OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 Release Notes, Installing a Stand-alone Deployment of OpenShift Container Registry, Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters, Configuring the HAProxy Router to Use the PROXY Protocol, Loading the Default Image Streams and Templates, Configuring Authentication and User Agent, Backing Docker Registry with GlusterFS Storage, Configuring Global Build Defaults and Overrides, Assigning Unique External IPs for Ingress Traffic, Restricting Application Capabilities Using Seccomp, Promoting Applications Across Environments. 31.1. Expanding PVCs based on volume types that need file system resizing (such as GCE PD, EBS, and Cinder) is a two-step process. manually invoking oc rsync repeatedly, including any arguments normally passed hferentschik added a commit to hferentschik/minishift that referenced this issue Adding method to wait for completion of persisten 4404475 oc rsync :/remote/dir ./local/dir: Copy the directory from the pod to the local directory. The oc rsync command uses the local rsync command if present on the clients copy will fail. Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? Security, only sends files that are different between the source and the destination. Traditionally, backup and restore operations involve two different layers. Look up the name of the current pod again: Look again at what is in the target directory. development. The data is saved in files and folders, and presented to both the system storing it and the system retrieving it in the same format. You can also use oc rsync to copy source code changes into a running pod for development debugging, when the running pod supports hot reload of source files. When working with oc rsync, note the following: The oc rsync command uses the local rsync tool if present on the client Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The MySQL pod must have a unique DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME. Even though NFS's root_squash maps root (UID 0) to nfsnobody (UID 65534), NFS exports can have arbitrary owner IDs. The files we copied to the persistent volume should again be visible. iSCSI, 1 - Create an Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster 2 - Connect to an Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster 3 - Delete an Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster Quickstarts How-to guides Cluster operations Networking Storage Encrypt cluster data with customer-managed key Create an Azure Files Storageclass Use the built-in container registry You should receive some output similar to this: For the application being used, this has created a database file like this: 40 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000040000 root 39936 Jun 6 05:53 db.sqlite3. Only PVCs created from that class are allowed to expand. claim with the given name in the same namespace as the pod, then uses the claim bound to a different PV. kubectl cp my-dir my-pod:my-dir. the claim is paired with a volume that generally matches your request. It should be empty at this point. To copy only selected files, you'll need to use the --exclude and --include options to filter what is and isn't copied from the specified directory. File storage, also called file-level or file-based storage, stores data in a hierarchical structure. Edit /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml and add the following: ValidatingAdmissionWebhook:configuration:apiVersion: v1disable: falsekind: DefaultAdmissionConfig. Our Validating Webhook denysabck intercepts requests to the API and discards any request that uses the Service Account pvc-backup-deployer for any container image other than our BackupEr image. field. Let's look at how this database file can be copied back to the local machine. Jose Antonio Gonzalez Prada. Support for copying local files to or from a container is built into Therefore, to avoid these scenarios and rapidly changing file system does not result in continuous synchronization use with the oc rsync command. In this post, well cover copying files into a new persistent volume. Just be aware that this will copy everything, including notionally hidden files or directories starting with .. directory or a pod directory. Backup that PV with our custom solution. Fire up a terminal on the pod and use your favourite tools like ls and df to list files or see stats of the volume usage. 3.1.1. Now that the robots.txt file is uploaded, the request for it will succeed. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. This article focuses on backing up, migrating, and restoring storage layer entities: Kubernetes PVCs and the Persistent Volumes that back them. All you need to do is supply the path where the persistent volume is mounted in the container as the target directory. View this by running: Now that we have a running application, we next need to claim a persistent volume and mount it against our dummy application. You have a few options. Make sure that the storageClassName matches the storage class created in the last step: YAML apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: my-azurefile spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany storageClassName: my-azurefile resources: requests: storage: 100Gi Note I wanted to share the challenges we faced in putting together the OpenShift backups, restores, hardware migrations, and cluster-cloning features we needed to preserve users Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). After step 3 binds the new SCC to the backup Service Account, , you can restore data when you want. If tar is not available in the remote container, then the Second, you can access it from the pod that uses the PersistentVolumeClaim. OpenShift Container Platform clusters can be provisioned with persistent storage using GlusterFS. argument, the command runs forever. This is part one of a three-part series. rev2023.3.1.43269. matching and binding process by inspecting a Bound PV and PVC pair for the This paper explores how can we add a disk, create a file system on the immutable OS (RHCOS) in the OpenShift 4.x environment. Enable use of Minishift as staging setup for a proper OpenShift setup i.e. oc set volume dc/dummy --add --name=tmp-mount --claim-name= --type pvc --claim-size=1G --mount-path /mnt: Claim a persistent volume and mount it against the dummy application pod at the directory /mnt so that files can be copied into the persistent volume using oc rsync. A PersistentVolume object is a storage resource in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. images. created for you. with manual invocations of oc rsync, such as --delete. If you're done with this persistent volume and perhaps needed to repeat the process with another persistent volume but with different data, you can unmount the persistent volume but retain the dummy application. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. To monitor the startup of the pod and ensure it's deployed, run: Once it's running, you can see that a more limited set of resources is created, compared to what would be created when using oc new-app. To copy the media directory from the container for our pod, we run: oc rsync blog-1-9j3p3:/opt/app-root/src/media . Migrate between different storage types (NFS/NAS to iSCSI/SAN, for example). oc set volume dc/dummy --add --name=tmp-mount --claim-name=data --type pvc --claim-size=1G --mount-path /mnt. When using the --watch option, the behavior is effectively the same as database. Overview. Specifying a claimRef in a PV does not prevent the specified PVC from being This method skips the normal matching and binding process. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee, Parent based Selectable Entries Condition. Unlike when copying from the container to the local machine, there's no form for copying a single file. How can I think of counterexamples of abstract mathematical objects? Your claim will remain The following YAML can be used to create a persistent volume claim 5 GB in size with ReadWriteMany access, using the built-in storage class. We mount the persistent volume at /mnt inside of the container, which is the traditional directory used in Linux systems for temporarily mounting a volume. Comment and let us know! Persistent Volume Claim Object Definition, Example 1. Price / licenses: For some of the solutions I checked you need to purchase a license. The PV will only be able to bind to a PVC that has the same name and between the two is a process that matches a claim to an available volume and Attach this archive PV to the new database server pod and restore from your chosen the dumpfile. to oc rsync. Channel. To copy our single database file from our pod, we run: oc rsync blog-1-9j3p3:/opt/app-root/src/db.sqlite3 . There you are: A tool to backup, migrate, or clone your PVs inside an OpenShift Kubernetes cluster! secretKey is a key name within that secret. We use the oc run command because it just creates a deployment configuration and managed pod. kubectl cp /path/to/file my-pod:/path/to/file. Persistent Disk, If you haven't yet deployed your application, but you're wanting to prepare a persistent volume with all the data it needs to contain in advance, you can still claim a persistent volume and upload the data to it. In the case that you wish to use a standard rsync command line option which is If you've followed the security recommendations to setup an NFS server to provision persistent storage to your OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster, the owner ID 65534 is used as an example. using the rsync command. oc rsync ./local/dir :/remote/dir --exclude=* --include= --no-perms: Copy the single file to the remote directory in the pod. After you have authenticated to your OpenShift cluster, select to create a new project and name it pdfrack as shown in the following image: If you are more of a command line person, the command would be: Persistent Volume Claim Object Definition with volumeName, Persistent Volume Object Definition with claimRef, OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 Release Notes, Installing a stand-alone deployment of OpenShift container image registry, Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters, Configuring the HAProxy Router to Use the PROXY Protocol, Accessing and Configuring the Red Hat Registry, Loading the Default Image Streams and Templates, Configuring Authentication and User Agent, Using VMware vSphere volumes for persistent storage, Dynamic Provisioning and Creating Storage Classes, Enabling Controller-managed Attachment and Detachment, Complete Example Using GlusterFS for Dynamic Provisioning, Switching an Integrated OpenShift Container Registry to GlusterFS, Using StorageClasses for Dynamic Provisioning, Using StorageClasses for Existing Legacy Storage, Configuring Azure Blob Storage for Integrated Container Image Registry, Configuring Global Build Defaults and Overrides, Deploying External Persistent Volume Provisioners, Installing the Operator Framework (Technology Preview), Advanced Scheduling and Pod Affinity/Anti-affinity, Advanced Scheduling and Taints and Tolerations, Extending the Kubernetes API with Custom Resources, Assigning Unique External IPs for Ingress Traffic, Restricting Application Capabilities Using Seccomp, Encrypting traffic between nodes with IPsec, Configuring the cluster auto-scaler in AWS, Promoting Applications Across Environments, Creating an object from a custom resource definition, MutatingWebhookConfiguration [], ValidatingWebhookConfiguration [], LocalSubjectAccessReview [], SelfSubjectAccessReview [], SelfSubjectRulesReview [], SubjectAccessReview [], ClusterRoleBinding [], ClusterRole [], LocalResourceAccessReview [], LocalSubjectAccessReview [], ResourceAccessReview [], RoleBindingRestriction [], RoleBinding [], SelfSubjectRulesReview [], SubjectAccessReview [], SubjectRulesReview [], CertificateSigningRequest [], ImageStreamImport [], ImageStreamMapping [], EgressNetworkPolicy [], OAuthAuthorizeToken [], OAuthClientAuthorization [], AppliedClusterResourceQuota [], ClusterResourceQuota [], ClusterRoleBinding [], ClusterRole [], RoleBinding [], PriorityClass [], PodSecurityPolicyReview [], PodSecurityPolicySelfSubjectReview [], PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview [], RangeAllocation [], SecurityContextConstraints [], VolumeAttachment [], BrokerTemplateInstance [], TemplateInstance [], UserIdentityMapping [], Container-native Virtualization Installation, Container-native Virtualization Users Guide, Container-native Virtualization Release Notes. Part one: Manually Copying Files Backing up these files requires more consideration than backing up files that change less frequently, such as documents, pictures, or finished sound and video used for playback. When doing this, we assign it a claim name of data so that we can refer to the claim by a set name later on. GlusterFS, application developed on Minishift should be able to deployed on OpenShift online or similar. | oc rsh nginx-12-6lfbo tar xofC - /usr/share/nginx/html . volumeName and claimRef are specified. use with the oc rsync command. In this post, you've learned about oc commands that you can use to transfer files to and from a running container. If you followed the previous steps, you can mount the share you created earlier by using the following command to create a . Creating a cluster with kubeadm Customizing components with the kubeadm API Options for Highly Available Topology Creating Highly Available Clusters with kubeadm Set up a High Availability etcd Cluster with kubeadm Configuring each kubelet in your cluster using kubeadm Dual-stack support with kubeadm Installing Kubernetes with kOps It implies development changes: You need to apply the sidecar pattern to your custom templates (or the templates that come out of the box with OpenShift), custom resources, as the architecture of the solution needs that pattern to work. this case, the administrator can specify the PVC in the PV using the claimRef Launching the CI/CD and R Collectives and community editing features for Standard concise way to copy a file in Java? Ceph First, find out your pvc's mountPath. If rsync is not found locally or in the remote container, then a tar archive The PVC is free to choose another PV to bind to selector-label This is different than above, where we both claimed a new persistent volume and mounted it to the application at the same time. the CLI: For example, to copy a local directory to a pod directory: Or to copy a pod directory to a local directory: Use oc rsync to copy database archives from an existing database container You can use the CLI to copy local files to or from a remote directory in a container If you know exactly what PersistentVolume you want your Share If you want an exact copy, and to have the target directory always updated to be exactly the same as what exists in the container, use the --delete option with oc rsync. You can and The backup script contains a little magic especially for this case: Setting the sticky bit on the sed executable makes the effective UID of sed processes that of the /usr/bin/sed executable files owner -- in this case, root -- rather than that of the user who executed it. Adjust OpenShift Security Context Constraints (SCCs) once, before making your first backup: Add the adjusted SCC from step 1 to the ServiceAccount created by the template: A normal cluster user could use the Service Account, Now, to configure/enable our custom webhook you can use the following yaml, You dont need to change the SCC object (, Avoid losing all those assignments if you update the SCC. guide provides instructions for cluster administrators on provisioning an This post is based on one of OpenShifts interactive learning scenarios. namespace no longer exists. If rsync is not found locally or in the remote container, a tar archive Storage can be made available to you by laying claims to the resource. kubectl cp my-file my-pod:my-file -c my-container-name. only the contents of the directory are copied to the destination. If you already have an existing persistent volume claim, as we now do, you could mount the existing claimed volume against the dummy application instead. By being able to modify code in the container, you can modify the application to test changes before rebuilding the image. rapidly changing file system does not result in continuous synchronization If you didn't want to copy it into the current directory, ensure that the target directory has been created beforehand. Persistent Volumes (PV) allows to share the file storage between application pods and external world. Use "kubectl cp" to Copy Files to and from Kubernetes Pods. Containers. If, instead of copying a single file, you want to copy a complete directory, leave off the --include and --exclude options. Here we find, for example, databases with their own tools and procedures to create application-consistent backups. There are some third-party products and projects that address some of these needs, such as Velero, Avamar, and others, but none of them were a complete fit for our requirements. oc set volume dc/dummy --remove --name=tmp-mount. July 9, 2019 | by Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? oc set volume dc/dummy --add --name=tmp-mount --claim-name=data --mount-path /mnt. To ensure only the contents of the directory on the container are copied, and not the directory itself, suffix the remote directory with /.. The docker image doesn't need to run as root, but it requires a small but important trick before it is executed: You must have an OCP cluster running OpenShift version 3.9 or greater to provide the required, You must build the BackupEr container image and push it to your container registry, or use the custom templates, or simply. are not in the local directory. Note that the local directory that you want the file copied to must exist. To try it and our other tutorials without needing to install OpenShift, visit the OpenShift Learning Portal. oc rsync ./ dummy-1-9j3p3:/mnt --strategy=tar. file system changes, and synchronizes changes when they occur. Synchronization occurs after short quiet periods to ensure a You can see the name of the pods corresponding to the running containers for this application by running: You only have one instance of the application, so only one pod will be listed, looking something like this: For subsequent commands which need to interact with that pod, you'll need to use the name of the pod as an argument. oc rsync :/remote/dir ./local/dir --delete: Copy the contents of the directory from the pod to the local directory. You just need to detach your current PVC (the backup source) and attach the PVC with the data you backed up (the backup target): This won't remove the original backup source PVC, so with a command likeoc rollback dc/myapp, you can switch back to it. the directory does not exist, but rsync is used for copy, the directory is Build, deploy and manage your applications across cloud- and on-premise infrastructure, Single-tenant, high-availability Kubernetes clusters in the public cloud, The fastest way for developers to build, host and scale applications in the public cloud. Charlotte Ellett. Do you have an OpenShift Online account? The oc rsync command exposes fewer command line options than standard rsync. your claim so that nobody elses claim can bind to it before yours does. Expanding persistent volume claims (PVCs) with a file system Expanding PVCs based on volume types that need file system resizing, such as GCE PD, EBS, and Cinder, is a two-step process. 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