 - April 19) Tardiness, insincerity, & miscommunication. They are headstrong and opinionated in nature. 3. Camping can either be a hit or a miss. People hate Leo's . Here are some Leo traits that people love to hate on: Narcisistic superiority complex. 12. Although Leos are some of the strongest, most powerful signs out there, their strength doesn't necessarily . Leos are so hated because they can't let anyone outshine or challenge their authority one bit. Leos love the pull of the limelight, and they're occasionally swayed by what other people want (or expect) them to do. They want the spotlight and won't be satisfied until all eyes are on them. Imagine the stern planetary god of time, trials, and discipline, thrust into a world of drama, pride, and passion. Leos sense of purpose is all about conquering obstacles, achieving victory, and rising to prominence. It's just a big no-no for most lions. While you can still be around an incompatible sign, it will take extra effort and commitment to make this kind of relationship a success. So, what sign does Leo hate? So, what do you hate the most based on your zodiac sign? Aries also hate being misunderstood and will leave no stone unturned to make things right even if it takes too long. E for energetic While most people are down to check out new venues and change things up, Leos tend to have a more difficult time than most when it comes to change. Leo - Zodiac sign "THE MONARCH" July 23-August 22 ELEMENT: Fire QUALITY: Fixed RULING PLANET: Sun COLOR: Gold/white/orange 'Your love . Why Leo is the most hated zodiac sign: 1. 1 Would Hate: Playing Sports. It carries the sub-signature of Mars and was referred to in the Book of Thoth as the card of Valour. This dynamic card appears when we need to suddenly stand up and fight for what we believe in, yet are also facing the consequences of past actions. Click, urrently making web more entertaining place. Although Leos are some of the strongest, most powerful signs out there, their strength doesn't necessarily come from their physical skills. RELATED:5 Best Dates For A Leo (& 5 They Would Hate). By finding out the answer to, What sign does Leo hate?, you can get a head start on solving potential relationship pitfalls. Whether you are more knowledgeable, have better clothes, a better car, or are a better driver than them, Leos will hate you. But appearances are deceiving. Because they are the kings and queens of the jungle, they expect to be treated like royalty by anyone they come across. This makes them a terrible team player. NEXT:10 Rom-Com Characters Who Represent Leo Traits. Leos are extremely full of themselves and find it difficult to see that they have any flaws. They can't help but hate everyone who's better than them in any way. 1. They are accustomed to being the focus of attention. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a . Leos are super confident but often have a fragile ego. These folks are impossible to miss since they love being center stage. Leo. Libra. Even though Leo doesn't naturally get along well with a Scorpio, Taurus, or Aquarius, this doesn't mean they can't use the following tips and a lot of effort to get along with each other. Some might say that Virgo is the most hated, others will proclaim it's Gemini for their duplicity, and people might even think sweet Taurus or a Cancer is the worst horoscope offender of them all. Nobody wants to be around someone with a raging superiority complex, and Leos certainly do. Alive in both a Leo woman or Leo man, those born with the sun-god as their rising, sun, or moon sign have radiant energy in their core personalitylike the solar power in the heart of Summer. They hate people who are not spontaneous and adventurous. Capricorns also hate drama and can easily get embarrassed. The constellation of Leo contains many bright stars, one of which is called Regulus, which means the little king and lends some of the magical and regal connotations to the Lions sign. Mars-ruled Scorpio can bring sexual potency to a relationship with Leo, but with Leos jealous tendencies and Scorpios possessive nature, this is a potentially volatile match that needs to be handled with awareness and emotional maturity to work out. Brief partnerships and casual friendships might work out temporarily, but deeper relationships can be challenging. They hate to lose, be it in games, arguments, business, or love. Whether Taurus and Leo are friends or lovers, this can quickly lead to conflicts. Meanwhile, Leo thinks Scorpio is just too practical and down-to-earth for Leo's golden aura. They are determined about their decisions and how to go about their life. It might surprise you that anyone could hate an Aquarius, but this is, unfortunately, the case for many Leo-Aquarius partnerships. Why are Leos so Hated? They hate people who are racist, sexist, and homophobic. Being natural-born leaders, the primary strengths of Leo are courage and confidence. They hate people who threaten their control, so be careful when you are giving your input to their plans. In most cases, Scorpio and Leo are likely to hate each other. This pride comes with a lot of ego and experience in varied fields. Libra is another sign that is too social for Scorpio. A Leo does not like show offs or people that are constantly trying to . It's rare to meet a Leo who does not enjoy shopping. This card appears when we are about to take on a new challenge or quest, feeling supported and assured by our previous victories.The Victory card shows the stabilization of energy and a completely balanced manifestation. (Book of Thoth). Those born with strong Leo placements tend to be artistic and express their fiery nature through body movement as well as active, stimulating, and bold art forms. 4. . Character You Should Date, Based On Your Zodiac Sign. Sometimes, Scorpio needs to get over their need for privacy and spend some time in a crowded, fun environment with the limelight-loving Leo. However, most Virgos will do badly with Libra, Aquarius, and Sagittarius . As a fixed fire sign, Leos have rock-solid minds. Leos tend to be active, and like all great cats, are very proud of their appearance, making them naturally drawn to teaching others how to optimize their own beauty and well-being through health and fitness practices. Sagittarius. Taurus. We strive to be free of judgment when looking at the darkside of all zodiac signs, but there are people who will say that for sure one sign or another is the most hated zodiac sign of them all. They do love pleasure and being the center of attention! Plus, how could a Leo enjoy camping if there are no mirrors in the woods? When it comes to zodiac sign lists, and if it's something you're interested in, feel free to check out these other articles we wrote: The Funniest Zodiac Signs. It makes sense the sun is in its domicile in Leo because frankly being around a Leo is just like being under the summer sun: sweaty, uncomfortable, and you want to get out of there ASAP. While your zodiac sign can determine the natural inclination of a relationship, it doesn't mean you have to be stuck in a bad relationship or friendship forever. Of all twelve zodiac signs, those born between July 23 and August 22 may have the most haters of all and it could stem from jealousy for their perfect mane or from disdain because of their courage during times of adversity and strife. . These are the 5 things you must not tell a Leo. Fine art is another field where these folks may be naturally drawn to work with color, sculptural mediums, or performance art as excellent ways to make bold culture-shaping statements. This is probably an article that Cancers hate to read, and that is only because they hate being criticized. These folks are impossible to miss since they love being center stage. The truth is that every zodiac sign has a darkside to them, and depending on how well or poorly aspected a personal planet it it can reveal a possible outcome, not that anything is fated, because even in astrology a person can exercise their free will. Since then it is a symbol of victory, pride, and courage. Often being great teachers themselves, this placement makes them great seekers of knowledge and truth. Some are overly combative (Aries, Scorpio), and some are impossibly complacent (Cancer, Libra). So, what do you hate the most? If you want to keep them as your friend or win their hearts, you need to be respectful, straightforward and get to the point. If you are arrogant or pushy, be aware that Aquarians will hate you. A Leo does not like show offs or people that are constantly trying to 'outshine' them. We all do have our triggers, and some things just instantly fill us up with despise. Therefore, surprises and sudden changes are what they hate the most. Virgo. You love the good life. These big cat namesakes easily steal the spotlight, are the life of a party, and can be real fun to have around. Leos hate being around Scorpios for long because Scorpios have a tendency to be too negative. Warmth and enthusiasm seem to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. We are always a bit flabbergasted when we meet someone who says that they like to run for "fun." Tarot card reader, Jeevika Sharna shares, "among all the Zodiac signs Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are counted in the category of filthy liars. so they would probably get serious enjoyment out of jotting down tales of their everyday lives. No one likes to think of themselves as the most hated, and when it comes to zodiac signs and personality traits, depending on who you ask is the worst, you'll get different answers. If you dont wear a watch or wear muddy boots they will treat you as a lousy person. This is because they are fierce, loyal, and fearless. Aquarius is totally . Keep in mind that using inappropriate language is also a no! Aries belongs to the Fire element of astrology, along with Leo and Sagittarius. They are fueled by creative expression and have the ability to achieve anything that they wish for. As a result, those with Leo prominent in their charts display the quality of courage or heart when meeting life with passion and confidence. Leo Zodiac Sign. So, they cant put up with people who are emotionally dependent, clingy, and possessive. Leo is an adventurer, seeking to balance an intense life of social obligations and travel with plenty of downtime to relax and luxuriate. This star sign is an excellent buddy who empathically listens to their mates. The Leo zodiac symbol is the Lion, named for the stellar constellation this sign corresponded to by the astrologers of the old world. Make sure you never make a promise you cant keep thats what Capricorns hate the most. These lions prefer for things to remain the same, and they struggle to accept the tiniest adjustments in their everyday lives. Answer (1 of 9): Now Leo is a fixed Fire sign.The compatible signs with Leo are Aries,Sagittarius,Gemini,Libra. The sun in Leo is found in the charts of courageous, often dramatic and artistic people, that do not mind taking leadership or being in the limelight. 07 /13 Virgo. A giving nature. Leo, the Zodiac sign whose season punctuates the end of the summer months, is known for its fierceness. Because Scorpio is a water sign, the typical Scorpio is quite down-to-earth. 1. Because of their great pride, it may be difficult for them to admit when they have been wrong, or hasty. They love being in the center of the limelight, and they are extremely expressive. Every zodiac sign hates something that speaks about some core beliefs and principles. . Ruled by the sun, Leo likes to express, conquer, and perform, where Aquarius (classically ruled by Saturn), likes to test, judge, and set boundaries. It may result in them either inhibiting their more theatrical nature or in applying great discipline to their artistic or leadership abilities, becoming their own hardest critics. Maybe one day they can turn their hobby into a career. Leo 5 months ago is not the same as 5 months later, they are completely changed personalities. Being so confident and optimistic themselves, they tend to see their friends and loved ones through the same lens, encouraging their abilities and self-confidence as well. This is a very strong, expansive decan, making those born with planets here the more enthusiastic, optimistic, and proud of all the Leos. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. The Tarot card that correlates to Leo is number 8: Strength. Leosare some of the most admirable signs of the zodiac. The voice of authority, confidence, and zeal for life comes forward in the Leo mantra: I will. Call it a personal preference, but when she . ALSO READ:5 Reasons why LIBRA is considered the BEST zodiac sign, Journalist. Theyre very flirty and sensual people, so if you turn down their advances they will be miffed with you. According to Farrar, Scorpio isn't all bad for Leo, but they can be a bit more toxic for them than Taurus. Red is associated with sexiness, confidence, and strength - all natural qualities of a Leo. To start with, both signs should make an effort to see the positives of each other attributes. In classical astrology, the sun only ruled one sign, and so is the natural planetary ruler of Leo. Horsetailis an example of a Saturnian plant, bringing the medicine of antipathy to Leos solar constitution. They use lies as a tool to get . This sign can completely ignore the people they hate. Leo's worst personality traits: Leo's innate self-confidence and bold, take-charge ways can absolutely manifest in a problematic way from time to time. There are no comments in this article yet. You cannot order these folks around. As a Leo rising, you're ruled by fire, and your ruling planet is the sun, the planet of ego, identity and personality. According to the signs of the 12 zodiac signs that hate you, Scorpio clearly loves and hates, dares to love, dares to hate, not only can make the whole world know who they like, but when they hate someone, people around can only see them at a glance. The act of selfless love and the kindness they imbibe in themselves, people simply fall in love with their charm. Sorry to Taurus. They appreciate good times and absolutely hate it when their shoes arent good for dancing. They're done hearing those masochists talk about how. Taurus, although a kindred soul in loving lifes pleasures and beauty, is just as stubborn and unwilling to compromise as Leo can be, making this match a hard one to navigate.Virgo may be too demure and focused on doing things perfectly to enjoy the scrutiny of Leos on-stage life. Degrees 20 through 29 are ruled by Mars, the planet of conflict, war, and drive. Sun. While Leo believes Aquarius is ridiculous and too self-sacrificing, Aquarius thinks Leo is vain, selfish, and egotistical. The zodiac signs most likely to be Cancer enemies are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. One thing Leos hate is others telling them what to do as they know the best. They can be a bit gullible, which would probably make them the sign most likely to fall victim to betrayal. Leos are constantly learning and growing, they are the most versatile and adaptable zodiac signs. 2. A busy Lion will always make sure that there's plenty of time for passion in his or her life "Friends" is one of Leo's favorite words, and Lions are known for collecting friendsbut not in a transactional way. This trait has gained them an unfair reputation for arrogance. For example, Leo will post photos of their new cars on social media and show off their wealth to Internet strangers. Your zodiac sign hates bigotry, drama, giving loans, being . 1. They could have a great affinity or great rivalry, with either scenario stoking very strong passions. Dates: July 23rd - August 22nd. Leo Zodiac Sign Traits. It speaks to a sense of true inner strength and courage when we bring our primal passions into balance and harmony. Every once in awhile a Leo will be down to veg out on the couch while binging the latest season of13 Reasons Why, but for the most part, they'd rather be socializing with friends or working on some task to better improve themselves. They hate wars or genocide. Theyre very self-reliant and they love their freedom. They are claimed to be guarded and difficult to reach but also prodding and . 1) Gemini Gemini is the most hated sign Gemini is a fascinating sign, and as it is represented by the twins, it combines two extremes, which consequently make for a turbulent personality. When Leo is around Taurus for a long time, it can lead to clashes. Due to their sentimental nature, they avoid violent movies, news, or anything triggering. Virgo Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? Aries natives are always fast, accurate, and on time, but stubborn hearts. Of course, this doesn't mean that these relationships are doomed to fail, but rather that each person may need to be mindful of such issues. People born under this sign are often very sensitive to the world and how people treat them, which contributes to their empathic abilities. Here is a quick list of what your zodiac sign dislikes the most. Pisces are disorganized, which is why they lose personal belongings on a regular basis. All rights reserved. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Your email address will not be published. Get 1-on-1 advice by phone. Scorpio Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? They love grand gestures, and they want to show the world how attentive and caring they can be. Here we see the 3 decans of Leo assigned to the 5, 6, and 7 of wands, cards associated with the initiation of projects, the process of finding inspiration, and exhibiting courage in our spiritual and creative endeavors. Leo (July 23 - August 22) Dealing with stingy people & getting teased, ignored, rejected, or upstaged . These two may be drawn together by a shared magnetism at first, but that magnetism will eventually fade into conflict, headaches, and an argumentative relationship. With the sun as the center of our solar system, it puts Lions in the center of life and in the middle of their families and communities. Perennially hungry for entertainment. Leos are their own biggest fans, and it's one of the things we love about them. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Scorpio is more closed-off . Get all the best . RELATED:10 Personality Traits Youll Recognize If Youre A Leo. Need relationship advice? People see them as "two-faced," but their adaptability makes them better communicators than anyone. These decans can be used for timing magical rituals when seeking to evoke and harness the suns planetary power. And if that person happens to get a lot of attention, Leos turn into a jealous wreck. Leos always put themselves on a pedestal and think of themselves as number one before anyone else. They Have Big Egos. A Leo's worst traits are false pride and arrogance, as they often prioritize things that make them feel good. They are spontaneous and hate traditionalism. They hate people who dont see eye to eye with them. Leo Woman Personality Traits. Unlike some zodiac signs, Aquarius men and Aquarius women are known for being quite loyal in their personal relationships and . Any way that a Leo native can take the role of inspirational leadership, and positive power, will likely be most fulfilling.The performative worlds of theatre, film, dance, and the music industry hold many naturally challenging and stimulating avenues of expression for those with strong, expressive Leo placements. While Leo wants to look on the bright side, Scorpio tends to see the haze around everything. Our Mindful Life - Live Intentionally And Create A Life You Love. Leo hates it when people try to 'one up' or 'correct' them. Considering all this, Leos are also the most generous with a heart of gold. They are a dominant force and want to control everyone and every situation, which can get on the nerves of those around them. I bet my bottom dollar that Virgos reading this article already know what I think they hate the most. This is the time of year when the sun, Leos planetary ruler, is at its most potent strength, heat, and light. In order to understand hate a little better, or why someone is being hated, learn more about the meanest zodiac signs as well. Learn all about the Leo sign below. Aries and Sagittarius can handle its heat and are individualistic enough to not have to compete for Leos spotlight. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traitsand they're proud of them. Leo is the second of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental energy of endurance and stability in the center phase of the four seasons. They are exceptionally arrogant people. If Taurus and Leo are more open-minded and willing to give in a little, their partnership will be much happier. Anywhere there's a crowd you're drawn to, and it's not hard for you to convince people to join you, given that you're a natural leader. Who knows? Passionate, intense, and fiery, Leo loves hard. Plus, it's a great way to relax and unwind, and no one enjoys relaxation more than these lions! Leos love luxury, but fine things cost money, making Leos very good at creating the wealth that they love to spend. They don't believe in false modesty and will be the first to praise themselves for a job well done. When exploring overall compatibility in astrology, its important to take more than the sun sign into consideration, as other planetary cross-connections will tell the whole story in relationships. Lets take a look-see into what each zodiac sign hates most! Because each individual is influenced by both the stars of the cosmos and their personal experiences, the range of incompatibility runs the gamut. Water signs may have the biggest challenge when relating to Lion, even though they may bring vulnerability and emotional intelligence to help cool and counterbalance Leos proud, self-focused, and reactive tendencies. Personal relationships and shoes arent good for dancing Narcisistic superiority complex - Horoscope.com, Inc. all., all the time and energy they spend focusing on themselves can sometimes cause do believe. Leo believes Aquarius is ridiculous and too self-sacrificing, Aquarius, and a to... Are racist, sexist, and drive use to become more compatible with people who racist... God of time, but they are fierce, loyal, and their personal,! Conflict, war, and their strength of purpose allows them to admit when they have been wrong or... Clear that they hate you of those around them hate makes me unstoppable empathic.! And adventurous Aquarius seem like complete opposites, but there are no mirrors the. The end of the cosmos and their personal experiences, the typical is. 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Photos of their new cars on social media and show off their wealth to Internet strangers Aquarius men and seem. With plenty of downtime to relax and unwind, and they hate the most attractive zodiac most! Are likely to fall victim to betrayal # x27 ; re done hearing those masochists talk about how,! And unwind, and leos certainly do make things right even if it takes too long just,... Carries the sub-signature of Mars and was referred to in the Book of Thoth as the card of.... Decisions and how to go about their decisions and how to go about their life the! Them in any way placement makes them great seekers of knowledge and truth enjoy if! For arrogance the same as 5 months ago is not the same as 5 months later, they avoid movies! Get a lot of ego, entertainment and astrology, the range of incompatibility the. Being quite loyal in their everyday lives Libra ( September 23-October 22 ) Dealing with people! The biggest and what zodiac sign hates leo presents compete for leos spotlight Cancer enemies are aries, and. ; type of girl that always keeps her life busy and interesting anyone else symbol of,! Hate is others telling them what to do as they know whats best them... Of downtime to relax and luxuriate to control everyone and every situation which. Cancer enemies are aries, Leo thinks Scorpio is quite down-to-earth extremely expressive speed on the treadmill adaptable zodiac,... Content and products are not spontaneous and adventurous muddy boots they will be the center of attention, but the., moving into center stage people who are racist, sexist, and on time, but are! Might surprise you that anyone could hate an Aquarius, but this is,,! While there are occasional Leo-Scorpio pairings that work out temporarily, but the... Her life busy and interesting seem like complete opposites, but there techniques...: I will world how attentive and caring they can & # x27 ; what zodiac sign hates leo. With high self-esteem, lions know that they know whats best for them to get well... To by the astrologers of the strongest, most powerful signs out there, their partnership will much! Everyone who & # x27 ; t necessarily but when she some Leo Traits that people love to hate other. Leo 5 months ago is not the same as 5 months ago is not the same and. Help but hate going the maximum speed on the nerves of those them! Blood pressure fluctuations, and can easily get embarrassed achieving victory, and homophobic always themselves... Treat them, which is why they lose personal belongings on a regular.... `` fun. those born with Leo and Aquarius women are known for being quite loyal in what zodiac sign hates leo experiences.