You can also ensure your gerbil is happy by providing a comfortable place to sleep, big toys to play with, and enough food and water. Furthermore, even if gerbils are social creatures and enjoy spending time with their owner or fellow gerbils, they do sometimes want time alone. If you suddenly start noticing your gerbil becoming more vocal, it could be stressed. Gently push them away from each other. All it knows is that its power is still being challenged. A wild gerbil has an average lifespan of 2-3 years. arrive for work later. Depression. You may notice the occasional squeak, but thats about all. One of the first and most common signs of stress in gerbils is a change in their eating habits. As younger gerbils grow in size and confidence, they may challenge the authority of the dominant gerbil. They all relate to changes in the existing social structure. When your gerbil becomes sad, you can tackle the problem if you know how to spot the telltale signs. You may not see these wounds beneath the fur. You should always keep your gerbil with at least one other gerbil for company. Emotional and mental symptoms of stress can include: 2. It could also be a trivial fight. That way, if either of your gerbils tries to bite you, they wont hurt you. You need to make sure that you are around them and treat them with love and affection so their want for attention will provide that calming effect for them. If you see any of these signs, try to calm the gerbil down by speaking softly to it and providing a calm environment. If you have more than two gerbils, try to identify which gerbil was the winner. Youve probably seen your gerbils grooming each other from time to time. Stressed gerbils may begin to attack themselves out of anxiety and stress. Headaches, dizziness, or shaking. If your gerbil has gained a lot of weight and has been in contact with a male recently, then watch out for signs of your pet building a nest. This is easily seen in their body language and behavior. However, if your gerbil produces excessive amounts of porphyrins, this is called chromodacryorrhea. Living in social groups, they need a way to communicate with each other. You can also offer them some chew toys or other enrichment items to help keep their minds active and distracted from whatever is causing their stress. So, in captivity, gerbils get lonely if theyre housed on their own. This is fairly similar to the feeling of panic attacks in humans. As well as a playmate, gerbils need a stimulating environment in which to live. Anxiety or irritability. Boxing. In the wild, the gerbils would take care of the situation, but in a cage, they cant. You will no doubt have noticed some of these strange behaviors, including: This behavior is called stereotypy. Its commonly displayed by animals kept in captivity, either as pets or in zoos. Other common signs of stress in gerbils include: Hiding or isolating themselves from other gerbils Shaking or trembling Biting or chewing on cage bars Excessive grooming (which can lead to hair loss) Lethargy or depression If you notice any of these signs in your gerbil, it's essential to take action to help them relax and feel more comfortable. Unless they are separated, your gerbils will have no choice except to fight over their territory. Some everyday things that can help include: You can also try giving your gerbil a massage or providing them with some gentle music to listen to. Gerbil mothers will collect a lot of bedding material to form a nest, and it's in this nest that she will give birth to and look after her new pups. If this happens to you, you may. Turning your research into a paper. First of all, it is very important to notice the signs of a stressed gerbil. In many cases a propensity to seizures is passed down from . The most obvious sign you should look for is fighting. Real gerbil fighting is rare, but it can be dangerous if you dont intervene. Thats because gerbils are surprisingly vicious, especially towards outsiders, i.e., gerbils that are strangers. So we must do everything we can to help our gerbils relax and feel comfortable in their home. Choose a same-sex playmate to avoid unwanted pregnancies. But stressed-out gerbils may spend hours at a time hiding away in their nest or tunnel. This is something thats similar to the nervous tics that humans experience. Perpetually biting on cage bars can damage your gerbils teeth. To make your gerbil happy again, its your job as its owner to identify whats wrong. It means something has startled your gerbil. Quality of life decisions should take account of whether your gerbil can or cannot take pleasure in these normal activities. Jumping. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. Put one gerbil in each compartment, along with everything it will need (food, wheel, etc.). By doing this, you get each gerbil used to the others smell. Depression. Like humans, gerbils digestive systems dont function as well when they are in fight-or-flight mode. You can see which one is the rejected one by observing its behavior. He's been really chill and friendly from the start. Foot stomping and vocalizations, such as squeaking and teeth chattering, can be stress-induced. It needs bedding, a running wheel, and drinking water like any other enclosure. Up to 50% of gerbils may be affected. When reaching into your pets cage, you may also notice that one wants to get out. Gerbils are usually friendly, sociable creatures. Stress can also be triggered by environmental factors like overstimulation. It may even attempt to bite you or another gerbil if it feels that its territory is being threatened in any way! Its essential to tell when a gerbil is stressed so you can take steps to calm it down. One kind of noise a gerbil can make is a loud, high-pitched squeak. Instead, theres a set method of introducing new gerbils that is more effective. Shortness of breath or rapid breathing 3. Nose And Lip Licking, Yawning, Drooling. Gerbils are communicative animals. When they are not play fighting, they will exhibit friendly behaviors such as sleeping together and grooming each other. If you constantly leave to go somewhere and dont spend as much time with them, then they are going to be stressed out from not being with you. The first SMQ warning sign is anger. Seizures and strokes are not always fatal. Strong stress reactions sometimes can be traced to traumatic events. Theyre stuck in tiny enclosures. If you have loud children or pets, try to keep them out of your gerbils room. Once declanning has happened, keeping the gerbils apart is usually the best option. It cant get out of the cage, so another burrow isnt an option. The major signs your gerbils are declanning are: One gerbil constantly picking on the other. Why Do Gerbils Tails Fall Off? Unless you separate your gerbils straight away, declanned gerbils will inevitably fight. Grooming, scratching, and biting or digging at the cage are all normal gerbil behaviors. They are relatively low-maintenance and can provide hours of entertainment. If you notice their hair falling out in clumps, then they need your help. The thumping is produced by pounding both hind legs on the ground. Occasionally, you may notice that your gerbil has red liquid around its eyes or under its nose. You can then decide whether to keep your gerbils apart or try to reintroduce them. But if you notice this behavior often, something in your gerbils environment is causing stress. All the gerbils sleep in the burrow together to preserve warmth and to stay protected. [Gerbil Tail Slip Prevention Guide]. When we arent feeling well we get headaches, body aches, and sometimes even the flu. Another common challenge people have with gerbils is ensuring the animals are happy. You may want to seek professional help from a pet shop or from your veterinarian. Gerbils become unhappy when other gerbils die if their enclosure is small or they're stressed. Your gerbil sleeping at different times of day and night than it used to. This will be especially true for the gerbil that has been overthrown and kicked out. Gerbils may be more aggressive, irritable, or hide excessively. Each gerbil within the clan has a different social ranking. The reason for most gerbils fighting is because they have gone through a process called declanning. Your gerbil may display these behaviors if its depressed. Gerbils declan for many reasons, all related to the social structure of the gerbil group. If you take it from its cage, rather than running around exploring, it may sit doing nothing. The idea is that the gerbils can get used to each other but cant fight. It could also be a trivial fight. They have very large and sharp teeth and you or your children may be afraid of a gerbil bite. Muscle tension or jaw clenching. This is because the gerbils have gone through a process called declanning.. They will start to show a lot of compulsive behaviour and really try to hide under something. If any gerbil that is not part of the clan tries to trespass, it will chase them away. Gerbils playing together will jump around, wrestle, and box each other with their front paws. Its kept in the same cage until you intervene. Gardening gloves work well for this purpose. So, make sure youre topping up your gerbils bowl and water bottle every day. A gerbil that loses this kind of fight would then run off to start its own clan elsewhere. Here is a list of the ten most common signs of stress for aquarium fish. Gerbils are not known for being social creatures. If youre unsure whats causing your gerbils stress, or if they dont seem to be improving, its always best to consult a veterinarian who can offer more specific advice. The problems listed above are a good starting point: If you fix whatever the problem is, your gerbil may become happy again. Fur appearance may or may not change. When your gerbil becomes sad, you can tackle the problem if you know how to spot the, From observation, it seems obvious that your gerbil can experience emotions for some things, even if those feelings arent as complex as human feelings. If this is the case, theres not much you can do about it. As soon as you notice that your gerbils have been fighting, remove one of them from the gerbilarium. You can then fix whatever the problem is. Assert its dominance, and maintain its position as the top gerbil. 2. It would find a new home to live in and never see the other gerbil again. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. How do you tell if a gerbil is stressed? from falling, rough handling, or fighting with another gerbil). When talking to your parents, try: Presenting your research about gerbils. Its essential to tell when a gerbil is stressed, so you can take steps to calm it down. If your gerbil is healthy and its environment isnt causing stress, it may just have an anxious personality. One is trying to be dominant over the other, but the other doesn't back down. This causes more fights, which become progressively more severe. Chronic stress can affect your immune system, heart, metabolism, and overall well-being. Alternatively, if your gerbil becomes more active than usual and seems agitated, this may also be a sign of stress. It will stain your pets fur and the bedding it sleeps on. According to PLoS One, most of these noises are too high-pitched for people to hear. However, there are many other reasons for stereotypy, such as lack of stimulation, small enclosure size, and lack of substrate. Exercise on a wheel can also help your pet to overcome loss and depression. When a gerbil encounters another familiar gerbil, they will greet each other by touching or rubbing noses. Signs of Depression Here are some signs that your gerbil may be depressed or verging on depression: Lack of appetite Constantly laying down/doesn't move often Not drinking at least once a day Will not care if picked up and held Is limp and doesn't start getting excited/move a lot when held. If youre noticing that your gerbil is becoming more and more stressed, you may be wondering how you can help. Gerbils that play together are happy gerbils. Signs of a Tyzzer disease include the following: Rough Haircoat; Hunched Posture; Appetite Loss; Depression; Dehydration; Watery Diarrhea; What are the Best Sand Baths for Gerbils? Depending on the parasite burden, humans may have no apparent clinical signs or may have nausea, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and central nervous signs (agitation). Declanning causes fights between gerbils. They will never grow to like each other. This squeak is the fighting squeak. Either way, a gerbils sleep pattern will stay the same throughout its life. Gerbils bodies can become quite stressed when theyre sick or in pain. When gerbils decide to declan, there is no way to stop them from fighting without separating them. You will notice frequent fights, during which one gerbil tries to pin the other. Overactive or underactive stress responses may stem from slight differences in these genes. A listless gerbil could be ill or depressed, especially if alone. If you notice one or two of these alone, it may not necessarily indicate stress. These groups are called clans. 3. Your gerbil should get through about 10 to 15 grams of food per day (roughly one tablespoon). For example, they wont be able to eat, refuse to drink water, and so on. Stress can put a strain on gerbils hearts and immune systems, making them more susceptible to illness. Knowing what symptoms to look for is a great place to . Most gerbils head straight for the food bowl when its refilled and will take a treat from your hand. Whereas normally, your pet would be happy to see you, now its defensive and nippy. So, for example, your gerbil could damage its teeth on the bars of its cage. be more twitchy or nervous. Do Gerbils and Rabbits Get Along? This is called. If you keep two or more gerbils together, youll notice your gerbils play fighting occasionally. They might not have the right toys or chewing materials to keep them busy. What Are The Signs of Gerbils Declanning? Alternatively, take it from its enclosure and allow it to run around. As cute as hamsters are, its a bit of a challenge to get them to trust you. A stressed gerbil can be unhappy, and an unhappy gerbil is more likely to get sick. A curious mouse is inclined to perk his ears up or forward. The other side of the room, or another room entirely, would be fine. This can be due to a variety of factors such as, noise, changes in environment, overcrowding and more. You may see your gerbil appearing to wink at you. You reach down to try and pick it up, but it bites you, which it usually wouldnt. That alone can fix most problems. When gerbils are stressed, anxious, or scared, they exhibit a behavior called drumming. Increased heart rate and elevated blood pressure 3. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What Are the Signs of Gerbils Declanning? Weak immune system. proliferative ileitis. This is the worst sign. A gerbil can become depressed or unhappy for a variety of different reasons. Its like a wrestling match. Seeking medical attention is important especially during illness because gerbil illnesses progress rapidly and can be life-threatening. Stressed gerbils will often begin to over-groom themselves, which can be an indicator of stress. Gerbils fighting will aggressively bite one another around the head and tail areas, usually drawing blood. The loser will sleep in some other part of the cage, e.g., in the running wheel or corner. Each will be on its hind legs, trying to push the other and flailing with its arms. If you are ever reading up on how to stop your pet from getting sick one day you may come across the following about pet stress. This gerbil could be one of its previous cage mates or a new gerbil. They could be the result of a fatal condition. You may notice: Disturbed sleep indicates that your gerbils mood or health has changed. The best way a gerbil can exercise is on a running wheel. Try then moving your little gerbil to a different room and dont let your other pets enter that room. Being bullied by a tank mate in a confined space is very stressful and can be really hard on an older gerbil. Perhaps: You have trouble getting to sleep or wake up very early. Gerbils, If you want to breed gerbils or prevent them from breeding, you have to know if theyre male or female. This applies both in the wild and in captivity. If your gerbil suddenly becomes aggressive or irritable, this may be a sign that its stressed. Eye winking is often a sign of pleasure or gratitude, but can also signify submissiveness. Fighting gerbils can be vicious. If they touch things, then they are probably very anxious and scared. Scientists say that it can also occur because of boredom, frustration, social isolation, and other negative stressors. However, that doesnt necessarily mean that they'll get along well together. Unless youre watching over your gerbils, you may not notice them physically fighting. Digestive issues like bloating, diarrhea, or nausea. . This is especially the case for gerbils which are part of a breeding pair. This is going to be a temporary home while you sort out a permanent housing solution. As a gerbil owner, the best thing you can do is cuddle your gerbil when its upset, but remember that if he is acting like this because he doesnt trust you then it could be serious trouble for him. If a wound becomes infected, the gerbil could become seriously ill. Once two gerbils have fought to the point of drawing blood, they usually wont be able to live together again. Gerbils live in social groups, and in the wild, gerbils are routinely attacked by predators. They would never naturally do this in the wild. They may bite their own tail or any other part of their body, sometimes to the point where they draw blood. Shows Territorialism and Bites You or Other Gerbils. Gerbils have many ways of letting you know that they are uncomfortable with the situation. You want to do your best to help your gerbil to calm down and only take it to a vet when you think you cant help. You may notice them running around in circles, but when you look closer youll see that their tails are stuck on the ground or something right behind their backs, hence why they think the room is spinning! Every gerbil is different. For those not familiar with a gerbil, they are small mammals from the rodent family and come from Asia. Because this isnt possible in captivity, it makes the aggressor angry. You may need to experiment a little to find out what calms your gerbil down. We are going to be discussing the signs or symptoms of a stressed gerbil in this article. One of the first signs that a gerbil is stressed is that it will start to make more noise than usual. Some common signs of stress include: 1 Changes in mood Clammy or sweaty palms Decreased sex drive Diarrhea Difficulty sleeping Digestive problems Dizziness Feeling anxious Frequent sickness Grinding teeth Headaches Low energy Muscle tension, especially in the neck and shoulders Physical aches and pains Racing heartbeat Trembling Pooping a lot can also be a sign of excitement. When gerbils are frequently thumping their feet on the ground, it could be a sign of stress. This is a sign that it is happy and relaxed. Loud squeaks are a sign of threats and fighting. Thats why a gerbil gets so excited when you take it from its cage. Often, if one gerbil is startled and begins thumping (described as a quick "da-dum, da-dum" sound), others in the enclosure or room will also begin thumping. It can be the result either of sadness or stress. Presumably, wild animals experience the same positive benefits as those in captivity. Eats Less Food Than Normal This is one of the more severe signs of a stressed gerbil since it can be indicative of malnourishment. You can do this by providing a comfortable place for it to sleep, big toys to play with, and enough food and water. If your gerbil suddenly stops eating or starts losing weight, its a sign that something is wrong. You can help a depressed gerbil to recover by spending time with your pet and showing them affection. Your gerbil may also be stressed because of your behavior. This article is going to break down what can happen when your gerbil becomes stressed or unhealthy based on their body language, so you know what to look out for. It wont be allowed back into the burrow until they all get along again. and more. From observation, it seems obvious that your gerbil can experience emotions for some things, even if those feelings arent as complex as human feelings. Communication is clearly important to them. The most Mongolian Gerbil Care: The Complete Guide. Each gerbil will periodically move out from the burrow to search for food and come back when its done. The stressed axolotl gills will be forward curled, and this is an early sign that your axolotl is starting to feel uncomfortable with the condition of his tank. Is your gerbil lonely? The fights begin with the two gerbils standing next to each other, staring each other down. The gerbils ability to communicate has even been tested in a lab. Its a sign that they are happily bonded and that their clan structure is stable. Of course the red porphyrin leakage around the eyes or nose is very clearly a sign of stress. To tell the difference, you need to look closely at how your gerbils are behaving. In the wild, the losers of the declanning fight would go off to form a new group elsewhere. Well explain why gerbils fight and how to tell the difference between gerbils playing or fighting. Gerbils are monogamous creatures and usually form bonds with their mates that last until the end of their lives. The signs of a depressed gerbil include lack of activity, too much sleep, bar chewing, and floor scratching. When this occurs, both in the wild and in captivity, the other gerbils can become sad. Seizures are related to disorders of the nervous system, however, they may occur in the absence of any nervous system disease. But before the fight begins, you may notice something even if you arent stood nearby: squeaking. Take the gerbil to the vet for further diagnosis and advice. So try and control these situations so that your gerbil will feel more confident about its owner coming back to it as soon as possible. Its whole body may vibrate when you hold it or pet it. It wont eat anything at all and is likely to be lethargic. You can keep them in pairs or groups, but this can lead to fighting between gerbils. It varies in loudness and . Its difficult to re-introduce a gerbil into a large group, so starting another clan is your only option here. This is one of the more severe signs of a stressed gerbil since it can be indicative of malnourishment. Declanning means that two gerbils have decided not to live in the same group, or clan, anymore. If the ears are down and pointed back, the mouse is showing a defensive posture, especially if this is accompanied by stiff body language; he's saying, "Back off!". Separated, your gerbil can be unhappy, and sometimes even the flu threatened in any way space! As those in captivity loud children or pets, try to hide under.... End of their lives thats why a gerbil that has been overthrown and kicked out in fight-or-flight.... However, they will exhibit friendly behaviors such as lack of activity, too much sleep, chewing. 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