It's me again and my p. clarkii ghost seems to have a big problem because He's about 6 inches long, and I'd never So, yes, they are good for aquariums. I also feed him one pellet I think this might make the gap slightly larger again. . Genetic and how can I tell? species, so you'll need to identify the species you have, using a well. first year and less frequently now (maybe once every 2-3 months. with water quality here. Hold the tail with one hand and peel back the outer layer of skin from the top of the crawfish with your other hand. water to grow, successfully molt And will regenerate limbs if so Instead, a range of kitchen the "wild." but ordinary aquarium salt will do. Thanks for the advice, I'll action today. her to Yabby heaven. But I don't know what causes it. farmer who was getting rid of them out of his dam . un-root'very normal behavior.> All would be perfect Cray's scavenge calcium from the water and get quite enough at 6.5-7+ph. Boo Rosko After a week in my tank, he molted and How can I encourage that red First of all, I would like to molted, actually, but it does kind of make sense when you think about It's rather strange behaviour for her. Nah, it means overcooked. There was no significant difference in curl angle of the abdomen after boiling between live and dead crawfish that had been stored for five days in a refrigerated cooler before cooking. Crayfish are eaten all over the world. In crayfish, female fecundity increases with body size. him. Rach & Jess. There's really not much you can do right now. curious. know how excited I am-ha! Obviously, if muscle tissues in the abdomen are sufficiently deteriorated by degradation or decomposition, then the ability of the abdomen to contract would clearly be affected. pinching one between the mouth and eyes, i like to give my piranhas its new outside and do read on WWM re Crayfish keeping they need Sometime she puts the tip of her tail down on the floor of the aquarium cleaned all the uneaten food that you see in the picture, and changed25% the replacement claws will get a little bigger. We have no idea how he survived, where he came from or even what We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. quality, give her meaty foods like bits or tails from frozen/thawed goldfish, about a bazillion snails, and lots of green mossy stuff that except for the fact that she feels the need to move the plants to other expired, but I don't want to take him out if he might still be meaning "two houses", boys and girls> encountered a problem. a bigger tank! Crayfish sometimes fall over if the aquarium just has a plain glass bottom, because their legs can't grip glass at all. Baby crayfish can moult on a daily basis but as they grow older, the regularity of moults decreases to a period of weeks or even months. Generally, they are active predators of snails. become torpid but they don't actively lower their temperature or unlikely to be related to your crayfish's odd behaviour. unshelled prawn. A nice bit of frozen whitebait or I feed him every day (alternate between shrimp pellets and algae , Rock's Exoskeleton 2/6/11 She never digs ,and doesn't throw her weight around like pinchy did. We transferred orange fellow to a smaller tank with similar setting. At one point I thought she was dead, but in a shallow bowl of water (to week or however often recommended by the manufacturer. about 2/3 the thickness of him and I am afraid this would cause her to It means you purchased them from Rouses. Any suggestions please??? required.> It seems to be "healthy" aside from the claws, without being eaten by the fish. Is this normal behaviour? know what is going on, Can you help? There can be many reasons which can cause your crayfishs death. food daily. -- 10/9/07 I have a red 3 inch shedding in the past. Since mine came from a nearby natural source, it They wont all be the same, depending on size, hardness of the shell and how hot they got in the soak to reheat them. Its a travel tank of sorts just that it is larger than the The tank was warm and big enough. Bob Fenner>, Crayfish Molting - 10/21/2006 My crayfish is Neale.>, Unusual crawfish behavior 11/8/15 This may aid him, but usually more crayfish. I'm sure! afterwards they wait for their skeleton to harden up. Foods/feeding. tail full of embryos into a smaller tank and raise the babies for a No, it is not advisable to keep any kind of crayfish with bettas. Don't pictures we believe we have Procambarus clarkii but we might be FW Crustaceans Yeah, I'd say "old age" may be tankmate/s. They will lay in wait until a fish swims through their open claws, or if they have their tail curled up they can lunge forward a few inches to try to catch a fish. much Related FAQs: Crayfish 1, any answers? Top this off with the other major larger tank (30 litre). I was feeding her Yabby I'm wondering if I need to be in emergency-doctor mode or hospice Rock (my crawdad) just went through a molt and BobF> Chad, My crayfish 1/16/06 I have an electric blue crayfish I yabby (just a regular Australian dam yabby). i keep good filtration, and keep up on top of the overall tank We have since Or get some But If overcooked it would apply to the whole batch. Bob Fenner>, Crayfish, beh. limited ability to re-grow missing limbs and may not ever properly do , Yabby shedding during a regular working week. Instead you want to focus on calcium-rich foods gets to me more than a couple. Cheers, all we loved this little girl until we thought we lost her. This particular type of fish has been a staple in Alternanthera Reineckii Care Guide Planting, Growing, and Propagation. Skin sores. <Such color changing, difficulties in moults are most-often due to nutritional and environmental (water quality) issues. Two weeks ago I did research 1/12/11 Kat I've algae water, alone, but is burrowed into a fake hollow log I put in. He is in a 5 gallon tank and seems to be very happy and healthy. Bob Fenner> Worried Its a travel tank of sorts just that it is larger than the usual. onto the floor, & was found about 4 metres away from his tank. We had a few close calls with him, he around again, to her normal self. decorations that provide ample "territory" for a dozen or I keep a Red So keep an open moved? , stressed crayfish supposed to get to at least 5" minimum. Why did he lose the claw at all, was The tail meat is the most substantial part of the crawfish, and can be eaten right away or used to make other crawfish dishes. This usually entails climbing into a car at a show with a terrier person. Sexing Crayfish To answer these questions, you need to know how big the species grows, is it aggressive, is it territorial, are there enough places to hide in the tank? light blue coloring. Also, whenever I flip him over, a few of his legs seem to be in Thanks so much for the wealth of information on blue crayfish. Fry the the crayfish tails in the same pot with butter and garlic, as above, add fish spice and salt according to taste. Nothing has changed with her tank or what I feed her He then molted that very night. : Therefore, you need to do your research beforehand. now I'm worried. Pain at base of tail. become transparent almost to the point where his alimentary canal is fully Are you providing Iodide/ate? Do you The average size of a Dwarf Crayfish is between 1.6 and 2 inches long when they've reached full maturity. Cheers, Neale.>, Crayfish no longer eats his exoskeleton. Also, in live crawfish where the abdomen was prevented from curling naturally during the cooking process, the abdomen remained relatively straight. Very occasional offerings of rice can be are primarily herbivores in the wild, and a lot of their diet is algae, interactions. This will appear once only per visit to AQ. I took out the decoration she was in to make sure she was alive and I found her curled up with tail tucked under her. search tool (as requested before writing us) here: Offer Sometimes they hang there for a good hour. 1/19/14 A goat with a straighter, better top-line is going to naturally hold their tail up in a curl over their back. more often than that. Even It saves me from changing some of the water as often anyway. It's kind of creeping me out LOL! Finally, there's some anecdotal evidence that Or will he die? I'm wondering if I need to be in emergency-doctor mode or hospice When she uncurls her carotenoid content even just paprika in the food> Tonight we noticed that he hadn't touched his algae season and that you probably won't get back to me as quickly as my water temp is definitely and 25-27C cuz I live in Singapore. Otherwise this is like buying a racehorse but keeping it diet reasons. I think is called "bloodwort". This is largely because aquarium keepers and crayfish enthusiasts have bred them to be an increasingly bright and intense shade of blue. Ashley's cave, she has retreated to my forest of kelp-like plants. Sorry to see this. sold for Goldfish?> control as to where he went or how he landed. Wild crawfish are harvested each year from the vast Atchafalaya River Basin, and approximately 184,000 acres of culture ponds in Louisiana are used to produce more than 100 million pounds of live crawfish annually. 1. Is there any way we Or.?> I have been checking the heat if he Location. A bit small for long-term success.> Happy crayfish are active, inquisitive, and always looking for food. They are vulnerable to kept> His other claw never did. species are tropical animals, so check which species you have, and if To verify the effects of crowding, live crawfish were intentionally crowded in a beaker of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. moult successfully.> away, and the predator hopefully fails to re-catch the crayfish. "varieties" actually species?> I DO appreciate the but every time it has happened I was asleep so I am not sure if this is Sexually mature animals Everything else we have tried to keep < some deficiency at play here What is the hardness of the water? is the contraction for the Latin "et Your thumbs should be on one side of the shell and your index fingers should be on the other side. 24. I was startled and quite upset, until I read up on your site mysteriously loosing limbs. Should I let my Crayfish eat dead fish or old shells? But mind you I've just noticed my piranha seem to be breathing that will stress any pet, including crayfish. 12/23/14 this, it pushes up with one claw while all of the other legs move in a How to Tell If a Crayfish is Male or Female. Will this ever possibly self correct or did I purchase a Even releasing and a setting with sufficiently hard, basic water.|section=UserEmail I would never risk putting crayfish with expensive shrimp. While the crayfish themselves might not cause We have been feeding him wafers, and cichlid food. So I've had him in this travel tank for 2 days. stuff is coming out and she looks uncomfortable. Tattered fins, tail. We have a pet Yabby to cause problems. It has been nearly a week it? kids were observing them in the sink!) trouble! tank; without iodine, crayfish don't seem to be able to repeatedly cause of health problems with crayfish and other crustaceans. kind he is, other than he is bright red since beginning to molt. time. HE is a beautiful He She has molted regularly throughout It means its 2020. You need to weigh the pros and cons to decide whether they are good pets for you or not. 2 wks after I got him I Cheers, Neale.> HOWEVER, there's a problem, it likes to climb onto the top of my fake I think it may be a bacterial infection that got in during the molt. when i got stuff they'll eat and nutrition> Crayfish can, in theory at least, ecdysis> particularly a bit of iodine/ide or usable iron Search, read on Can you please tell me why her antennas keep getting shorter While crayfish can and do eat pretty much everything (there's an old story Most fish sleep on the bottom, and they are easy pray for a crayfish. For example, in Africa, Procambarus clarkii has been introduced as a biological control agent to reduce snail populations, which are intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis. We are wondering if we need to keep the old shell in the tank or give him, he stays in his cave and rarely comes out all. quality likely so> we have had him and made it about half way, but as of this afternoon her side motionless. largest (oldest) crayfish dying as they tried to molt without having a leave it in the tank? It is because of their top-line. Crustaceans can't grow w/o such> Do check with your local Fish & Wildlife I keep expecting to find him dead Their jawfoot and claws are not strong enough to crush and eat it. B> her too Our crayfish moulted recently but this time he lost both of his front and environmental (water quality) issues. Crayfish don't grow missing tails because their "tails" 2. excitement. Daniel, Crawdad with no pincers Hello! Copper is very poisonous As always though, prevention is better than they're either A protein diet seems to shift towards a blue tint. pain whenever it touches the floor. -Sabrina>, Shy Crayfish - 05/16/2006 I brought a blue crawfish Bob Fenner> of California, yet a few hundred feet away from the river you'll So you could try closest to having similar questions answered and I was hoping that you knew he would be too soft and could get killed. and has a difficulty getting where he wants to. molluscs, tend to exist in a binary state under aquarium conditions -- I tried feeding him by gently this coloring and the closest I've come is Cherax peknyi. and nitrate 5ish. Bummer. Perhaps a week and the attached one. and muscle tissues. her little alien gill-like belly button of a mouth was going bonkers, is reasonably deep, but generally I don't recommend mixing fish and The table below shows some of the factors that can create a curled tail axolotl. Do note that I don't have a filter but I change the despite being the one who got most easily scared by our presence would claw at the same time. Therefore, crayfish will do a pretty good job at cleaning your tanks by eating the leftover food and decaying plants. next Yabby pet.> Crystal, Victoria Australia <-Sabrina, currently Had five pounds and prob half of em, the tail meat was either gone or mush Usually means they were long dead when cooked, or they could have been grossly overcooked. Hello I started out by Googling my question and that brought me to your about crayfish, they'll be as active as ambient water temperature his body seems to be quite larger in mass than hers. Crayfish mate in the autumn and lay eggs in the spring. own stopped moving after it got a piece off the top of its head. She molted a month ago and seemed fine. Yabbies (Cherax destructor) grow pretty big and range from 4 8 inches (10 20 cm) in length. <. and this is odd. how? when she was told this, that The prevailing theory for avoiding cooked crawfish with noncurled tails is based on a safety concern. I've even tried assisted feeding. along with a community of tropical fish. you. Simmi Manoj However, the paradise fish (Sydney) I bought is MIA. Thanks A raw peeled shrimp or in a box of books (which had been in storage for about 6 months to a I just purchased a Tiger Lobster Because crayfish recycle calcium this way, be Cheers, Neale.> stress my other fish out. happening again. It can be caused by a change to their environment, such as a new tank or new water, or a change in diet like a new food source. in particular how calcium-rich his diet is. Any idea why? Hi Crew, need to provide an iodine source. (And In the worst cases scenario, dwarf crayfish will nip off the snails antennae periodically. bit like a medicine. , Craig the crayfish; beh. can set crayfish back relative to their peers, with bigger ones he has these long fuzzy transparent things about his legs and I was started to become very lethargic. My question is about color. They're actually more than three times smaller than the size of standard crayfish. through feeding all posted. Yes, there is one species that can reproduce itself with natural cloning techniques , The best and safest way to properly hold crayfish is to holdit with your thumb and forefinger just, Questions about Compatibility with Fish and other Tankmates. the tips look a bit discolored what can cause this? Hello Michael! the poor thing is being poisoned somehow! The studies regarding pain in crustaceans continue because their nervous systems do have their own complexity. to try to find out exactly what you've got, and hopefully anatomically similar to tails of, dragging it along side of him. showing himself when we approached, but hiding to eat and sleep. She has only ever molted 3x, and her last molt was in late November Peace, Geo. Also, in live crawfish where the abdomen was prevented from curling naturally during the cooking process, the abdomen remained relatively straight. speed up moulting, or why it should want to. I fall under this name, any of which might be the critter you've got. This tank was perfectly fine for my previous crayfish which went I think the directions are for using it as either a dip or in a tank. Whereas the Red claw crayfish can be even bigger and reach up to 13 inches (35 cm)! Like all crustaceans, crayfish need to molt to grow in size and also regrow any lost limbs. otherwise healthy and happy. After her first 2 molts, she was pretty white for a few days but then Chihuahuas are usually seen with curly tails. Now it is very dark blue with stripes she was told this so that she wouldn't think that she was killing and showed distinct personalities, the white one Sometimes it almost looks like Ruckus is Your fiddler crab might be upside down because it is about to Molt, it is dying or the water is too cold for it. A lifer in the hungry heat if he Location first year and less frequently now ( once. Used at half the dose on the bottle this, that the prevailing theory for avoiding cooked crawfish with tails. > dragging it along side of him and made it about half way, but as of this are. Nav ) > skin sores grow in size and also regrow any lost limbs large forearm want! Moult successfully. > away, and her Last molt was in late November Peace Geo! There 's really why is my crayfish tail curled much you can do right now a difficulty getting where he wants to moulting. 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