The leaders learned their job as they went, there was no official training. I appreciated that the book addresses nearly all aspects of the war: social, political, military, economic, etc. Abraham Lincoln And Civil War America Summary 721 Words | 3 Pages. After all of this failure, Burnside was removed from command and the Army of the Potomac was out of commission for the rest of the winter. Why did Lincoln wait until the Battle of Antietam to unvail the document? ch 1: What was the fifth column? Catton believed that Booth was pretty much insane, as did most people at the time. How did Bragg use topographic features to trap the Union army? What was Grants strategy for defeating the remnants of Lees army at Petersburg during March and April of 1865? ; Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1961-65) or novelist Shelby Foote's lyrical three-volume study, The Civil War: A Narrative (New York: Random House, 1958-1974). Ch. This and other issues is what sparked the Civil War. Once slavery was abolished, i believe the south became more industrial. But by tricking Pattersons army into planning defense, Johnstons army was able to board trains to Manassas to reinforce Beauregard. 2. FREE Standard shipping on all items. ch6 Catton's writing is clear and easy to follow and the book is so interesting that before you know it, you are almost finished! ch12 He did not interfere with them or push the issue fearing that this would cause them to join the Confederacy. The book said McClellan was great organizer and had time that McDowell was never allowed. Helpful high-level overview of the Civil War. I will make my own initial entry for each chapter which will include questions to assist with your discussion. I agree with Chessa and Parker. This allowed Sherman the chance to take Atlanta. Excellent point Parker about Douglas. The Union farmer had increased production and increased wealth was because of many reasons. Even after this battle, neither side was really prepared, and it took both sides a while to get war ready. This meant giving up slavery which was a big part of their life. Because they could not get cotton from the South, the North had to turn to other industries such as the leather industry. While Sherman was making his way from Tennessee to Atlanta, Davis made a decision that he would probably regret later. The Union army broke the rebels streched lines and forced the Confederates to evacuate Petersburg. This campaign was risky because it was a complete reversal of the Union strategy. There were many Federals who wanted to see Conferderates hanged and many Conferderates who wanted to kill Federals; however Grant and Lees actions towards one another, representing each side, showed a sense of uniting the two regions. Johnstons men made the Confederates a much more legitimate threat. If in your opinion, someone has already effectively discussed a major point accurately and in detail, move on to another topic within the chapter so that all are discussed. Chapter 10 provided an interesting look at the armies and types of people in the armies in the Civil War. 4. They did not think before the war cotton was being produced so rapidly England and France had plenty of cotton to last them for a while; therefore not all the soldiers were armed. The slaves could run a farm with relatively little help but the owners, the main strength of the south, was on the firing line so nothing in the south could really be improved. Chapter 9 addresses the three climactic battles of the Civil War at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Vicksburg. ISBN13: 9781299195578 California by Bruce Catton See Customer Reviews Select Format Hardcover $5.59 Paperback $4.09 - $4.79 Mass Market Paperback $3.99 - $5.79 Select Condition Like New -- Very Good $4.79 Good $4.29 Acceptable $4.09 New Unavailable See All 8 Editions from $3.99 Selected Format: Paperback Condition: Very Good $4.79 Save $ 5.19! In addition, Grant would make a brilliant decision to change Union strategy from that of conquering territory, to that of destroying enemy armies. By 1865, the South had missed its chance. For the Union, Fremont began building gunboats and he placed U.S. Grant in charge at Cairo. The Trust also promotes educational programs and heritage tourism initiatives to inform the public of the war's history and the fundamental conflicts that sparked it. What were the consequences? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This tension on the slavery issue led to many problems. One of the arguments against invading the North was that they would leave Richmond without an army guarding it. ch10 When he was defeated by Lee at the battle of Fredericksburg, he was removed from his position. Chapter 4: Ch. England wanted the members back and a apology. During the election of 1864, the Republicans and the Union party nominated Lincoln and Johnson.The more Democrats along with the Copperheads nominated General McClellan as their Presidential candidate with George Pendleton of Ohio named for the Vice-Presidency. Grant noticed that theUnion Army of the Potomac and the Confederate Army of Tennessee had the same excellent record but both did not have adequate leadership so he put Phil Sheridan in charge of the Army of the Potomacs cavalry corps and he moved with it. So the South did not get any assistance from the French that were in Mexico. Now for those of you too young to remember, Time-Life used to publish these monthly book series on various topics. Before the beginning of the war, both the North and the South did not take the other side seriously. Bruce Catton is one of a handful of definitive historians on the Civil War. The first thing he did was move his forces in a way that simulated an attack then he quickly moved his forces in the opposite direction and flanked Bragg and forced him to retreat. The conflict (I think) was Bleeding Kansas and the surrounding violence over the issue of slavery in Kansas. After Burnsides loss at Fredericksburg, Joe Hooker took his place as the leader of the Army of the Potomac. 17 We will discuss each of these events in detail when we cover the Civil War in class. Democrats wanted a softer war and, therefore, opposed Lincolns election. Ch. They both wanted to surprise out-flank the other army in order to gain an advantage. Such as the north was undergoing an industrial revolution, while the south was stuck in aristocracy and agriculture. Booth was very boastful of his plans, bringing in a lot of attention. By the time he had defeated Hood at Atlanta, he had destroyed much of the Army of Tennessee. For a quick read of the Civil War, Catton is a good introduction into the topic. Also, transportation in the South was much worse than that in the North. What was McClellans biggest weakness? Ch 2 Good stuff. 8 The Union army had three major armies in the winter of 1862 and 1863. The Civil War had a more lasting impact on the South than on the North for many obvious reasons. Except for books, Amazon will display a List Price if the product was purchased by customers on Amazon or offered by other retailers at or above the List Price in at least the past 90 days. The Army of the Tennessee along the Mississippi River was commanded by Grant. How did the actions of Lee and Grant at the end of the war help contribute to a more immediate peace between the two regions? Great writing. Chapter 9: I do like his narrative style. Neither of the Cabinets were very capable, but if one had to be picked, Lincolns cabinet would be the better one. What steps did England take to prepare for war? So, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that this good, solid overview of the conflict does not go much into the details of the numerous battles - even Gettysburg. The fifth column had little outcome on the war. The people of Washington had tagged along to see what they thought would be a great show. Though Lincolns Cabinet consisted of powerful men, this does not mean they always got along. Describe McDowells and Beauregards strategies at Bull Run. Chapter 7: He constructed a new plan to go east to Fredricksburg, cross the Rappahannock, force Lee to battle between Fredricksburg and Richmond, then toward the Confederate Capital. Both sides made moves for the West, and during these conquests of the West, Ulysses S. Grant was first recognized as a good leader. Border states were a key in the war. 2. The Civil War by Bruce Catton However, Johnston was replaced with General John Hood which played into Shermans plans perfectly. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. How was the cavalry primarily used in overall strategy? I found it interesting that the first fighting in the Civil War, after that of Fort Sumter, was that of men in uniform against civilians. Anyone interested in the Civil War who hasn't read Catton's trilogy should do so and see what great story telling is like. The Alabama and Shenandoah were not very important, even though they drew a great deal of importance during the war time. He could chase Hoods army or cut a swath of destruction through Georgia and take away the Southern citizens willingness to fight. Aside from reading Doris Kearns Goodwins Team of Rivals (which is wonderful, by the way) and working through an EdX class taught by Eric Foner, I have merely collected books on the subject in anticipation of delving deeply into the conflict, politics, characters and period of the Civil War. 5 2. I especially enjoyed the latter chapters on the Army of the Tennessee and the War in the West, an area that I have largely overlooked til now. Rather they had farmers and other rural folk fight for what they believe a God given right. Lincoln had the Emancipation Proclamation ready but waited until the Battle of Antietam because he needed a major Union victory before he unveiled it. January 6. (LogOut/ In the West, both sides made very innovative moves. This could have caused slavery to become a more passionate issue. The North and the South had two different way of livings. Chapter 11 tells us about how the lack of industrialism in the South damaged the Confederacy in the Civil War. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club thats right for you for free. The book that I chose to write about for my book report is Mr. Lincoln's Army by Bruce Catton. I was not thrilled with the fiction-like style of this book. Catton does an amazing job of including every part of the War and every personality involved in the War without getting lost in the details. Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation said that all slaves in the states that seceded from the Union were free, making the Civil war about slavery. The bloackade runners were transporters for the Confederates and Britain. Rosecran was in charge of the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Stones River. 3. In Terrible Swift Sword, Bruce Catton tells the story of the Civil War as never beforeof two turning points which changed the scope and meaning of the war. One interesting strategy of the Union army was the decision of Sherman to completely ignore Confederate armies and make a direct march from Atlanta to Savannah destroying everything in his path. Lincoln ordered that all issues involving readmission of states into the Union, restoration of political and civil rights, and the abolition of slavery to be left up to him. The title of this book is Civil War and it was written by Bruce Catton. Aside from reading Doris Kearns Goodwins Team of Rivals (which is wonderful, by the way) and working through an EdX class taught by Eric Foner, I have merely collected books on the subject in anticipation of delving deeply into the conflict, politics, characters and period of the Civil War. The Civil war had a more lasting impact on the south than the north because the south lost the war. Chapter 6 in detail discusses the second battle of Bull Run. Unlike European armies, the Union and Confederate armies were untrained, and very unorganized. Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. They did not have a substantial number of steam boats yet. Chapter 7 discusses foreign affairs during the Civl War, as well as the potential for intervention by England, France, and Russia. My #1 pick for Civil War books we should all have on our bookshelves is Bruce Catton's trilogy The Army of the Potomac. Something that covers the larger conflicts, movementsboth political and militarily, yet more well-written than your standard U.S. History textbook. He saw the British mail ship Trent leaving the US with Confederate commissioners on board. I believe this text would be helpful to someone who has been away from the topic of the Civil War for a long time (as I was) and needs a refresher course, or for someone who has an interest in the war, has gotten into it a little, but wants to get a nice overview so they can appreciate their later explorations on the topic. Chapter 14: 2. Lee left part of his force in Fredericksburg to occupy Hookers remaining men. I hope you are enjoying the book. This sounds good, but it was a long shot and it ended up being one of the most fatal wounds to the Confederate cause. Those battles showed to the British that the Confederacy did not have the makings of a self sufficient nation because of two things: 1 the Confederacy could not handle major battles effectively and 2 the Confederacy was divided and a house divided cannot stand (Lincoln). Describe the attrocities associated with conscription in the North and South. I thought of one reason why they didnt practice much. Chapter 10 discusses the differences between European armies and the Union and Confederate armies. Every glance at the news has to make us question our own collective enlightenment, our. This was because the North thought that the South was bluffing because that was what you did to get what you wanted on a dead-end political street, and the South thought that the North was incapable of raising an army if they wanted to and what army they did raise would vanish at the first sight of a real army but these thoughts quickly dissipated when the real fighting began. The Union and Confederate armies compaired to armed mobs. What keeps coming back to me is that Stephen Douglas was too smart for his and the countries on good. What was their objective in attacking Grant at Pittsburg Landing (Battle of Shiloh)? Sherman wanted to ignore the Union military strategy and show that the Confederacy was too weak to protect its citizens and their property. Catton's survey of the final year of the Civil War shows that it was both triumphant and devastating for all who were involved. Bruce Catton addressed that neither the North or the South took each other seriously. Tell your mother that I was wrong when I said you were approved to work on the site. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). Great flow. Less than 1% of our population is affected negatively by the war. The only problem with the South was the fact they hardly had any heavy weapons. One of the Union victories was Sherman capturing Atlanta. Niether side had any real training and certainly had no experience. The assaulting column fell back on Federal lines and Gettysburg was over. I have never been to another battle site here it was as easy to visualize the fighting. Book Review Number Five: year 2017 The Civil Warsoft cover edition. Why was this campaign considered to be high risk? The original government was mostly pro-union and was opposed by a pro-confederacy government which was formed by . The war was basically men in uniforms shooting men without uniforms. He correctly noted many Northern soldiers fought the war to preserve the Union rather than end slavery. The cavalry was mostly used for transportation and scouting of the other army. Describe the incident that almost brought England into the war in 1861? Compare and contrast the means of both Union and Confederacy to finance the war. The three armies combined under Shermans command in the West were the Army of the Tennessee (under James McPherson), the Army of the Cumberland (under Thomas), and the Army of the Ohio (a very small army under John Schofield). It was interesting to read about the cavalries and the advantage they provided the South. Chapter Eleven: By January 6 he got boats and men to Fort Henry, which was unexpectedly weak. Grant got his first recognition when he took Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Williams found him superior to Lee and others in Lincoln and His Generals (1952) and to his fellow Union generals in McClellan, Sherman, and Grant (1962). Why was Maryland more important than others? The Union Army also controlled the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers at this point. Bragg. 1861) (No. Him commanding one, and Jackson commanding the other. He took the rest of his men west to cross the Rappanhannock and Rapidan Rivers to flank Lees men. We will begin reading our second supplementary book, The Civil War by Bruce Catton. If these ships had been transported ot the Confederate army the outcome of the war would have been changed; however, the U.S. government stated if the ships were transported they would declare war against Great Britain. Nearly all aspects of the Cumberland at the Battle of Antietam because he needed major! Had three major armies in the Civil war and, therefore, opposed Lincolns.... Tricking Pattersons army into planning defense, Johnstons army was able to board trains Manassas! By Lee at the news has to make us question our own collective enlightenment, our a handful definitive! 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